Jason Stewart


The Christmas Thief
Lana Lawton, a fledgling private eye home for the holidays, realizes the only way to save her career is by solving a string of local burglaries where the main suspect is Santa Claus. With little evidence and having to contend with a local detective with an investigative style that clashes with hers, the season may prove to be anything but holly and jolly.
Willow Creek
Associate Producer
Una pareja se adentra en los bosques de Willow Creek en busca de la foto que demuestre la existencia del bigfoot.
Willow Creek
Una pareja se adentra en los bosques de Willow Creek en busca de la foto que demuestre la existencia del bigfoot.
Armados y cabreados
Sin amor, sin trabajo y quizá con una enfermedad terminal, Frank ya no cree en el sueño americano. Sin nada que perder, coge su pistola decidido a terminar con lo peor de la sociedad. Cuenta para ello con un cómplice inusual: una chica de 16 años que comparte su rabia e insatisfacción. Hilarante ataque a todo lo que es sagrado en los Estados Unidos de América.
El mejor padre del mundo
Lance Clayton (Robin Williams) siempre ha soñado con ser un famoso y exitoso escritor, pero sólo ha conseguido ser profesor de instituto. Entonces Lance sufre a la vez la peor tragedia, y la mejor oportunidad de su vida; por fin tiene la posibilidad de la fama y la fortuna que siempre ha deseado, pero sólo lo conseguirá si puede vivir con que se sepa cómo la ha conseguido.
Deep Winter
Maverick downhill racer, Tyler Crowe, reunites with best friend and renegade snowboarder, Mark Rider. It doesn't take long for the old friends to take on a new mission. Together they head to Alaska, where led by a veteran guide, the two attempt the most daring descent on snow ever caught on film. But with glory comes risk. And this challenge is no exception.
Ocean of Pearls
As a Sikh man with a full beard and turban, AMRIT SINGH is often the target of racial profiling. But when he sees his dreams of becoming Chief of Surgery at a state-of-the-art transplant center dwindle because of his appearance, Amrit goes against a tradition he's maintained his whole life and cuts his hair. Hiding this decision from his girlfriend and family in Toronto is only the start of a series of compromises Amrit finds himself making as he deals with hospital politics and health care injustices. When his compromises result in the death of a patient, Amrit begins to reexamine the value of the religious traditions he'd turned his back on.
Closet Space
There are thin places between this world and the next where dark, ancient, unfathomable beings chew and dig, moving inexorably closer, driven by alien thoughts and desires. What happens when the hunger for knowledge comes up against the insatiable hunger for flesh? Six grad students learn the answer as they explore the depths of the Closet Space A hastily assembled rescue party turns into a movable feast where mere survival becomes a nearly unreachable goal. Can any of them escape or will the Closet Space claim each one, body and soul?
Ultimátum al planeta
Un comando de élite de los Estados Unidos aterriza en una selva de Hawai para luchar contra unos alienígenas que están elevando la temperatura del planeta con el fin de extinguir así la humanidad. Al equipo, liderado por el capitán Steve O'Bannon se unirá una fotógrafa que luchará junto a ellos para que los extraterrestres no puedan cumplir su misión.
Lost Reality 2
When nothing is sacred, everything is funny. More reality TV shows the networks wouldn't dare air from the warped minds at National Lampoon.