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Un científico loco inventa una fórmula para volverse invisible. Planea usarla para crear un ejército de zombies invisibles.
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Manuel es un pobre, pero orgulloso granjero mexicano que está casado con María. Cuando el lenguaraz vagabundo Santiago le propone que participe en el robo de un tren, Manuel al principio se resiste, pero acaba aceptando la propuesta por culpa de la codicia de su mujer. Corrompido por el afán de riqueza, Manuel empieza a tramar el asesinato de Santiago. Al mismo tiempo María hace planes para deshacerse de Manuel y escaparse con un apuesto extranjero.
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Hedy Winsor recibe una invitación para asistir a un baile de disfraces y se le presenta el dilema de elegir entre tres mujeres: Genoveva de Brabante, Josefina de Beauharnais o Helena de Troya. En su imaginación recrea los episodios más característicos de sus vidas, pero finalmente decide que debe acudir con su propia y exclusiva personalidad.
Script Supervisor
A group of men calling themselves 'The Pirates of Capri", headed by Captain Sirroco, who is really Count Amalfi, are trying to restore freedom to the people of Naples. The Queen is advised of the pirate's assault of a member of her court and she seeks to escape to Palermo. But, she is advised it would be good politics for her to attend a ball Amalfi is giving for his fiancée, Mercedes, who is unaware of the dual role Amalfi is playing.
Script Supervisor
Horace Vendig es, en apariencia, un generoso filántropo, pero en realidad se trata de un hombre obsesivo con una codicia sin límites y una afición desmedida a enamorar y abandonar mujeres.
Script Supervisor
Bangor, 1824. Gracias a su deslumbrante belleza, Jenny Hager manipula a los hombres a su antojo y es capaz de conseguir de ellos todo lo que se propone. Tras contraer matrimonio con un acaudalado comerciante, no tarda en seducir al hijo de su marido con el único fin de inducirlo al asesinato de su padre. Al mismo tiempo, se encapricha del prometido de su mejor amiga
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A doctor answers a suicide call in a Latin nightclub.
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Un peligroso asesino, apodado Barba Azul, tiene aterrorizados a los habitantes de París. A todos menos a Lucille, una modesta costurera que, desoyendo el clamor popular, decide salir a dar un paseo nocturno por la ciudad. Gracias a ello conocerá a Gaston Morrell, un titiritero que le ofrecerá trabajo como modista en su espectáculo de marionetas. La llegada de Lucille a la compañía provocará los inevitables celos de Renee, la amante de Gaston. Lo que ninguna de las dos conoce es que Gaston posee una cara oculta que desearían no conocer jamás.
Script Supervisor
A young classical musician becomes the conductor a high-school all-girl jive band to entertain the troops.
Nat Silver has been engaged 7 times already. This time, his 8th, he's really going to get married. But a visitor shows up, Shirley's old boyfriend. With a gun ! He'll kill himself unless he can have Shirley back, and Nat graciously gives in. According to Nat's mother, his Uncle Shya was unlucky at love but lucky as a matchmaker, and Nat is just like Shya. Nat tells his family he's going to Italy. But he remains in New York and sets himself up with a new name and new business, Nat Gold, Advisor in Human Relations...
The Light Ahead is possibly the greatest of Edgar G. Ulmer’s shtetl films. Here, the director counterpoints his pastoral Green Fields to criticize the poverty and superstition that oppress a pair of star-crossed lovers. Made on the eve of World War II, The Light Ahead is at once romantic, expressionist, and painfully conscious of the danger about to engulf European Jews. Impoverished and disabled lovers Fishke and Hodel dream of life in the big city of Odessa, free from the poverty and stifling old-world prejudices of the shtetl. The benevolent and enlightened bookseller Mendele helps them, turning small-town superstitions to their advantage. Based on Mendele Mokher Seforim's story of love frustrated by small-town ignorance, this luminous allegory of escape marries Edgar Ulmer's masterful direction with superb acting by members of New York's Artef and Yiddish Art Theaters.
Hardworking Minnie (Cora Green) marries "Dollar" Bill (Bud Harris) a shady gambler after her money and her attractive daughter, Sue (Izanetta Wilcois). Sue meanwhile, is in love with Bob (Carl Hough), an idealist fond of looking out over the skyline and saying "Harlem... there's so much to be done here--it's fairly screaming for leadership." When Bob decides to organize the community against local racketeers he little realizes would-be father-in-law Dollar Bill is one of them. Bill meanwhile has problems of his own: A vicious white mob from lower Manhattan is muscling in on his action, and bullets are about to fly.
Script Supervisor
An extramarital affair leads to a young couple contracting venereal disease.