Sachio Sakai

Sachio Sakai

Nacimiento : 1925-09-08, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Muerte : 1998-03-11


Real name: Yukio Abe. Born September 8, 1925, as the son of an electrician in Tokyo. Graduated from Tokyo City Asakusa Technical College. Passed the 1st Toho New Face exam and joined Toho. It is in sync with Toshiro Mifune and Hajime Izu. Debuted in 1947 with Kurosawa's "One Wonderful Sunday". Later appeared as a regular in the many Toho movies. It was nicknamed "Boo-chan" by the studio associates.


Sachio Sakai


(archive footage)
A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Turning Point
A middle-aged journalist looking to make her big break. After working the same beat on the "women's page", Yumiko gets promoted to editorials.
Rapsodia en agosto
Profunda reflexión sobre el holocausto nuclear de Nagasaki desde el punto de vista de una superviviente y sus cuatro nietos. Entre sonrisas y lágrimas, la abuela recuerda la historia de su familia y de la sociedad japonesa de su tiempo, tratando de llegar a comprender mejor el pasado y el presente.
Ultra Q: The 1/8 Project
The 1/8 Project Staff
Theatrical version of episode 17 of Ultra Q TV series.
Zatoichi: La oscuridad es su aliado
Última de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. La película comienza con Zatoichi encerrado entre rejas, no obstante le dejan pronto en libertad y decide ir a visitar a un viejo amigo.
Secret Agreement: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secret Leak Incident
TV film about the "Nishiyama Incident", a scandal surrounding the 1972 return of Okinawa to Japan. Produced to commemorate the 20th anniversary of TV Asahi in 1978 and released theatrically by Office Henmi in 1988.
At This Late Date, the Charleston
Communications Minister
A young man gets thrown into detention after an episode of sexual assault; he soon meets several impostors in the same situation.
Blood Type: Blue
UFOs appear on Earth, and people who actually see them suddenly find that their blood has turned blue. Soon panic and hysteria result in the new "blue-bloods" being persecuted by the rest of mankind, and eventually certain all-too-familiar measures begin to be taken against them.
Cuando el periodista estadounidense Steve Martin investiga una serie de misteriosos desastres en la costa de Japón, se encuentra cara a cara con una criatura antigua tan poderosa y tan aterradora que puede reducir Tokio a cenizas. La película es una re-edición, versión doblada en italiano de Godzilla con 80 minutos de metraje de la original "Japón Bajo el terror del monstruo"; además de varios minutos más de la versión editada en Estados Unidos. También incluye más de 25 minutos de imagenes de la segunda guerra mundial y clips de noticieros sobre otros monstruos de las peliculas de 1950. La película fue reeditada y luego coloreada a través de un proceso llamado Spectorama 70 que consiste en la aplicación de diferentes geles de colores a las imágenes en blanco y negro. La película también cuenta con una partitura nueva, compuesta por el músico Vince Témpera.
Hangyaku no Tabi
Japanese action film.
Outlaw Cop
Un mal policía participa en una violenta persecución para atrapar a un jefe yakuza. En su ausencia su esposa huye con otro hombre, que resulta ser el mismo hombre que él está persiguiendo. Cuando descubre esto, pierde los nervios y entrega su placa. La persecución se convierte en una venganza personal en la que el ex policía planea acabar con toda la pandilla.
Battle Cry
Nimaibashi Roh Wasuke
During the military phase of the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Sentaro joins a local militia loyal to the Tokugawa Shogunate in order to fight Imperial troops. But Sentaro's friendship with a pickpocket, who switches sides whenever it suits his needs, leads to complications that could cost Sentaro his life as they infiltrate enemy lines.
Lupin the Third: Strange Psychokinetic Strategy
The Maccherone organization is out to get a priceless national treasure. But when they see third-generation cat-burglar Lupin as an obstacle, countless assassins are sent to kill him on sight and kidnap his girl Fujiko! Can Lupin get the loot before the Maccherone gang, rescue Fujiko, and stay alive at the same time?
La batalla de Okinawa
Recreación desde el punto de vista japonés de la batalla de Okinawa, una de las más sangrientas de la campaña del Pacífico.
