Grigoriy Dobrygin
Nacimiento : 1986-02-17, Rybachiy, Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR (now Kamchatskiy kray, Russia)
Dobrygin was born in February 17, 1986 in Rybachiy, Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR (now Kamchatskiy kray, Russia). He studied at a school in Zelenograd, Moscow Oblast. He graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography in the Bolshoi Theatre. In 2010, he graduated from the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts.
His first movies were Black Lightning (2009) and How I Ended This Summer (2010), which got him worldwide recognition.
His first English-language movie was A Most Wanted Man (2014), in which he co-starred with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Rachel McAdams.
In the midst of the pandemic, Inga, a well-known actress, finds a Central Asian migrant courier on her doorstep. Нe is unconscious. At the risk of falling sick, Inga allows the youth to stay at her place, but on one condition.
In the midst of the pandemic, Inga, a well-known actress, finds a Central Asian migrant courier on her doorstep. Нe is unconscious. At the risk of falling sick, Inga allows the youth to stay at her place, but on one condition.
In the midst of the pandemic, Inga, a well-known actress, finds a Central Asian migrant courier on her doorstep. Нe is unconscious. At the risk of falling sick, Inga allows the youth to stay at her place, but on one condition.
An unremarkable episode from the life of a Russian aristocrat.
An unremarkable episode from the life of a Russian aristocrat.
On July 30, 2018, documentary filmmaker Alexander Rastorguev was killed in the Central African Republic. He left a unique mark on Russian cinema, but managed to do much less than he could. "Rastorguev" - a portrait of one of the brightest and most free filmmakers of our time; direct speech and fragments of films, forming a single statement about the meaning of art, homeland and pain.
The story of a couple entangled in string theory and their own relationships. An excursion to the quantum multiverse, where every action of the heroes, every decision they make, exists in all possible variants simultaneously.
The city of Vyshny Volochyok: broken roads, snow and fog. The car service station in the suburb of the town where Olya and Vadim live and work, and love each other. Both are well in their thirties, they are simple and serious people, they share the ups and downs in their lives, until a third, superfluous party intrudes: the Internet.
The city of Vyshny Volochyok: broken roads, snow and fog. The car service station in the suburb of the town where Olya and Vadim live and work, and love each other. Both are well in their thirties, they are simple and serious people, they share the ups and downs in their lives, until a third, superfluous party intrudes: the Internet.
The city of Vyshny Volochyok: broken roads, snow and fog. The car service station in the suburb of the town where Olya and Vadim live and work, and love each other. Both are well in their thirties, they are simple and serious people, they share the ups and downs in their lives, until a third, superfluous party intrudes: the Internet.
En un futuro próximo e incierto, un brusco cambio climático ha conducido a la extinción de la vida en la Tierra. En un mundo de fronteras redibujadas, los inmigrantes son aparcados en campos en los que esperan poder integrarse en las ciudades protegidas por escudos magnéticos.
Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich of Russia
La película cuenta la historia de la relación sentimental entre el heredero al trono ruso, Nikolay Romanov, y la bailarina del Teatro Imperial, Matilda Kshesinskaya, desde la época en que el príncipe heredero tenía 22 años y la bailarina 18 años en 1890, hasta la coronación de Nikolay y su esposa Aleksandra Fedorovna en 1896.
In the society of the future, cleansed of emotions, where the manifestation of feelings is punishable by law, the meeting of the exemplary excellent student Maya with the leader of the rebels Dan throws them into the E-side - a forbidden dimension, where their feelings turn into fantastic superpowers.
The grand constant flow of life
The grand constant flow of life
The Prince
Una joven pareja británica se va de vacaciones a Antigua, la pequeña isla caribeña. Allí conocen a un carismático millonario ruso que asegura pertenecer a la mafia rusa, donde es el mejor del mundo blanqueando dinero. El mafioso les invita a una fiesta donde les pide ayuda para solicitar asilo político en Inglaterra a cambio de contar todo lo que sabe, desenmascarando a todos los implicados, sus compañeros mafiosos, banqueros e incluso políticos británicos... Adaptación de la novela homónima de John le Carré.
