Takeharu Sakurai


Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine
Many engineers from around the world gather at the Interpol marine facility "Pacific Buoy" on Hachijo-jima, in the sea south of central Tokyo Prefecture coast, to witness the launch of a new system that connects all law enforcement camera systems around the world and enables facial recognition worldwide. Conan, along with his friends Kogoro, Ran, Agasa, Haibara, and the Detective Boys, also heads to the island with an invitation from Sonoko to see the whales. He receives a message from Subaru, who says that a Europol agent has been murdered in Germany by Gin. Perturbed, Conan sneaks onto the police ship led by Kuroda, which is bringing them to the island to protect the completion work, and tours the new facility, just in time for the Black Organization to kidnap a female engineer, seeking a piece of important data in her USB drive. A terrifying howl of screws is heard from the ocean as an unknown person approaches Haibara.
The Woman of S.R.I.: The Movie
Detective Conan 24: La bala escarlata
Japón celebra el inminente comienzo de los 'World Sports Games', el evento deportivo más grande del mundo, que tendrá lugar en Tokyo. La denominada 'Bala Japonesa', un tren de última generación, ha sido creado específicamente para coincidir con el comienzo de la ceremonia de apertura de la WSG. Se prevé que su recorrido empiece en la estación de Shin Nagoya y termine en la estación central de Tokyo a unos 1.000 kilómetros por hora. Sin embargo, un extraño incidente tiene lugar en la fiesta de uno de sus mayores sponsors publicitarios, lo que lleva al rapto de algunos de los ejecutivos más importantes de la compañía. Conan deduce que estos raptos pueden tener algo que ver con los que tuvieron lugar quince años atrás, cuando el WGS se celebró en Boston.
Designated Lawyer
Suspicions fall on politician Tagane Seizo over the sale of nationally owned land to a social welfare service corporation back in 2010. Seizo Tagane is then given immunity for his testimony, but people become furious that he was not going to be prosecuted. A committee of prosecutors meets and concludes that Seizo Tagane should be prosecuted. An outstanding lawyer Yui Hitotsugi takes the prosecutor's position in the case with the help of the prosecutor Tachibana.
Detective Conan 22: El caso Zero
El 'Edge of Ocean' será la nueva sede de la cumbre de Tokyo, custodiada por más de 22.000 policías, ¡ocurre una gran explosión! Allí se encuentra Tooru Amuro, miembro de la organización secreta conocida como 'Zero' que controla la policía de seguridad pública de todo el país. Conan sospecha de una explosión ocurrida días antes de la cumbre y del misterioso comportamiento de Amuro, que se mueve en secreto. En ese momento se encuentran unas huellas digitales en la escena del crimen y coinciden con las huellas de Kogoro Mouri, ¡quien perteneció a la policía en el pasado! ¿Acaso se trata de una conspiración? Conan y Amuro inician la investigación alrededor del arresto de Kogoro.
Ranmaru: The Man with the God Tongue
Ranmaru is a shy, dorky guy with a tongue that can analyze any element simply by licking an object, a skill that allows him to solve all manner of crimes. With his cute, but annoying sidekick Hikaru, plus the steadying hand of friend Kanji, Ranmaru solves a series of strange events at a failing hot spring resort deep in the mountains. Ranmaru falls in love with a doctor who saves his life. The loveable, endearing Ranmaru and his band of quirky pals team up to solve a nasty murder mystery that devastates the village.
Detective Conan 20: La pesadilla negra
Durante una oscura noche, una espía irrumpe en la jefatura de policía y accede a los archivos secretos sobre espías de varias agencias especiales de inteligencia infiltrados en la Organización de los Hombres de Negro. Agencias como el MI6 de Inglaterra, el Servicio Federal de Inteligencia de Alemania (BDN), el Servicio Secreto de Inteligencia Canadiense (CSIS), la CIA de los Estados Unidos y mismísimo FBI se ven amenazadas por el robo de estos archivos secretos. Antes de que se realice el robo, los oficiales de la seguridad pública, dirigidos por Tooru Amuro, llegan justo a tiempo para detener a la responsable. La espía logra huir pero Amuro, con la ayuda del agente del FBI Shuichi Akai, logran abatirla durante la persecución.
