Detective Harris
Después de que se ha salido de la carretera, una futura madre apenas sobrevive a un terrible accidente. Cuando se despierta días después, descubre que su bebé ha sido robado...
Sharp legal associates at a Washington D.C. law firm struggle to get along with their ruthless, ethically-challenged managing partner.
Nurse Maria
David (Mark Ruffalo) alquila un pintoresco piso en San Francisco y lo que menos espera -y quiere- es compartirlo. Ya lo tiene casi desordenado a su gusto cuando aparece una bonita chica, aunque bastante mandona, llamada Elizabeth (Reese Witherspoon) que insiste en que el piso es suyo. David piensa que ha habido un enorme malentendido... hasta que Elizabeth desaparece tan misteriosamente como ha llegado. Nada, ni siquiera cambiar la cerradura, impide que Elizabeth entre y salga a su antojo, principalmente para regañar a David por ensuciar "su" piso.
Privilege is an intelligently conceived, boldly anarchic, and wickedly insightful exposition on the culturally ingrained and socially divisive malaise of isms that artificially define and characterize empowerment in contemporary society: ageism, sexism, economic elitism, and racism. Yvonne Rainer conveys texture through the intercutting of archival footage, video, and film - as well as compositional layering through the film-within-a-film structure, elliptical (and self-referential) fusion of past and present, and the filmmaker's idiosyncratic penchant for superimposed typed text.
Woman #5 / Woman in Black
Czech refugee Krystyna travels to New York in search of her actress idol and fellow expatriate, Anna. After her own arrival in the Big Apple, Anna finds that celebrity often doesn't travel well, and she must go through a battery of humiliating auditions to try and get work in her adopted land. But when Krystyna and Anna finally meet, they provide a support structure for each other.