Andreas Cappelen

Andreas Cappelen


Andreas Cappelen


Handling the Undead
On an abnormally hot summer day in Oslo, a strange electric field surrounds the city as a collective migraine spreads across town and the newly deceased awake from death.
Clue: The Maltese mystery
The same day that Cecilia and Une meet Leo for the first time, a body appears on the beach in Skutebukta.
Father Johan has a dark secret he must keep hidden from his family.
Now It's Dark
When Lene seeks out her estranged husband in hope of reconciliation she finds him in bed with a new lover. Shocked, she flees the scene and embarks on a journey through the night that takes her on an existential rollercoaster ride of dreamlike encounters and into some very dark places.
Women in Oversized Men's Shirts
Brynjar Dale
The dorkiest thing in the world, according to feminist poet Sigrid, is the movie cliche of the young woman who in the morning dons her male lover's shirt, looking adorably "indie cute". But when she begins a relationship with Kåre Tryvle, she has difficulties living up to her ideals. Meanwhile, pregnant performance artist Trine is planning to give birth in a cage, dressed up as Marie Antoinette, on camera, and factory worker Astrid is looking for the son she had adopted away.
Capitán Diente de Sable y el tesoro de Lama Rama
Capitán diente de sable es una película infantil de aventuras cuyo personaje protagonista es muy famoso entre los niños en Noruega. Navegando y adentrándose en el mar, junto al capitán está Pinky, un huérfano con el que vive cientos de aventuras en busca de un ansiado tesoro. La aventura les lleva hasta el reino de Lama Rama donde Pinky podrá saber quién es su verdadero padre.
Things We Do for Love
Vaarala, a reserved romantic photographer, has an odd artistic vision of loneliness: he takes serial photos of an empty park bench in remote spaces of nature. When he meets and falls in love with the spirited, unruly Ansa, his ‘bench’ is suddenly filled. But in order to be with her he has to not only overcome his own frailties, but also the impending danger of Ansa’s volatile ex-con ex, and then Ansa herself, a woman prone to impulsiveness and impetuousness.
En busca de la estrella de navidad
Tratando de escapar de una banda de ladrones, Sonja se esconde en el castillo donde escucha al el Rey contar una triste historia: después de que su hija, la pequeña princesa Goldenhair, despareciese en la oscuridad del bosque buscando la Estrella de la Navidad, el rey, abrumado por el dolor, maldijo el objeto. Pero la única forma de romper la maldición y devolver a la princesa a su castillo es encontrando la estrella, antes de la próxima Navidad. Sonja, valiente, decide emprender un peligroso viaje en busca de la Estrella de la Navidad y para ello contará con una gran variedad de ayudantes mágicos.
The Orheim Company
Steinar Orheim
A strong, human tale about a boy growing up with an alcoholic father, but also an energetic story about teenage lust, pain and passion – about liberation and redemption.
Dan Treschow
Terrified and bloody, Oscar Svendsen awakes clinched to a shotgun in a strippers joint. Around him 8 dead men, and police aiming at him. To Oscar it's clear that he is innocent. It all started when four chaps won 1,7 million on the pools.
Twigson in Trouble
I den tredje filmen om Knerten har Lillebror og familien hans flyttet. Knerten har fått en sønn, Lille-Knerten, og lykken er stor. Men mor og far er bekymret for Lillebror. De har bodd i Bessby i et par måneder, men han har fremdeles ikke fått seg noen nye venner. Lillebror bryr seg ikke. Han liker ikke de andre guttene i gata uansett, og dessuten har han jo Knerten. De to gjør en avtale om ikke å ha noen andre venner. For alltid. Men en dag forsvinner Knerten sporløst…
Twigson in Trouble
I den tredje filmen om Knerten har Lillebror og familien hans flyttet. Knerten har fått en sønn, Lille-Knerten, og lykken er stor. Men mor og far er bekymret for Lillebror. De har bodd i Bessby i et par måneder, men han har fremdeles ikke fått seg noen nye venner. Lillebror bryr seg ikke. Han liker ikke de andre guttene i gata uansett, og dessuten har han jo Knerten. De to gjør en avtale om ikke å ha noen andre venner. For alltid. Men en dag forsvinner Knerten sporløst…
Tempus Fugit
Tempus Fugit is the story of a psychiatrist caring for an apparently schizophrenic patient. The patient claims to know the exact time of his own death, being in possession of an object, the "Deathcrawler", which can foretell when the user will die. Whether the object merely reads what is already there, or decides the outcome... we don't know.
Varg Veum Perros enterrados no muerden
Markus Vik
Varg Veum niega su ayuda a la política Marit Haug, quien ha recibido amenazas por su candidatura a presidenta de un partido de extrema derecha. Marit representa todo de lo que Veum está en contra y sólo cuando matan a la esposa del adversario político de Marit, decide ayudarla. Él entra en un juego de poder político nacional, donde nadie es lo que parece, y que debe seguir un rastro mortal de culpa, conspiración y corrupción.
Cold Prey 2
Después de la terrible tragedia en las montañas noruegas, la joven Jannicke es encontrada en medio del frío. La muchacha ingrsa en el hospital cubierta de sangre, helada y muy débil, pero cuando poco a poco se despierta, se encuentra rodeada de silencio y oscuridad. No hay nadie en el hospital, los pasillos están vacíos y Jannicke sabe que hay algo que no ha terminado. Secuela de "Cold Prey", un popular slasher noruego estrenado en 2006.
El hombre que amó a Yngve
Un joven de un banda musical de Punk y con novia se replanteará su orientación sexual cuando conozca a Yngve, un chico muy alegre y homosexual por el que se sentirá atraído.
Lykke til, pappa
Erland visits his divorced father for the weekend, but their mostly long-distance relationship strains his father's psychological health.
Jim is a 12-year-old outsider. One day Terje (an overweight boy who claims to own a pit bull) starts in his class. He considers Jim as his best friend, but the only friend Jim can get is the only friend he really doesn't want.
Monster Thursday
A quirky romantic drama set in remote coastal Norway takes the viewer on a tumultuous ride through surfing aspirations, extreme weather and love.