Detective Conan 19: Los girasoles del fuego infernal
Aparentemente destruidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, uno de los Girasoles de Van Gogh resurge en una subasta en Nueva York. El grupo financiero Suzuki gana la puja y aprovecha la oportunidad para anunciar una exposición sobre los Girasoles completa, cuando el ladrón Kaito Kid declara el último objetivo de su atraco: Los Girasoles.
Sleeping Forest
A man is found dead in a office of Takayanagi Ballet Company. The suspect is a female dancer at the ballet company. The Takayanagi Ballet Company insists that the incident is a self defense case, but after an investigation there's doubts in that claim. Then, the director of the Takayanagi Ballet Company is poisoned to death. Are the cases related?
Ataru: The First Love And The Last Kill
Original Story
Ataru, who suffers from “savant syndrome,” has the power to discover, observe, see through, and deduct microscopic evidence of unsolved cases. Why does he always go to the criminal sites? What explains his strange behavior? Meanwhile, a mystery unfolds with Ataru and a woman named Madoka, who is a killer. The woman possesses the same extraordinary memory and deductive reasoning abilities as Ataru. Who is she?
Detective Conan 17: El detective del mar distante
Gracias a la Fuerza Marítima se celebra una visita a la nave Aegis en el puerto de Kyoto. Conan, Ran, Kogoro y la Liga Juvenil disfrutan de un viaje con la última tecnología desarrollada. Sin embargo, suenan las alarmas y se vive una atmósfera extraña dentro de la nave. ¡No pasa mucho tiempo hasta que se encuentra un cadáver sin brazo izquierdo! ¡Y el cadáver es de uno de los oficiales de la marina! Conan descubre que está a bordo el espía 'X'. ¿Quién es? ¿Cuál es su relación con el barco? ¡Dentro del basrco se esconde un gran secreto que supera la imaginación y hará temblar a todo Japón!
Detective Kenichi Itami from the The National Police Agency and Akira Iwatsuki from the cyber investigation team investigate a complex murder case. The victim was under investigation by the cyber investigation team. As Detective Kenichi Itami and Akira Iwatsuki delve deeper into the case, pressure from around makes their investigation even more difficult. Secretly, a national financial doomsday scenario is carried out under the plan of "X Day".
Oyari Haishaku
Kotoji Akame (Naoto Takenaka) is a shabby, middle aged low-ranking samurai of small stature. One day, in a drinking contest, he misses sending his lord off as he leaves Edo for Kuju. Released from service for this blunder, Akame becomes a wandering samurai. He goes on to steal lances from many feudal lords' processions. For Furuta, suffering defeat is out of question. To protect his domain and family, he takes it on himself to meet Murase and proposes an alliance between the Wako, Fuki and Ushizu domains. With the fate of the feudal families in their hands, Furuta and Murase pursue Akame. Each with something to protect, the men fight desperately over the lances.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
"Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney" traslada a la pantalla una popularísima saga de videojuegos ambientada en un futuro donde los juicios criminales se han convertido en desaforados procesos de tan solo tres días. Ante ese escenario, el joven abogado Phoenix Wright deberá sacar lo mejor de sí mismo para lograr resolver el misterioso asesinato de su mentor.
The Wings of the Kirin
A man's body is found under the statue of a winged kirin in the Nihombashi area of Tokyo. A suspect named Yashima has a car accident and falls unconscious while he is attempting to run away. Yashima's lover Kaori comes from Fukushima and tells detectives that he is absolutely not a criminal. Meanwhile, Detective Kyoichiro Kaga's (Hiroshi Abe) investigates and uncovers a point of contact between the dead body and Yashima. A hidden fact of the victim is revealed which even his children did not know about...
Investigator Yonezawa is searching images from the Tokyo Big City Marathon, targeted for a terrorist bomb attack. Within the images he sees his former wife Kazuko, and the following day he learns that dead body that looks like her has been discovered.
Yuka (Michiko Hada), a document appraisal engineer at the Institute of Scientific Research, sees a young woman fall from a building. By the time Yuka rushed to the scene, the woman was already dead and had something like a suicide note in her hand. You can feel the clearness of the character settings.