Carlo Veo

Nacimiento : 1922-05-02, Roma, Italy

Muerte : 1995-06-08


Jaimito el Chulo
Cuenta la historia de Gigi, un pobre desgraciado, joven parado y sin aspiraciones de ningún tipo, que, vestido de forma ridícula, se dedica a fanfarronear con todo el mundo, amenazar y vacilar, lo que le meterá en mil y un embrollos.
Mi mujer vuelve al colegio
La sensual Valentina (Carmen Russo) es ama de casa y sufre a causa de no tener un buen nivel cultural. Un día decide inscribirse en un colegio privado, con el fin de obtener un título, a pesar del consejo negativo de Aristide (Renzo Montagnani), su rico marido. En el colegio, Valentina se convierte en el objeto de deseo de todos los jóvenes estudiantes, incluso del profesor Giuseppe Capponi, alguien muy estimado por ella. Se suceden una serie de situaciones cómicas, cuando Aristide intenta acceder al colegio para reclamar la atención de su esposa, y debe sobornar a Gustavo, el portero del establecimiento. Aristide opta por vestirse como un estudiante más, y termina siendo el blanco de las bromas pesadas de los chicos, quienes se aprovechan de la situación y lo llevan junto a la directora del colegio, una vieja excitada.
La posada de la maledicencia
A young man named Andrea arrives in a small villa and intends to stay in a hotel located on the outskirts. At the reception, a girl, Marta, urges her to stay better in the village, that they are complete. But the traveler insists and gets the room. There you will witness that the inn really works as a luxury brothel to satisfy the sexual whims of wealthy customers. Marta is married to a man older than her, anchored in a wheelchair, who desires Laura, a young lady who loves his wife and is a prostitute of the select clients. Marta embauca to the young woman promising that when they get enough money they will go away together of all that, but Andrea is not there by chance.
Nadie es perfecto
Diógenes Colombo, investigador privado, es contratado por la señora Beltramelli para indagar sobre la presunta infidelidad de su marido. Colombo y su ayudante Aroldo, se harán pasar por mayordomo y cocinera, respectivamente, para no despertar las sospechas del marido.
La profesora baila con toda la clase
Claudia Gambetti es profesora de gimnasia de un instituto de la Toscana italiana, llamado Fratelli Bandiera, utilizando su método higiénico-rítmico-deportivo basado en el baile. El profesorado no está de acuerdo con los métodos utilizados por la profesora, y así se lo hacen saber al director, pero gracias a su atractivo físico y a su habilidad en convencer a la gente, Claudia acabará consiguiendo, incluso, clases privadas.
Crazy, Crazy Love
Ninetto De Terenzi is a Roman who lives for the day, helping a lawyer in his intrigues and acting as a stunt double for a cheating engineer; he disapproves of the relationship his widowed mother has with a married man and is engaged to a good worker, whom she tries to betray.
Crazy, Crazy Love
Ninetto De Terenzi is a Roman who lives for the day, helping a lawyer in his intrigues and acting as a stunt double for a cheating engineer; he disapproves of the relationship his widowed mother has with a married man and is engaged to a good worker, whom she tries to betray.
Some crazy soldiers of the Wermacht, during the second world war, fight a "particular" war against the English enlisting among their troops even Sandokan.
La esposa virgen
Cuando regresa de su luna de miel, Valentina se encuentra desolada porque su marido no ha logrado cumplir con sus obligaciones sexuales. La madre de Valentina decide entonces tomar cartas en el asunto para que todo acabe felizmente. (FILMAFFINITY)
Deseo carnal
El profesor Luciniul no duda en despojar de su castillo a un viejo conde lleno de deudas. (FILMAFFINITY)
María Rosa la mirona
La joven y bella María Rosa se convierte en la nueva criada de un hotel de dos estrellas en la ciudad de Roma. Pronto descubrirá que el botones del hotel la observa a través de una agujero en la pared de su habitación.
Joven y bella deshonrada con honor
Un juez cierra una fábrica de quesos por contaminación. El dueño, intentando volver a abrir su fábrica, soborna a un monseñor y este le apunta a un funcionario que podría prestarse a un arreglo. Al descubrir el gusto del funcionario por las mujeres de otros hombres, envía a su asistente tartamudo a contratar una prostituta que se haga pasar por su esposa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los cuatro de Fort Apache
Una banda de mexicanos, liderados por un general algo loco, roba un cargamento de armas que tenían que llegar a Fort Apache. Para recuperarlo, salen en su busca tres militares, acompañados de Coran, un peculiar cazarrecompensas de religión musulmana.
La pícara y ardiente Ubalda
Comedia erótica italiana. Un torpe caballero medieval regresa de la guerra, y en su casa lo espera su sensual mujer, quien pese a atraer a muchos admiradores masculinos durante su ausencia, ha mantenido su fidelidad gracias al uso de un cinturón de castidad. No obstante, por los próximos quince días ha jurado mantener su voto de castidad. (FILMAFFINITY)
La bella Antonia primero monja, después demonio
