Giancarlo Romitelli


Il torcinaso
George Ardisson encabeza una unidad especial de la policía en Atenas, que está tratando de evitar que artefactos antiguos robados salgan de Grecia.
Lo llamaban King
Un cazarecompesas deja todo para vengar la muerte de su hermano y el ultraje que sufrió la esposa de éste a manos de una banda de traficantes de armas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Chapaqua's Gold
Doc and Chapagua are two rogues who acquire a large stash of gold before the Civil War. They agree to hide it together, blindfolding each other on the way so they'll need each other to find the hiding place. After the War, double-crosses abound as Doc and Chapagua not only have to deal with the army, but with the seductive, gold-hungry Moira as well.
Si muore solo una volta
Mike Gold is trying to nail a terrorist spy ring who he believes killed his partner. His investigation takes him to Beirut where he is ensnared by a faux-damsel in distress called Jane.
Si muore solo una volta
Mike Gold is trying to nail a terrorist spy ring who he believes killed his partner. His investigation takes him to Beirut where he is ensnared by a faux-damsel in distress called Jane.
Z-7, operación Rembrandt
Un científico construye una máquina capaz de destruir grandes zonas de tierra. Un colaborador intenta traicionarle y vender el secreto de la fórmula que está escondida en una reproducción de un cuadro de Rembrandt.
Z-7, operación Rembrandt
Un científico construye una máquina capaz de destruir grandes zonas de tierra. Un colaborador intenta traicionarle y vender el secreto de la fórmula que está escondida en una reproducción de un cuadro de Rembrandt.
Dos caraduras en Texas
First Assistant Director
Dos pintorescos personajes viajan por el oeste americano hacia México para vender armas. Llegan a un pueblo pensando que van a hacer un gran negocio, pero resulta que allí todo el mundo es feliz, y las dos familias más ricas del lugar, están a punto de unirse con una boda.
Hércules y los tiranos de Babilonia
First Assistant Director
El rey Salmanasar, Assur y su hermana hechicera Tanit, tiranos de Babilonia, tienen prisioneros a algunos helénicos, entre los cuales se encuentra Esperia, reina de Hélade. Hércules interviene para salvarla, castigar a los crueles tiranos y liberar al pueblo.
Hercules contra Roma
First Assistant Director
Roma, año 244. Filipo el Árabe ha asesinado al emperador Gordiano y se ha hecho con el poder. Hércules ha conseguido salvar a Ulpia, la hija de Gordiano, y con la ayuda de Quinto Trajano, gobernador de Panonia, tratará de deponer al usurpador y sentar en el trono a su legítima heredera.
Totò contro il Pirata Nero
Second Assistant Director
José is a Neapolitan petty thief who escapes from the guards and hides himself in a barrel of Jamaican rum on the quay of the port of Naples.
El  Zorro contra Maciste
First Assistant Director
Tras la muerte de Felipe II, rey de Navarra, las princesas Malva e Isabel esperan averiguar cual de ellas le sucederá en el trono. Malva, cruel y ambiciosa, intuyendo que la elegida será Isabel, intenta apoderarse del testamento para sustituirlo por otro que le sea favorable y por ello contrata a Maciste con el encargo de conseguir el documento. Al mismo tiempo, Isabel, percibiendo la maniobra de su pérfida prima, contrata con el mismo propósito al zorro. Tras varios acontecimientos, el testamento llega a las manos de Maciste, quien sin embargo, se da cuenta de las malas intenciones de Malva.
The Conquest of Mycenae
Assistant Director
Gordon Scott plays Glaucus, the prince of Tiryns, a powerful warrior who goes undercover in Mycenae to infiltrate the evil cult of Moloch, which is exacting tribute from neighboring kingdoms in the form of attractive young hostages, both male and female. Calling himself "Hercules," Glaucus defeats Mycenae's champions and gains the favor of the voluptuous Queen Demetra (Rosalba Neri) whose son, covered in a dog's head mask, has been raised as the living embodiment of the dark god Moloch and receives sacrifices in his sprawling underground grotto.
The Invincible Masked Rider
Assistant Director
The Triumph of Robin Hood
Assistant Director
Adventure film about the popular hero Robin Hood, and how he and his partisans take on the defence of King Richard Lion-Heart's interests against his brother John, while the former is in the Holy Land.
The Triumph of Robin Hood
Adventure film about the popular hero Robin Hood, and how he and his partisans take on the defence of King Richard Lion-Heart's interests against his brother John, while the former is in the Holy Land.
The Triumph of Robin Hood
Adventure film about the popular hero Robin Hood, and how he and his partisans take on the defence of King Richard Lion-Heart's interests against his brother John, while the former is in the Holy Land.
The Hawk of the Caribbean
Assistant Director
In the mid-1500s, a ship containing Spanish prisoners being sent to a Spanish penal colony in the Caribbean sinks at sea, but some of the prisoners manage to survive and make it to shore at a nearby island. They organize themselves under the leadership of Juan Olivares (dynamically played by charismatic singer-actor Johnny Desmond), manage to take over a ship with some cargo that they barter for supplies, and eventually are asked to fight on behalf of the Spanish crown against the English... or is the request sincere?
Mariti in pericolo
First Assistant Director
Mario y Memmo tienen en común los negocios, el poco atractivo de sus esposas, y sus aventuras extraconyugales. Pero ambas cónyuges, que tontas no son, meditan vengarse.