"Never Ending Journey" is a documentary film about the Barcelona Olympic Games, which tells the story about the significance of Olympic Games, for the birth of independent Lithuania and the consolidation of the country in the eyes of the world. The history of the Barcelona Olympic Games begins with Sąjūdis. In 1992, 46 athletes represented Lithuania, 13 of them – the basketball team and the discus thrower Romas Ubartas – were presented with medals. The Barcelona Olympic Games will become famous news to the world and will draw the attention of the international community to the newly reborn Lithuania. And it will be never ending journey.
Arvydas Sabonis
The film - an open, sincere, warm and funny story about Arvydas Sabonis life and career. This is particularly characteristic of a T-shirt with the number 11 worn out 2.20 m tall basketball giant Olympic and world champion, portrait.
La increíble historia del equipo lituano de baloncesto 1992, cuyos atletas lucharon durante el régimen soviético, se convirtieron en símbolos del movimiento de la independencia de Lituania, y - con la ayuda de los Grateful Dead - triunfó en los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona.
A film about a basketball legend - Arvydas Sabonis and a fantastic match.