Antonia está enamorada de Folco, pero su padre no le permite casarse con él, así que ella decide entrar a un monasterio como novicia. Mientras tanto, un pintor que es encargado de pintar su retrato aprovecha para enredarse con todas las mujeres de la aldea. El destino unirá a ambos en la cama en la misma noche de bodas de ella y Folco. (FILMAFFINITY).
Continuavano a chiamarli i due piloti più matti del mondo
The sons of a billionaire hijack an airplane because their father is against their love affair with two poor girls.
Continuavano a chiamarli i due piloti più matti del mondo
The sons of a billionaire hijack an airplane because their father is against their love affair with two poor girls.
It's a Woman's War
A girl is drafted due to a misunderstanding and this gives her the occasion to check on her boy-friend, whom she believes to be a womanizer.
It's a Woman's War
A girl is drafted due to a misunderstanding and this gives her the occasion to check on her boy-friend, whom she believes to be a womanizer.
Those Sweet Creatures
Ape Man of the Jungle
Notti calde d'Oriente
Notti Calde d'Oriente (released in English-speaking countries "Orient by Night"), the 1962 Roberto Bianchi Montero Italian mondo strip tease sexploitation documentary featuring Takeucmi Keigo and His Imperial Japanese Dancers, Bommie the International Dancer of New Orleans, Chiquita and her Jamaican Strip-Tease, The Two Jolly Sisters, and Dodo D'Amburgo the Queen of the Strip-Tease. Note that this was one of the approximately 100 "sexy nocturne" mondo style documentaries that were produced between 1959 and 1970, mainly in Italy. They are documentaries that include segments of strippers, which allowed them to include nudity that had formerly only been seen in nudist movies. The strippers are shown performing their acts, and there was an attempt to film them artistically.
Pesci d'oro e bikini d'argento
La gente que participa en un concurso radiofónico compite por un pez de oro, como primer premio, y un bikini de plata como segundo.
Le magnifiche 7
Le magnifiche 7
Sword Without a Country
In Renaissance Italy, the young and beautiful Gigliola resists her adopted father's effort to marry her off to a wealthy older suitor. Instead, Gigliola loves Cino, a humble troubador. When Cino kills the suitor in a moment of impulsive anger, he's condemned to death, but Cino's friends rescue him. Gigliola persuades Cino to take her with him. Together they join the rebels seeking to free the land from tyranny.
Sword Without a Country
In Renaissance Italy, the young and beautiful Gigliola resists her adopted father's effort to marry her off to a wealthy older suitor. Instead, Gigliola loves Cino, a humble troubador. When Cino kills the suitor in a moment of impulsive anger, he's condemned to death, but Cino's friends rescue him. Gigliola persuades Cino to take her with him. Together they join the rebels seeking to free the land from tyranny.
Le ambiziose
Thirty girls arrive in a seaside town to participate in a beauty contest. Marina has no ambitions of victory: she only wants to have the sewing machine promised to each participant.
Il mio amico Jekyll
Professor Fabius has found a way of transferring his personality to another person and he transfers his to the body of Giacinto Floria, a nice teacher in a women's college. Poor Giacinto becomes a sex maniac to the puzzlement of his girlfriend Mafalda.
Il mio amico Jekyll
Professor Fabius has found a way of transferring his personality to another person and he transfers his to the body of Giacinto Floria, a nice teacher in a women's college. Poor Giacinto becomes a sex maniac to the puzzlement of his girlfriend Mafalda.
El caballero de la banda negra
Adaptación de una novela de Luigi Capranica, que ilustra las aventuras más bien apócrifas de uno de los miembros más legendarios de la familia Médicis, Juan de Médicis. (FILMAFFINITY)
El caballero de la banda negra
Adaptación de una novela de Luigi Capranica, que ilustra las aventuras más bien apócrifas de uno de los miembros más legendarios de la familia Médicis, Juan de Médicis. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Mysterious Swordsman
Count Ubaldo desires to make an unfavorable alliance with the Spanish armies. When Riccardo refuses to go along with the plans, he is ambushed in the forest and left for dead. However, he returns with a vengeance, organizes a band of marauders, and begins to pick away at Ubaldo’s forces. But Ubaldo kidnaps Laura, and Riccardo must storm the castle to free her.
Der goldene Falke
Il campanile d'oro
Dos ciudades imaginarias de Abruzzo, Rocca di sopra y Rocca di sotto, compiten anualmente en una competición que consiste en escalar el campanario. El país ganador tiene derecho a izar y mantener el estandarte de la ciudad de origen durante todo el año.
Tua per la vita
A humble young woman takes care of his sister's child while also hiding her feelings towards her sister's lover.
Papà Pacifico
After she inherits a huge sum of money, a girl suddenly leaves a working-class man that she previously used to fancy.
Fermi tutti... arrivo io!
A private detective and a girl obsessed with thriller novels investigate the murder of a rich entrepreneur.
I, Hamlet