Sergei Dreiden

Sergei Dreiden

Nacimiento : 1941-09-14, Novosibirsk, USSR (Russia)


Sergei Dreiden


A Similar Man
Sasha Ivanov is an ordinary man who committed suicide: on a gloomy day he fell out of the window of a high–rise building. Our nameless protagonist is an ordinary detective who is investigating this case. when he reveals the circumstances of Sasha's death, he has to interrogate neighbors, coworkers, ex-girlfriend and other people who knew him. to his surprise, the detective discovers that each witness describes Sasha as a completely different person…
La fiebre de Petrov
annoying old man
Petrov es escritor de cómics y sobrevive con su familia en la Rusia postsoviética. Con el país sumido en una epidemia de gripe, Petrov y su amigo Igor se embarcan en una alucinante travesía marcada por los delirios febriles y un gran baño de alcohol. A lo largo de un día, ambos amigos deambulan entre los reinos de la fantasía y la realidad, fundiéndose en el presente y pasado de los sueños del escritor y también de la propia Rusia.
A Siege Diary
Olga's Father
World War II. In autumn 1941 the German troops completely surrounded one of the biggest Russian cities — Leningrad. 2,5 million civilians got trapped in the city. The German commandment decided to destroy the city with bombings, artillery attacks and, most importantly, with hunger. The most difficult first winter of the siege (1941 — 1942). A young woman Olga is walking through the whole city to her father. She wants to see him one last time to say goodbye and to ask for his forgiveness.
Van Goghs
Masha's grandfather
Mark Ginzburg is a talented artist who is always depressed. He's 52, but personal and professional success has escaped him. Many years ago, Mark moved from his native Riga to Tel Aviv to get away from his oppressive father, Viktor, who still supports him financially. Victor Ginzburg is a famous conductor. His work is his life. He never cared about Mark's feelings and tried to mold his son in his own image. Their highs and lows turned long ago into a love-hate relationship. More hate than love. Father calls his son by his childhood nickname Birdie, which infuriates the son. Son calls his father Your Majesty, which infuriates the father. After Viktor is diagnosed with a fatal illness, the father and son set off on a difficult journey that leads from hate to love.
Dreiden Suite
In September 2016, the St. Petersburg artist Sergey Dreyden turns 75 years old. He rehearses new plays, is shot by young directors. It is not assigned to any theater, it does not belong to any group. It exists by itself, suddenly appearing on one or another scene. The film is a unique experience of documentary observation of an actor for several years. The basis of the plot is rehearsals of one role in the performance of the St. Petersburg Youth Theater "Wine from dandelions, or Zamri." The process of the birth of a character is no less exciting and interesting than the performance itself. Around the main "rehearsal" story - episodes from life, stories about childhood against the background of their own drawings, paintings.
A story of a young girl Claudia who works as a security guard on a slowly dying metal plant.
Express 'Moscow-Russia'
This is a story about a guy who is willing to sell the soul, just to dial million views for your videos on YouTube. On the way to his goal, he turns into a fast train "Moscow - Vladivostok», where faced with an American actress, suffering aerophobia. On the way strangers expect such adventures that they lag behind the train that trying to catch up, moving our unpredictable and fabulous Mother Russia - After each of them need to be in Vladivostok exactly 7 days - for reasons which they carefully conceal from each other.
The story about a difficult post-war time. About destiny of the young lieutenant and the young girl, whose love passes through the hardest vital and moral ordeals.
Ночной таверны огонёк
Iron & Blood: The Legend of Taras Bulba
Durante miles de años, arios y otros pueblos han luchado por la hegemonía en la región de Ucrania. En el siglo XVI, son el polaco y el turco los dos ejércitos que luchan por el poder en la zona. Finalmente la victoria se decanta del lado eslavo, gracias a la ayuda de los cosacos, comandados por Taras Bulba. El jefe de los polacos invita a los jefes aliados a brindar por la victoria. Sin embargo, sus agasajos son despreciados por Bulba, incapaz de subordinarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
Help Gone Mad
Kind and lazy Jenya comes to Moscow from small village in Belarus for earnings. Criminal incident unexpectedly separates Jenya from companions and leaves him alone without money and documents. He has no friends or relatives in this big and hostile city and he is about to end as a homeless bum.
A Room and a Half
A semi-fictional account of the life of Russian poet Joseph Brodsky, who was forced into American exile in 1972.
Antonina Turned Around
The main character of this one - Antonina - a wife, mother, mistress of the house, wakes up after an unusually bright dream and realizes that she has not lived her whole life as she wanted. There were strangers around, people she didn't like, and it wasn't her life at all. She realizes this so clearly that even at the funeral of her own husband, Antonina does not cry, is not killed, and it seems that this death does not concern her at all. And this is despite the fact that my husband lived a long and prosperous life...
Nikolai Ivanovitch (as Sergei Dreiden)
Meyer Wolf
Based on A. Galych's play "Matrosskaya Tishina", "Papa" tells a story of a Jewish father who dreamed of seeing his son perform on a stage in front of huge audiences, he dreamed of seeing him as the greatest violinist of his time. To achieve the goal he taught his son Dodik how to play the violin from the yearly age. When Dodik grew up he left the small town he and his father lived in to study in the Moscow Conservatory leaving his past behind. But one day he has to choose either to loose his father or everything he has achieved.
Remote Access
Sergei's Father
An experimental drama about a boy and his illness, a wife looking for a site for her husband’s construction company and a beautiful girl who works on a phone sex-line.
The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter
