Pim van Hoeve


Buenas Chicas
An ambitious young lawyer sets out to convince a Spain-based wine farmer to sell his property to her legal clients, only to fall for him.
Pirates Down the Street II: The Ninjas from Across
Los Piratas se sienten como en casa en Sandborough, pero el ambiente se enfría cuando los Ninjas vienen a vivir a la calle. ¡Después de todo, los piratas y los ninjas son enemigos jurados! Mientras el capitán pirata Hector Blunderbuss lucha por deshacerse de sus nuevos vecinos, su hijo Billy y su hija ninja Yuka se hacen amigos. Los Piratas desafían a los Ninjas a la batalla final en el hexatlón anual del pueblo. ¿Quién ganará el partido? Los ninjas son más rápidos y ágiles, por supuesto, pero los piratas son los mejores tramposos de los siete mares...
Los Piratas de la Calle de Abajo
Cuando una familia de piratas se muda al aburrido Sandsborough, los vecinos no están muy contentos. Michiel y su nuevo amigo pirata Billy intentan que la familia se mezcle, pero luego su archienemigo llega a la ciudad y planea robar un tesoro.
Orange Fever
As the whole country is preparing for the World Cup, all characters are confronted with the Dutch ‘Orange Fever’, which seems to either bring them closer together, or drift them apart.
La Momia Dummie y la Tumba de Achne
Dummie tiene nostalgia. Quiere volver a Egipto para buscar la tumba de sus padres para poder despedirse de ellos. Klaas ve que el viaje no va a ser fácil. Le da miedo volar a Egipto, cuesta demasiado dinero y Dummie no tiene pasaporte. Pero si la pintura de Dummie de Miss Friek se vende por una gran cantidad y puede conseguir un pasaporte, entonces Klaas, Goos, Dummie y Miss Friek podrán salir para Egipto. Pero, ¿estará aún disponible la Tumba de Achnetoet después de cuatro mil años? Con un plan de Master Drab, Dummie y Goos están investigando. Pero la búsqueda está llena de peligros y los mejores amigos entran en una trampa. ¿Podrá Klaas mantener a Dummie y Goos cautivos para siempre?
Dummie the Mummy and the Sphinx of Shakaba
Stem Papegaai
Dummie realizes that he is not as famous as his father, an ancient pharaoh, so he decides to rely more on himself and enters a special contest with the help of his best friend.
Dummie the Mummy and the Sphinx of Shakaba
Dummie realizes that he is not as famous as his father, an ancient pharaoh, so he decides to rely more on himself and enters a special contest with the help of his best friend.
Dummy the Mummy
En un pueblo aburrido donde nunca pasa nada, un niño encuentra una momia viva en su habitación. Es el comienzo de una amistad increíble.
Bernhard, Scoundrel of Orange
The older Prince Bernhard tells the story of his exciting life to Princess Máxima. After all, when Prince Willem-Alexander takes the throne, she will be his Queen and take up much the same position as Bernhard did as husband to former Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. His story takes us from Palace Soestdijk to once-German Reckenwalde with the young Bernhard, to Nazi-Berlin, wartime in London, Argentina and Canada and much more. It paints a portrait of the world from the thirties to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Bernhard survived the deepest of crises: accusation of treason by Ian Fleming during the war, corruption in the fifties and seventies, extra-marital daughters and even being the main reason for a dutch governmental crisis.
A romantic comedy set around a group of Dutch youngsters in Tirol.
Rather Love
As her last lover Dirk breaks with her to his wedding to give a new chance, Anna has had it. For her no more men. Never. That same day she meets Rob. And a few hours later Sander. Both men fall in love with Anna, and she also falls for them. Together they form the perfect man Rob for jobs at home and good sex and Sander for the romance and ....
Rather Love
As her last lover Dirk breaks with her to his wedding to give a new chance, Anna has had it. For her no more men. Never. That same day she meets Rob. And a few hours later Sander. Both men fall in love with Anna, and she also falls for them. Together they form the perfect man Rob for jobs at home and good sex and Sander for the romance and ....
Van Gogh; een huis voor Vincent