Gezora, Ganime, Kameba: Batalla decisiva
The Editor (uncredited)
Una plaga alienígena es liberada sobre una isla del Pacífico por una capsula espacial que se estrella y crea monstruos fuera de lo normal: Gezora, un calamar gigante; Gamine, un cangrejo terrible y Kameba, una descomunal tortuga. Luchando entre ellos destrozan toda la isla
Vampire Doll
Taxi Driver
Un médico investiga los asesinatos de varias mujeres en una localidad lacunífera. Su investigación le aporta evidencias sobre que hay un vampiro que es responsable por las muertes.
La isla de los monstruos
Bank Robber Senbayashi
Minya, el hijo de Godzilla, se encuentra en una isla donde las luchas por el poder son terribles ya que otro monstruo, Gabera, amenaza al rey y a su vástago.
Konto 55: Grandson of a Ninja
A Toho film featuring the comedy duo Konto 55, (コント55号), comprised of comedians Kinichi Hagimoto and Jiro Sakagami.
Konto 55: Mankind's Weaknesses
A Toho film featuring the comedy duo Konto 55, (コント55号), comprised of comedians Kinichi Hagimoto and Jiro Sakagami.
Samurai Banners
Kansuke Yamamoto is a samurai who dreams of a country united, peaceful from sea to sea. He enters the service of Takeda, the lord of Kai domain. He convinces Takeda to kill the lord of neighboring Suwa and take his wife as a concubine. He then convinces the widow, Princess Yu, to accept this arrangement and to bear Takeda a son. He pledges them his life. He then spends years using treachery, poetic sensibility, military and political strategy to expand Takeda's realm, advance the claim of Yu's son as the heir, and prepare for an ultimate battle with the forces of Echigo. Has Kansuke overreached? Are his dreams, blinded by love, too big?
Bonds of Love
Adapted from the Seicho Matsumoto story "Tazutazushi". Ryohei Suzuki, a manager at a travel company, is married to his superior's daughter, but tires of their authority over his life. A chance encounter with Yukiko Hirai one rainy night brings a new romance into Ryohei's life, and he and Yukiko fall deeply in love. Yukiko, however, reveals that she has a violent husband in prison - with only a week left until his release. Ryohei, desperate to maintain his social standing, brings Yukiko to the mountains in Nagano and sets in motion an unthinkable, tragic chain of events.
Golden Eyes
Middle-aged Japanese
A killer-for-hire gets mixed up with a cast of wacky characters involved in a gold smuggling route from Beirut to Tokyo.
El emperador y el general
Atsugi Air Base Crew Chief
Después de la detonación de las bombas atómicas de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, el ejército japonés y el gobierno se enfrentan por la demanda de los aliados de la rendición incondicional. El Ministro de Defensa Anami defiende el continuar luchando, hasta la muerte del último japonés si hace falta. El Emperador Hirohito se reune con sus ministros para solicitar la impensable rendición pacífica del Japón. Cuando el ejército planea un golpe para derrocar al gobierno civil del Emperador, Anani debe decidir entre sus deseos o su lealtad al Emperador.
King Kong se escapa
El comandante Nelson, del submarino Explorer, estudia el mito de King Kong, que le fascina, y aprovechando unas reparaciones se acerca a la isla de Mondo, donde según sus investigaciones debe habitar Kong. Mientras, en el Polo Norte, el pérfido Doctor Who tiene una base secreta, en la cual ha construido un émulo robótico de Kong, Mechanikong.
The Killing Bottle
Secret Police Officer Shimada
In Hong Kong an International Secret Police (ISP) Agent is murdered while investigating ZZZ, a group bent on assassinating the Prime Minister of Buddhabal. ISP Agents Carter and Kitami are assigned to the case. When the Prime Minister arrives in Tokyo for a friendship visit, Carter and Kitami are on hand to protect him. On hand, too, are assorted ZZZ blackguards. Several attempts on the Prime Minister's life fail, until finally the ZZZ introduces a new device designed to eliminate not only the Prime Minister but the ISP Agents as well: THE KILLING BOTTLE, then, is a pocket-sized container filled with a substance that can expand to thousands of times its size and throttle its victim, then disappear leaving only the corpse.
