Yitzhak Ne'eman


A Trumpet in the Wadi
An impossible love story - Huda, an Israeli Arab, and Alex, recently immigrated to Israel, overcome all difficulties.
La bestia de la guerra
Tras completar una misión durante la guerra entre la Unión Soviética y Afganistán, un tanque soviético se aleja del resto del comando y se pierde en mitad del desierto, alejándose cada vez más de la base y a merced de las tropas rebeldes afganas.
Embajador en Oriente Medio
Saika Soldier #4
Oriente Medio es un polvorín a punto de estallar. Israelíes y palestinos viven en estado permanente de guerra, aunque hay indicios de que están dispuestos a negociar. Un embajador norteamericano será el intermediario. (FILMAFFINITY)
The New Media Bible: The Gospel According to St. Luke
A dramatic presentation of the Bible from (New Media Bible), and producer John Heyman. spoken word-for-word from the King James Version by the narrator, as the actors speak in original Aramaic / Hebrew, this feature brings the characters of the New Testament and their world to life. The content follows Scripture entirely with no added commentary or embellishment. As you see the people, places, and events of The Bible come to life, you will gain new understanding and appreciation for Scripture.