The film tells the story of Martin, a child of nine years, who one day disappears from private school where he studied. Police mounted a major search operation across the city to find him. All hypotheses are possible: What happened?
En la frontera hispano-portuguesa, un grupo de ex comandos especiales del ejército portugues se ve envuelto en un incidente con una banda de narcotraficantes. Los antiguos soldados, ahora cuarentones y barrigudos, tendran que olvidar sus rencillas para unirse de nuevo y recordar los viejos tiempos con el objetivo de salvar las vidas de dos de ellos, que son retenidos como rehenes por los narcos en un oscuro prostibulo de carretera.
Father António is a priest by vocation, committed and generous, dear people of Vila Daires a quiet village of the north. But Father António is also a man, and Vila Daires is not as peaceful as it seems. The good intentions of the Father will not be sufficient to halt the worsening of the conflict. And when your fate intersects with Lena, the "black sheep" of the village, Father will also be forced to confront his own demons. Especially with those who never even thought that could exist.