Rise Against the Sword
Farmer Abare Goemon is confronted by brigand-like samurai. He raises an army of farmers to fight them and does so brilliantly. When Lord Asakura sees the success Goemon has achieved, he attempts to recruit him to fight in a conflict between Asakura and another clan. Goemon refuses, and Lord Asakura sets out to destroy him.
Lily la tigresa
Wing Fat Henchman
Woody Allen parte de una película japonesa de espías ("Kagi No Kagi") en la que sustituye el guión original y los diálogos por otros completamente diferentes. El resultado es una película que cuenta las aventuras del agente Phil Moskowitz, que participa en una arriesgada misión para conseguir la receta de “la mejor ensalada de huevo del mundo”. Moskowitz, con la ayuda de las hermosas Suki Yaki y Teri Yaki, debe impedir que esa receta única caiga en las manos del malvado Shepherd Wong.
Aventura en el castillo de Kigan
Un soldado de fortuna viaja a lugares exóticos donde encuentra encanto y romance en la corte de un rey malvado.
After being mistaken for an Interpol agent, a man who was just supposed to go on vacation gets mixed up in a war between two gangs intent on winning the favor of a notorious arms dealer.
Policía Secreta Internacional:Llave de llaves
Kitami es solicitada por el director de inteligencia, Suritai, para robar una gran cantidad de dinero de la guerrilla contra el gobierno que financian las bandas de Gegen. Sin embargo, una vez Kitami se infiltra en una nave Gegen disfrazada, descubre que no hay dinero en la caja fuerte, sólo un cifrado en un pedazo de papel.
The Retreat from Kiska
In 1943, the Aleutian island of Kiska was fortified by a small contingent of Japanese soldiers. When word arrived of an impending attack by an overwhelming force of Americans, the Japanese Navy attempted one of the most daring and unlikely evacuations in military history. This is that story.
Five Gents' Trick Book
The 22nd film in the Shacho comedy series.
Set at the end of the Siege of Osaka this film follows the exploits of several members of the defeated Toyotomi clan as they cope with the post battle chaos and the persecution of the Shogun's army. Five samurai decide on different fates when it becomes clear that their side is being destroyed. One wants to attack the enemy head on in a final honorable death. Another decides to commit hari-kiri but wants to find a glorious view to do it. His close friend, the "coward", just wants to run and give up the life of a samurai. The final two set their own castle on fire to garner favors from the enemy and therefore avert their own death during the massacre of all defeated soldiers as
Operation Mad Dog
Film number six in the Desperado Outpost serie directed by Jun Fukuda
The Young Ace in Hawaii
Fourth entry in Toho's Wakadaishō series directed by Jun Fukuda and released on a simultaneous screening with Matango. Filmed on location in Hawaii.
Outpost of Hell
The fifth film of the desperado outpost series directed by Senkichi Taniguchi
Legacy of the 500,000
Igarashi, Keigo Gunji's driver
During World War II, Japan sends gold to the Phillipines. After the war, the gold is lost in the bay of Manille. Former soldier Takeichi Matsuo is now working as a business executive. He meets Mintsura Gunji, the boss of a large company, who offers him to go to the Philippines and bring back the gold.
The Weed of Crime
Toho-produced crime drama involving the drug trade.
47 Ronin
Esta impresionante historia épica ha sido a veces etiquetada como la versión japonesa de "Lo Que El Viento Se Llevó". Chusha Ichikawa personifica a un señor feudal poderoso y despiadado que lucha contra el virtuoso y joven noble, Yuzo Kayama. Ichikawa encuentra una victoria parcial cuando engaña a Kayama y lo convence de hacerse el Hara Kiri. La venganza será realizada por los cuarenta y siete samuráis de Kayama. Basada en una leyenda japonesa venerable, la historia de Chushingura ha sido filmada en varias ocasiones, pero sólo la versión de 1941 (47 Ronin) estuvo a la altura de la versión de 1962, del gran director Hiroshi Inagaki.
