In the summer of 1990, six years after the first and successful reunion of Kaveret, the band members reunited for another concert tour under the title "Kaveret Returns". The film "Kaveret - Photos from the Life of a Band", released in 1992, documented this concert tour held in Yehoshua Gardens Park in Tel Aviv, in Caesarea Amphitheater, in Arad and in Eilat. The late director Zvi Shissel accompanied the members of the band on their journey across the country, heard stories and memories from them from the beginning of the journey and documented Kaveret on stage and behind the scenes.
In the summer of 1990, six years after the first and successful reunion of Kaveret, the band members reunited for another concert tour under the title "Kaveret Returns". The film "Kaveret - Photos from the Life of a Band", released in 1992, documented this concert tour held in Yehoshua Gardens Park in Tel Aviv, in Caesarea Amphitheater, in Arad and in Eilat. The late director Zvi Shissel accompanied the members of the band on their journey across the country, heard stories and memories from them from the beginning of the journey and documented Kaveret on stage and behind the scenes.
En el viejo oeste americano, 3 honestos cowboys, durante un viaje, se topan con un misterioso desconocido que les quiere vender un hermoso caballo negro a precio muy barato. Los 3 hombres aceptan y se quedan con el caballo. Al cabo de poco tiempo y sin saber porqué, los 3 cowboys se ven envueltos en una ola de robos y asesinatos y pasan de ser unos honestos vaqueros a convertirse en despiadados pistoleros. Cuando descubren que aquel caballo que compraron perteneció al legendario forajido "Billy el Niño", es demasiado tarde, pues el animal es víctima de un maleficio que convierte a quien lo posee en alguien maligno. El caballo, bautizado con el nombre de Jim, será ahora el principal enemigo de los 3 cowboys para poder salvar sus almas.
Yehoshua (Shuka) Stein
The movie, set in the Israeli 1969 War of Attrition, tells the story of a prestigious military band, and the tensions and ego crises new band members cause when joining the band. Will the band survive?
A documentary following Kaveret's last tour.