Fedot the Shooter is sent by the Czar to find some special food for the foreign ambassador's visit. During the hunt Fedot meets his love Marusya - the magical bird-woman. Evil Czar and his no-less-evil sidekick General with the help of the local witch Yaga try to eliminate Fedot by giving him more and more complex quests and to take Marusya to Tsar's palace. Marusya helps Fedot to solve the quests successfully.
El arca rusa
The Marquis
El Marqués de Coustine, un diplomático francés del siglo XVIII con una relación de amor/odio hacia Rusia se encuentra en un viaje en el tiempo en el Palacio de Invierno de San Petersburgo -desde los tiempos de Pedro el Grande hasta nuestros días. Con él, un invisible realizador ruso (en off), que está confuso sobre la posición de Rusia en Europa.
Не делайте бисквиты в плохом настроении
Give Me the Moonlight
The popular TV journalist Sergei Kupriyanov recently became the country's main television personality and began to make his own program. But success, money, and fame cannot fill the void in a marriage relationship. Sergei's wife Irina lacks his love and warmth, and Sergei himself is looking for novelty, which he finds in the arms of his charming colleague Lena when Irina leaves for St. Petersburg.
The circus burned down and the clowns scattered
A film director Nikolai Khudokormov is on the brink of his 50th anniversary. He has the whole life rich in events under his belt: creative quests, several marriages and children. Now he has to live with an old insane Mother and seems to be indifferent to what is going on around. But at the same time he is obsessed by the idea to make a film which will be his best one. Nikolai makes every effort to raise the money for this project. And all the time he is followed by a mysterious stranger. She is a beautiful young creature who speaks to him about the vanity of the world and the meaningless of a human life. Finally, Nikolai realizes that he is speaking to the Death herself.
Цветы календулы
Viva Castro!
Young Kolya is in love with his singing teacher, but his life isn't easy. His father skips town after stealing some coins from a museum and his mother is sent to a labor camp as punishment. When the father returns a year later, Kolya becomes involved with the pretty young woman hired to nurse him.
Ventana a París
Nikolay Chizhov
Un profesor de música que ha perdido su trabajo se tiene que mudar a una habitación en un modesto edificio, cuyo último ocupante fue una anciana muerta hace más de un año. Esxtrañamente, encuentra a su gato encerrado en el armario, perfectamente sano y bien alimentado. Pronto se descubrirá el por qué del misterio, en esa habitación hay una ventana que comunica directamente la fría y empobrecida capital rusa nada más y nada menos que con París.
Abdulladzhan, or Dedicated to Steven Spielberg
Considering that Musakov’s Abdulladzhan (1991) was dedicated to Steven Spielberg, we might suggest that these four boys embody nothing more complicated than a conflict of youthful innocence with some ominous threat—the basic workings of E.T. (1982) or War of the Worlds (2005), say. That threat, however, is best understood not through vague nationalism or warmed-over socialism, but through the other reference-point of Abdulladzhan—Tarkovskii’s Stalker (1980). Musakov leaves his boys in a simplified radiance so bright and so overexposed that it no longer looks like the skies of sunny Tashkent, but a disturbing, borderless luminosity to match the flat tonal range of Stalker’s “Zone.” Our Uzbek boys are nowhere in particular; this is a broader domain than anything international.
Танк «Клим Ворошилов 2»
Tank Klim Voroshilov 2
The Fountain
Пётр Николаевич Лагутин, главный инженер ЖЭКа, зять Кербабаева, муж Майи
A story of a Moscow's apartment building that is slowly falling apart, literally. First, the hot water has been cut off by an old man from Asia, who could not stand it being wasted. Then the roof is starting to collapse. Finally, the electricity has been cut off. All the tenants of the building, no matter how different they were, find themselves in the same situation.
Опасный человек
Никодим Петрович
Chest of Drawers Was Lead Through the Street...
An omnibus of comical shorts.
Необыкновенное воскресенье
Of Those I Remember And Cherish
Smart Things
old waiter
There is a noisy bazaar inconspicuous shop with a sign "Smart Things". And the goods in it completely wonderful no ordinary thing to find. Anyone who would go to the store, they can buy there thing and pay high seller does not require. That's just not everyone will be able to such curiosities to really take advantage of.
Looking for a Man
At the heart of the movie - true stories about separations and meetings, about search of relatives, the proceeding many years after war.
A Ballad of Love
Leningrade. Galina works as a restorer at Catherine Palace; she is a sculptor as well and takes her profession very seriously and enthusiastically. Vera, a friend from art school, sees her loneliness and introduces her to her husband's colleagues - friendly Mitya and mysterious Andrey. Soon Galina finds herself torn between the two men.
Who Invented the Wheel?
While Defending the Front Line
Volkhov Front in 1942. The young political instructor of the counter-propaganda department of the headquarters of the division Rusanov is torn to the forefront. Together with an experienced warrior — captain Shaternikov — the hero gets to the forefront and transmits from the sound transmission programs addressed to German soldiers. And in the hours of calm passes several kilometers in order to see Katya, the signal woman of a neighboring sector of the front.
A Trip Without a Load
rescuer (uncredited)
Based on the story of the same name by Sergei Antonov. The young journalist of the central newspaper Sirotkin came to the Siberian timber industry to write an essay about the glorious driver Khromov. But soon Sirotkin’s inquiring mind calculated the trick of Khromov, who, noting one kilometer in the vouchers, traveled a short route he knew only, draining the remaining gasoline from the curbside. Having revealed yet another fraud, in which the director was also involved, Sirotkin realized that he would not write an essay, but that he would be lucky with materials for the trial. This was announced by the authorities of the timber industry. Khromov himself took the journalist on the return trip...
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