Jorge, a former marine who arrived from Angola, is employed as a butler in a house in S. Pedro do Estoril, where the brothers Teresa and Carlos live, who have many friends "ié-ié", among whom stands out Manela, for whom Jorge ends up falling in love... after all, Jorge is the real owner of the residence, and he decided to take a closer look at the lives of his cousins, who settled there, during his absence overseas.
From the military planning to front-line operations of discover conquest of Mozambique by the Portuguese, to counter the Vatuas insurgency of 1894, when they were led by Gungunhana, a cunning strong African leader. Against the background of Marracuene, Coolela, Manjacaze, Chaimite and Macontene historical battles, two soldiers fight for the love of a coloni st's daughter.
Año 1288. El reino de Portugal se ve asolado por las luchas entre el rey Dionis (Dionisio I) y su hermano don Alfonso. Con la boda de Dionis e Isabel, hija del rey Pedro III, convenida cuando ella era sólo una niña, surge la alianza entre Portugal y Aragón. En medio de las intrigas de los cortesanos, Isabel se refugia en la piedad, al tiempo que la mortifica el hecho de no haber podido dar un heredero a su marido, que tiene varios hijos bastardos. Además Don Álvaro, confidente del monarca, odia a don Nuño, que le derrotó en duelo, y le hace creer a Dionis que su esposa es amante de dicho caballero.
The confrontation of two different temperaments: Figueiredo, a hard-working shopkeeper; his brother-in-law, José, disorderly and wasteful, heir to a family with noble titles but poor. Figueiredo tries to rescue José from this path of perversion that had led him to invest in an attempted theft, followed by a frustrated murder and seduction ...