John Hammond


Heathens and Thieves
Lawmen, drifters, and hired guns converge at a Northern California ranch believing its Chinese owners possess stolen gold. When two drifters hear rumors that a Chinese railroad worker has escaped with gold and now owns a remote ranch in the wilds of Northern California, the desperate men set a plan in motion to steal the gold for themselves. Saul, the youngest of the drifters, hopes to win the affections of Zhen and his beautiful wife, Kun Hua. Saul hires on as a farmhand, while his partner Bill lurks in the shadows and waits for the opportunity to strike. However, waves of worse men arrive seeking the stolen fortune, setting in motion a deadly multi-sided face-off of bluffs, gambles, and betrayals. Heathens & Thieves is a western crime drama set in an American era when the riches associated with the 1849 Gold Rush, the fallout of the Civil War, and the impact of Chinese immigration were fresh in people's minds.
Laughing Dead
A young junkie emerges half dead out of a toxic river not knowing where he is or how he got there. His name is Hunter, and he can't possibly imagine the nightmarish reality he is about to face...and why. The landscape is a diseased post-apocalyptic Los Angeles populated by cannibalistic mutants, heavily armed survivalists and a terror-stricken citizenry that dares not wander the streets at night. This literal "hell on Earth" is controlled by Vincent, a genocidal madman who is even worse than he seems...a monstrous, ages-old vampire that has transformed the city into a human blood-farm and slaughterhouse. As Hunter battles to stay alive amidst the homicidal carnage and bloody spectacle of daily life, nothing could prepare him for his encounter with Vincent, the terrifying truth of his own existence, and a vampiric journey of lust, power and addiction that can only lead to utter horror and annihilation!
El hombre de los caramelos
George Olin
Roger Dollison es un oficial de policía que junto con su esposa Kendra está viviendo el sueño americano. La pareja tiene dos hijos, una hermosa casa y un perro llamado Rex. Sin embargo, sus vidas cambiarán radicalmente después de que el compañero de clase de uno de los niños sufra abusos sexuales en una prestiogiosa guardería del vecindario.
El Pródigo
Greg Stuart
El retorno de un hijo perdido inspira a una aproblemada familia a dirigirse a Dios para sanar viejas heridas.
Los mejores años de mi vida
Años 20. Después de diez años como reportera frustrada y escritora fracasada, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, una chica de ciudad, decide mudarse a Florida. Mal equipada para un clima subtropical extremo y, menos aún, para la escasa hospitalidad de sus vecinos, Marjorie pondrá todo su empeño en convertirse en una escritora.