Operation Enemy Fort
Soldiers on the front lines in China during World War II are besieged by guerrilla attacks and attempt to destroy an enemy fort.
King Kong contra Godzilla
Versión japonesa. Una expedición organizada por el director de publicidad de un compañía de farmacéuticos, viaja a la isla Farou para recoger bayas rojas y captura a King Kong para usarlo en una campaña publicitaria. Cuando Godzilla se libera de un iceberg se genra un frenesí mediático con el combate de lucha libre mas grande de la historia.
Gorath es un meteoro errante (6000 veces más grande que nuestro planeta) que viaja inexorablemente en curso de colisión contra la Tierra, absorbiendo todo lo que se le envía. Los cientificos tendrán que evitarlo, pero la cosa es difícil ya que la solución propuesta para escapar niega todas las posibilidades de la física al apartar nuestro planeta del camino de Gorath. Tras una cumbre de científicos internacional se propone el lanzamiento de unos proyectiles desde el Polo Sur. Pero el calor provoca el derretimiento de un casquete y la liberación de Maguma, una monstruosa morsa gigante.
Pride of the Campus
Young Yuichi (Kayama) romances Sumiko (Hoshi) while helping out at his family's restaurant, singing in a band, and preparing for an important boxing tournament.
En el Japón de la era Tokugawa, un grupo de nueve jóvenes samuráis está decidido a acabar con la corrupción reinante y a acabar con todos los que están relacionados con ella. Consiguen el apoyo del inspector de policía Kikui y se preparan para llevar a cabo su plan. Poco después, aparece Sajuro, un personaje salido de entre las sombras, que empezará a actuar y a poner orden en medio del caos.
The Witness Killed
Japanese neo-noir crime drama movie directed by Jun Fukuda
A Man in Red
Takashi, who took the blame when his father shot a gangster, returns home after serving a four-year sentence, only to find it infested with yakuza running a dope ring. Battling gangsters all the way, Takashi searches for his former girlfriend, now a drug addict.
Sir Galahad in Campus
The first instalment in Toho's popular Wakadaishō (Young Guy) series.
Yojimbo (El mercenario)
First Foot Soldier
En el siglo XIX, en un Japón todavía feudal, un samurái llega a un poblado, donde dos bandas de mercenarios luchan entre sí por el control del territorio. Muy pronto el recién llegado da muestras de ser un guerrero invencible, por lo que los jefes de las dos bandas intentan contratar sus servicios.
Big Shots Die at Dawn
An early Okamoto yakuza film, though it's not in the Underworld series (along with The Last Gunfight and The Big Boss) despite being alternatively known as "Death of the Boss." While Okamoto did not write this film and took on the project because he was assigned and "just doing [his] job" according to an interview with Chris Desjardins in Outlaw Masters of Japanese Film, he did express a general excitement about working in action cinema (which shows through in this film's energy.)
Blueprint of Murder
Yuzo Kayama plays the protagonist, a whale-hunting cannon manufactuing supervisor, whose brother is an automobile tester for Komatsu Motors which has a fatal accident. As his brother investigates the "Accident" with his old college friend (makoto Sato), now a reporter... They stumble across murder, espionage and cover-ups. High-class night club, femme fatale, and a "Blueprint of Murder" all adds up to a bigger plot then first expected.
Daredevil in the Castle
Kai Hayami
During the raging war between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans, the swordsman Mohei (whose family has been completely decimated) is recruited by Toyotomi to overcome the seat of power, Osaka Castle. Mohei's daredevil skills will be put to severe tests.
Westward Desperado
Follow-up to Desperado Outpost (1959) sees Japanese soldiers seeking the flag of a defeated regiment in China.
The Dangerous Kiss
Starring Akira Takarada as a lightweight boxing champion.
The Secret of the Telegian
Men are being murdered by a psycho called "The Telegian," who uses a matter-transmitting device to locate his victims.
The Gambling Samurai
Chuji Kunisada vuelve a su pueblo natal y descubre que Jubei Matsui, un juez corrupto, ha sido el responsable de la destrucción de la familia Kunisada. Una nueva tragedia lleva a Chuji a unirse a una banda que vive en el bosque robando a los ricos para dárselo a los pobres, siempre con un ojo puesto en vengarse del Magistrado Matsui.
