Shigeru Kajiwara (Joe Odagiri) works part-time at a company that sells mysterious health food. One day, the other employees run off with the company's money.
(segment "Musume Gokoro")
Based on four early novellas by Noble Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata, this omnibus of four short films are by emerging directors from the second graduating class of the new Graduate School of Film and New Media at Japan’s top art school, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music (Tokyo Geidai), where famed directors Takeshi Kitano and Kiyoshi Kurosawa teach.
The second feature from female director Shindo Kaze (Love/Juice), Princess in an Iron Helmet (a.k.a. Korogare! Tamako) is a bright and colorful youth film about a quirky young woman's reluctant coming-of-age journey. Tamako (Yamada Maiko) is 20 years old, lives at home with her mother (Kishimoto Kayoko) and teenaged brother, and simply refuses to grow up. Ever since her father (Naoto Takenaka) left the family, she's stopped trusting people, and now lounges around in her own small, claustrophobic world. Wearing an iron helmet whenever she steps outside, she ventures only to her mom's beauty salon, the mechanic shop, and the bakery - the source of her greatest joy in life, sweet buns. Her world is static, insular, and safe, and there's no need to change - that is until her cat runs away, the bakery closes, and her mom falls in love with another man.
Maya Ito
El día de su boda, Mina (Yumiko Shaku) es asesinada. Su alma viaja a la Puerta del Rencor, donde Izuko, su guardiana, le da a elegir tres destinos: aceptar la muerte, ir al paraíso y esperar a la reencarnación; seguir siendo un alma y vagar eternamente por el mundo de los vivos; o maldecir a una persona y matarla. A la dificultad de semejante decisión, se suma el sufrimiento de su novio Kôhei, con quien Mina no puede comunicarse en tanto que alma, un encuentro con el responsable de su muerte, Tatsuya Kudo, ingeniero genético de fama internacional, y la amenaza de más muertes. La frontera entre el bien y el mal se desdibuja ante la imperiosa pregunta.