Without a doubt, Willem Dafoe really likes his gappy teeth.
Without a doubt, Willem Dafoe really likes his gappy teeth.
Without a doubt, Willem Dafoe really likes his gappy teeth.
Six various novels united in a one movie.
Six various novels united in a one movie.
Six various novels united in a one movie.
Sergei Baklakov
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
Trata sobre un solitario capitán de submarino (Jude Law) que, tras ser despedido, reúne una pintoresca tripulación para conseguir un tesoro hundido en el Mar Negro. Conforme la avaricia y la desesperación se hacen con el control de la embarcación, la incertidumbre sobre la misión hace que empiecen a surgir luchas internas.
(archive footage)
The main character is a Russian tourist who has survived a family tragedy and goes in search of God in the Holy Land. Instead, he discovers only the most banal worldly temptations, coupled with human ignorance and rudeness. However, he will still spend his 40 days without food and water in the desert.
Verano de 1788 en Rudolstadt, una pequeña ciudad rural de Alemania. La hermosa Caroline von Beulwitz está infelizmente casada, deseando amar y vivir plenamente. Charlotte von Lengefeld, su tímida hermana, sueña con encontrar un marido. Las dos son un solo corazón y una sola alma, hasta que él entra en sus vidas: Friedrich Schiller, el poeta que escribió "The Robbers", que se convirtió en una sensación de la noche a la mañana, y adalid de los ideales republicanos protorrevolucionarios. Durante el cálido verano, las dos mujeres compiten por él.
Issa Karpov
Un joven ruso, sin papeles, consigue llegar a Hamburgo. Lleva encima una extraordinaria cantidad de dinero, se declara musulmán devoto y presenta signos de haber sido torturado. Los espías de tres naciones, dedicados a la lucha antiterrorista, están convencidos de que han localizado a un importante terrorista islámico. Una abogada idealista, defensora de los derechos humanos, y un poderoso banquero son los únicos que conocen la verdadera identidad del joven.
Film about the order of things: everyone has his own.
Film about the order of things: everyone has his own.
Production Design
A disaster film.
A disaster film.
A disaster film.
A disaster film.
Vanya, a young scientist, has spent all his life in a satellite town next to one of the biggest nuclear stations. Just like his parents, Vanya works at the nuclear station, but only because his girlfriend, Tanya, also works in the facility. When the ambitious Tanya decides to end their relationship, Vanya must find his resolve and steer himself to true love.
Un periodista descubre una trama terrorista en Moscú mientras investigaba al servicio secreto ruso.
Russian Soldier #7
Alemania, costa del mar Báltico, mayo de 1945, unos días antes del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Una pequeña patrulla soviética llega a una casa aislada donde una anciana baronesa da refugio a un grupo de niñas huérfanas y a un niño que está decidido a continuar con la lucha.
An anthology of five films of five minutes each by five well-known Russian directors, inspired and financed by the chewing gum company Wrigley.
“Bloodrop” is an experimental short directed by Aleksei Popogrebsky. Originally part of the Experiment 5ive omnibus, hence the black envelope with the picture inside, which had to be the common element of all 5 films.
Pavel Danilov
Two men at a remote Arctic base begin mistrusting each other after an important radio message.
El film nos cuenta como un estudiante normal del instituto de educación superior de Moscú llega a tener en sus manos a causa del azar un vehículo que usado de una manera concreta puede volar. Nuestro protagonista se convertirá de una persona normal en un superhéroe, el defensor de la ciudad, un misterioso luchador contra el mal.
Can an epic tale of forbidden love transcend time and influence our modern world?
An absurd parody of advertising marketing.
A provincial actor once woke up famous.
A provincial actor once woke up famous.
A provincial actor once woke up famous.