The Last Gunfight
Japanese police detective Saburo Fujioka is suspected of corruption, demoted, and sent to the city of Kojin. Kojin is the scene of fierce fighting between rival gangs. Fujioka is assigned to investigate the death of the wife of gangster Tetsuo Maruyama of the Kozuka gang, probably at the hands of one of the Oka gang. During a gang gunfight, Maruyama is rescued by Detective Fujioka and the two become friends. But Maruyama insists on avenging his wife's murder, even if it means conflict with his new friend.
Desperado Outpost
When Sergeant Okubo's brother is murdered at a Japanese outpost in Northern China during the Second World War, Okubo poses as a war correspondent and seeks out his brother's killer.
Saga of the Vagabonds
Lord Taro must deliver a money chest but is robbed by brigands led by Jibu. One of Jibu's men, Rokuro, steals the money from Jibu, but after meeting and befriending Taro, Rokuro decides to return the money to Taro. But Taro's unscrupulous brother Jiro falsely accuse Taro of the theft, and Taro reactively joins the outlaw band and encourages them to steal from the nobles and give to the poor.
Samurai Saga
Edmund Rostand's play Cyrano de Bergerac, transplanted to Japan. A poet-warrior with an oversized nose (matched only by his great heart) loves a lady. But she sees him only as a friend, so he helps another man to woo her by giving him the poetry of his own heart.
I Want to Be a Shellfish
On a post-war peaceful day in Japan, Toyomatsu Shimizu, a barber as well as a good father and husband, is suddenly arrested by the Prefectural Police as a war criminal and sued for murder.
The Story of Iron Arm Inao
Sadayuki Inao
An Ishiro Honda film.
The Big Boss
Ryuta and Mineo Komatsu are brothers, both yakuza (gangsters). Mineo, although complicit in crime, even murder, wants out of the gangster life, hoping to become a successful singer instead. Ryuta loves his brother, but Mineo's possible defection presents problems for the gang, and Ryuta realizes he must kill his brother if he wants to survive.
La fortaleza escondida
Captured foot soldier (uncredited)
Matashichi (Kamatari Fujiwara) y Tahei (Minoru Chiaki) son dos soldados huidos del conflicto bélico, que buscan el enriquecimiento. Cuando encuentran oro, se dan cuenta de que son vigilados por un silencioso y misterioso hombre, que finalmente resulta ser el célebre general Rokurota Makabe (Toshiro Mifune), quien utilizará a los dos soldados, ignorantes de la identidad de sus acompañantes, para transportar una gran cantidad de oro y liberar a la princesa Yukihime (Misa Uehara). Una divertida comedia de aventuras firmada por el gran Akira Kurosawa, que influyó notablemente en la construcción de personajes de la saga "Star Wars" de George Lucas.
Half Human: The Story of the Abominable Snowman
Third Skier
An American scientist tells two colleagues about the finding of an abominable snowman living in the Japanese alps, where it is worshipped by a remote tribe as a god, and how it was discovered by modern man after it raided a ski-ers' shelter following an avalanche, killing all inside. This is an adaptation of the Japanese film Ju Jin Yuki Otoko with added American-made footage, narration and music track.
The Hotelman's Holiday
A longtime hotel employee (Morishige) struggles to bring his old-fashioned ryokan in line with postwar Japanese business practices.
All About Marriage
Koichiro Doi
Ultra-perky model likes single freedom but feels ryosai kenbo ("good wife, wise mother") pressure, exemplified by her bored-to-tears sister.
Song for a Bride
An Ishiro Honda film.
Los Bárbaros invaden La Tierra
Un grupo de extraterrestres llega a la Tierra y pide permiso para conseguir un lugar donde su gente pueda vivir. Pero pronto se descubre que realmente son invasores, creadores ademas de un gran robot que está destruyendo las ciudades terráqueas, por lo que las fuerzas militares humanas tratarán de detenerlo con cualquier arma disponible.
Sazae-san Sequel
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-San comic strip.
