André Cerf

Nacimiento : 1901-10-31,

Muerte : 1993-12-06


Las bellas
Las intrigas que urde la directora de una clínica psiquiátrica para apoderarse de lo que no le corresponde.
Trois de la Canebière
Le crime du Bouif
A poacher nicknamed "Le Bouif" is accused of having murdered his son-in-law, trainer of a horse stable in Maisons-Laffitte.
Le crime du Bouif
A poacher nicknamed "Le Bouif" is accused of having murdered his son-in-law, trainer of a horse stable in Maisons-Laffitte.
The Marriage of Mademoiselle Beulemans
Suzanne Beulemans's fiancé, Séraphin Meulenmeester, once tells her that he has... a mistress and a... son! The bad news falls rather well though given that Suzanne has developed a fondness for Albert Delpierre, a young Frenchman who has come to Brussels to study the brewing methods of her father. She decides to break up amicably but Séraphin does not dare admit it to his father, who becomes angry with the Beulemanses. Suzanne's uncle, a vicar, tries to settle the whole thing but the coronation of King Albert I gives rise to renewed resentment. Suzanne finally finds the way to solve the problem: she takes Meulenmeester apart, reminds him of his own misconduct when he was a young man, asks him to forgive Séraphin while her own father accepts Albert as his son-in-law.
La veuve et l'innocent
Nicole, a spirited lawyer, must defend, for her debut in the courtroom, the accused Panoyau. It is a failure, the death sentence. Furious, Nicole proclaims to Claude, her fiance, that the marriage is canceled as long as Panoyau is threatened. Claude manages to steal the guillotine and the couple go on a trip and discover the real assassin.
Si jeunesse savait...
Charles Vigne, a wealthy banker, frees Abdul, a good genius imprisoned in a vase. To thank him, Abdul grants his wish: to become a child again, while retaining the experience he has acquired. But the "disappearance" of the banker panics the financial markets and has disastrous consequences for the bank. Eventually, Charles Vigne will ask Abdul to give him back his real age.
The Bouquinquant Brothers
A provincial, Julie Moret, is hired as a servant in a Parisian bourgeois residence. She is courted by one of the Bouquinquant brothers, Léon, who does not take long to ask her to marry him. Alas, Léon turns out to be violent, alcoholic and lazy. Faced with her misfortune, Julie gets closer to her brother-in-law Pierre, the opposite of Léon, serious and hardworking, and they become lovers. The drama will rush when Julie becomes pregnant with Pierre.
Comedy of Happiness
Monsieur Jourdain is a dangerous madman : he wants to share his fortune! His relatives do what any sensible fellow on earth would do: they have him committed to a mental hospital. But Jourdain manages to escape and decides to make everybody happy except... his heirs!
La Mode rêvée
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Denise Moret joins her husband, Pierre, in Mongolia where he works as a civil engineer. One night she loose a lot of money ont eh roulette and therefore is forced to borrow money from Prince Lee-Lang. The Prince immediately begins to flirt and make advances towards Denise. Advances she rejects.
The Citadel of Silence
During the students ' rebellion against Nicholas the Second in Russia, Viana tries to kill the governor but it's her lover who is arrested and sent to a sinister fortress : hence the title. To help the prisoner,Vania marries the officer who commands the place. There the convicts have really a bad time, but Vania manages to communicate with her dear captive. But beware of informers.
Forty Little Mothers
After finding and adopting a child, a man gets a job at an all-girls school which doesn't allow families. Once the girls find the baby, they become his forty little mothers. At the same time, the child's true mother searches for him.
Si j'étais le patron
An intelligent young worker, enterprising but boastful, repeats to all the winds that, if he were the boss, we would see what we would see. One of the main shareholders of the factory takes him at his word for twenty-four hours.
Scent of the Woman in Black
Assistant Director
The story takes place on the Riviera, where the title character may or may not be involved in various shades of skullduggery, including murder.
Little Red Riding Hood
Assistant Director
This is 1929: the little red riding hood is still with us and her life is more complicated than ever. She still has to go through the forest and she once again comes up against a wolf. This time around the big bad wolf has become a lecherous tramp who keeps stalking the girl trying to wolf her down ... in his own way of course.
Little Red Riding Hood
The Notary
This is 1929: the little red riding hood is still with us and her life is more complicated than ever. She still has to go through the forest and she once again comes up against a wolf. This time around the big bad wolf has become a lecherous tramp who keeps stalking the girl trying to wolf her down ... in his own way of course.
The Tournament
Siglo XVI, Guerras de religión. El rey Carlos IX y Catalina de Médicis visitan el Sur de Francia para apaciguar los enfrentamientos religiosos. En honor de la reina se organiza un torneo a pesar del edicto real que prohíbe tales festejos.
Escurrir el bulto
Un 'Bleu'
Jean es un poeta al que le disgusta su próxima incorporación al ejército. El trago se le hará más llevadero al coincidir en el cuartel con su criado Joseph. Mientras tanto, una tía suya se esfuerza por hacerle más cómoda la vida militar, recomendándolo al coronel Brochard. Mientras Jean se convierte enseguida en el blanco de las clásicas bromas cuartelarias, su criado, el mujeriego Joseph, se adapta sin problemas.
Charleston Parade
Tras la última guerra, un negro del África civilizada viaja a la Europa salvaje para descubrir el baile tradicional de los blancos: el charlestón.
Charleston Parade
Tras la última guerra, un negro del África civilizada viaja a la Europa salvaje para descubrir el baile tradicional de los blancos: el charlestón.
Assistant Director
Naná aspira a triunfar en el teatro. Después de un fracaso estrepitoso al interpretar el papel de dama distinguida, decide a aceptar las reiteradas proposiciones del Conde Muffat. Al mismo tiempo que se convierte en su amante se transforma también en una mujer cruel, indiferente y escandalosa. En "Nana" es indiscutible la influencia de "Esposas frívolas", de Erich von Stroheim (1921), donde la codicia se presenta como la pasión más destructiva del ser humano. Renoir le añade la abismal diferencia social entre criados y señores. El fracaso de la película dejo a Renoir completamente arruinado.