In his directorial debut Mad Chad Taylor, the renowned Venice Beach chainsaw Juggler, has created a one of a kind documentary that goes deep inside the hidden world of street performers. Amid rare footage of the most shocking and inspired street acts from around the world, one performer after another pulls back the makeshift curtain. Their acts are astonishing; their stories, more amazing still. Here is the tightrope walker, the razor blade muncher, the sidewalk samurai, the tattooed man. Meet The Fireman who lost his teeth to his fire-eating act, and the Calypso Tumbler who's buying up real estate in the Caribbean. This is the human condition at its most freakishly wonderful.
Fire Eater
Mercedes es una joven de Brooklyn que quiere ser actriz pero, para ganarse la vida, se dedica a bailar en un club nocturno de Los Angeles. Una noche conoce a un inmigrante mexicano, Ernesto, que queda prendado de ella. El joven se va a mezclar con un capo de barrio con tal de ayudar a su querida Mercedes.