The Paradise Island Story
Musical-comedy about nine soldiers deserted on an island in South Pacific.
Trono de sangre
Washizu samurai
Japón feudal, siglo XVI. Adaptación del "Macbeth" de William Shakespeare. Cuando los generales Taketori Washizu y Yoshaki Miki regresan de una victoriosa batalla, se encuentran en el camino con una extraña anciana, que profetiza que Washizu llegará a ser el señor del Castillo del Norte. A partir de ese momento, su esposa lo instigará hasta convencerlo de que debe cumplir su destino.
Ed Goldman vio el filme Gojira en un cine asiático de Los Ángeles y la compró inmediatamente para volver a vender a Jewell Enterprises, pruductora y distribuidora de explotations. Era un buen momento para las monster movies, pero las referencias a la bomba atómica y que fuera una película 100% japonesa (los estadounidenses todavía recordaban Pearl Harbor), los hizo dudar. Finalmente decidieron eliminar toda referencia antinuclear del film y añadir nuevos ajustes con el actor Raymond Burr (Perry Mason) haciendo de periodista, testigo occidental de todos los hechos. La película pierde todo el trasfondo social y crítico para convertirse en un mero entretenimiento; haciendo que la crítica destrozara el film pero que se convirtiera en un éxito de público. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Underworld
Yakuza boss Furuya leans more and more on his protege Takao Shoji, though Shoji has become romantically involved with Furuya's mistress, Natsue. Furuya himself has fallen in love, with a nurse after his recent hospital stay. As the gang grows more jealous of the favoritism Furuya shows Shoji, they decide to reveal Shoji's relationship with Natsue. But Furuya's affection for Shoji cannot be easily destroyed, even in the gang war that erupts.
Sudden Rain
A husband and wife's pet peeves and minor irritations escalate into major rifts and animosity.
Samurái 3: Duelo en la isla Ganryu
Matahachi Honiden (uncredited)
Takezo abandona su condición de samurai errante para vivir tranquila y humildemente con su amada Otsu, rechazando trabajar como maestro samurai para el líder del clan más poderoso del Japón. No obstante, Takezo accede a luchar con el joven y habilidoso guerrero Sasaki Kojiro. El combate final tendrá lugar en la isla Ganryu.
Half Human
Three competing parties all race against time to track down an elusive creature known only as the Snowman.
Samurái 2
Matahachi Honiden
Tras años recorriendo multitud de lugares, labrando su reputación como el más grande luchador del Japón, Takezo regresa a Kioto para enfrentarse al líder de la más prestigiosa escuela de samurais de la región. Como demostración de su valor, Takezo se dirige deliberadamente hacia una emboscada preparada por los seguidores de la escuela, mientras el joven y brillante luchador Sasaki Kojiro le observa, con el convencimiento de que puede derrotar a Takezo...
A Man Among Men
Gangsters Ken and Maki are rivals in the ticket-scalping game. They make an uneasy truce, but Ken wrecks the truce by agreeing to fix a boxing match in which Maki has an interest in one of the fighters. After a terrible brawl, the two gangsters discover that they have both been played for suckers by their bosses. They join forces to turn the tables on the bosses.
Godzilla, Japón bajo el terror del monstruo
Newspaper Reporter Hagiwara
Las misteriosas destrucciones de barcos en el Pacífico provocan el pánico. Los nativos de una isla afirman que el culpable es una criatura legendaria, Godzilla, un lagarto mutante convertido en un gigantesco monstruo a causa de unas radiaciones atómicas. Godzilla se dispone a atacar las principales ciudades del Japón.
Last of the Wild Ones
A legendary gangster raises himself out of a small town and gathers followers on his rise to power.
Los siete samuráis
Coolie #2
Una banda de forajidos atemorizan a los habitantes de un pequeño pueblo, saqueándolos periódicamente sin piedad. Para repeler estos ataques, los aldeanos deciden contratar a mercenarios. Finalmente, consiguen los servicios de 7 guerreros, 7 samurais dispuestos a defenderlos a cambio, tan solo, de cobijo y comida.
