Madge Boyd


Cuatro hombres y una plegaria
Tres jóvenes hombres buscan al asesino que mató a su padre, un hombre al que admiraban mucho. Su viaje les lleva desde la India hasta América del Sur, Londres, Egipto, y EE.UU. Mientras avanzan en sus investigaciones, empiezan a descubrir la verdad oculta y perturbadora sobre la muerte de su padre
Change of Heart
While Carol Murdock is becoming the golf-champion at the country club, husband Anthony is all wrapped up in his business and rants a lot about how much time his wife spends playing gold, thereby neglecting their home and him. Carol teams up with golfer Phillip Reeves and they win a tournament together, and Reeves becomes infatuated with Carol. Anthony rants some more and Carol packs up and starts the divorce proceedings. Anthony fights back by taking up golf himself.