Jean-François Elberg


Hello Goodbye
M. Sapin
French film icons Gérard Depardieu and Fanny Ardant star in this romantic comedy about a Parisian couple in their fifties who share a comfortable life, a beautiful home, a posh country club and a midlife crisis. Following a dream vacation to Israel where Alain (Depardieu) explores his Jewish roots, Gisèle (Ardant) insists they change their life and move to Tel Aviv. While Gisèle, a Jewish convert, finds her new life inspiring; Alain fights to embrace Hebrew, Jewish tradition and a new circumcision. Will Alain and Gisèle learn whether Shalom represents Hello or Goodbye?
Bienvenidos al Norte
Gas Station Employee
Philippe Abrams, el director de una oficina de correos del sur del Francia, intenta obtener de manera fraudulenta su traslado a la Costa Azul pero, una vez desenmascarado, le obligan a trabajar en Bergues, un pueblo junto a la frontera con Bélgica. Aunque cuando llega allí se encuentra con un lugar idílico y gentes encantadoras, a su mujer le asegura que vive en un auténtico infierno.
Dany Boon: Waïka
La vie de chantier
François Segall
Charles Boulin decides to sell his small apartment on Avenue Foch to purchase a little hotel in the western suburbs of Paris. But the hotel happens to be a decaying house in Argenteuil. He wanted to surprise his wife and daughter, but it soon turns into a nightmare when they learn they have move into this shack, during the work, along with unscrupulous workers ...