Jirocho's New Year
Eagle of the Pacific
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a brilliant tactician, is a loyal subject of the emperor, despite his grave misgivings about leading Japan's navy into war with the United States. He opposes the attack on Pearl Harbor, but, overruled, he leads his forces to the best of his ability.
Girls in the Orchard
The Last Embrace
Yukiko Nogami is rescued during a mountain blizzard by handsome forester Shinkichi, and the two subsequently fall in love. But when Shinkichi dies in an avalanche, Yukiko leaves the mountains in despair and takes a job in a bar where she becomes deeply involved in the personal lives of several of the patrons. One day she thinks she sees Shinkichi alive, but it turns out to be a gangster named Hayakawa, a man on the run who bears an astonishing resemblance to Yukiko's lost love. Against her better judgment, she is drawn to help Hayakawa, though clearly danger follows him.
Jirocho Begins His Roving Life
Jirocho the gambler hits the road.
The Man Who Came to Port
An Ishiro Honda film.
The Woman Who Touched the Legs
A screwball tale of a suspected “lady thief” and the detective who is on her trail, following her from Osaka to her home village, where she is going to hold a memorial service for her father. Of course, the detective falls in love with his prey.
Yakuza (uncredited)
Kanji Watanabe es un viejo funcionario público que arrastra una vida monótona y gris; sin embargo, no es consciente del vacío de su existencia hasta que le diagnostican un cáncer incurable. Con la certeza de que el fin de sus días se acerca, surge en él la necesidad de buscarle un sentido a la vida. Y cuando lo consigue se produce un cambio radical en su actitud respecto a los demás.
Tokyo Sweetheart
Following the Second World War, the lives of various people in a poverty-stricken area of Tokyo are entertwined. Pachinko parlor girls, shoeshine boys, a maker of costume jewelry, and a streetcorner artist all struggle to make their livings and to find happiness in difficult surroundings.
Forbidden Path
Forty-Eight Man
Jidai-geki by Kiyoshi Saeki
The Skin of the South
When a group of young geologists declares a mountainside marked for residential development unstable, they are met with scorn on two fronts. On one end, they must contend with the local villagers who balk at the prospect of relocation; on the other, they face the ambitions of the headstrong lumber baron, whose actions will only further destabilize the land. Their pleas for reason ignored, the scientists can do little but observe as nature runs its inevitable course.
Mr. Lucky
Vendetta for a Samurai
The famous showdown at Kagiya corner has been told many times, but never before with the realism and intensity of this version scripted by Kurosawa Akira and starring Mifune Toshiro as the famed swordsman who must face his best friend as they are forced to take opposite sides in a vendetta caused by the murder of a family member. Told mostly in flashback as the avengers await the arrival of their quarry, this film displays true heroism in the face of fear as most of the combatants, while of the samurai class are not skilled swordsmen. They contrast sharply with the true warriors involved in this battle. Araki Mataemon (Mifune), who was not only a direct student of Yagyu Munenori, but the founder of his own sword style under the Yagyu name is a powerful force ready to assist his brother-in-law against the murderer's allies that include not only another noted sword teacher, but the deadly spear of Katsumi no Hanbei.
Wataru Naohiko who has the prosecutor general as his father became a young composer and its symphony "saint" invoked the world echoed. But his disciple Uchiyama and his best friend prosecutor Daisuke Toki accused his music as a sesame of pause-only technique, not a truly heart-hungry art.
The Blue Mountains: Part I
Teacher Yukiko finds herself in opposition to conservative faculty and villagers after defending a student for being in a relationship with a young man from Tokyo.
El ángel borracho (El ángel ebrio)
Guitar Player
Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Crónica sobre la relación entre un gángster de la mafia japonesa ("yakuza"), enfermo de tuberculosis y el médico alcohólico que lo atiende.
Un domingo maravilloso
Shady Ticket Man
En tiempos de postguerra, dos enamorados pasan juntos un domingo, esperando que sea un día inolvidable. Están llenos de sueños e ilusiones e intentan ser felices. Pese a sus problemas y contratiempos, pese a las preocupaciones derivadas de los bombardeos atómicos de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, su amor les permite concebir ilusiones sobre un futuro mejor.