Michael Havas


The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia
Executive Producer
A bust of Stalin is cut open on an operating table, leading to an elaborate animated depiction of Czech history from 1948 (the Communist takeover) to 1989 (the Velvet Revolution). Some knowledge of the subject is essential in order to understand the film, which is entirely visual.
Executive Producer
Después de haber leído el cuento de Lewis Carroll, Alicia se queda dormida en su cuarto rodeada de sus juguetes, y en sueños es transportada al País de las Maravillas. A medida que persigue al escurridizo Conejo Blanco, vive peligrosas aventuras en las profundidades del Reino de la Niñez, que culminan con el juicio a que es sometida en la corte del Rey y la Reina de Corazones. (FILMAFFINITY)
The story means to develop through an uncovering of layers - strata. As writer Krumbachova stated: "With nature as a prison, an impassable barrier ... where every action is physically and psychically limited by the environment ... people are reduced to fragments of basic instinct and intelligence." Promoted as a psychological thriller, Strata provides little tension nor any real climax. The characters are ideas - not believably real.