Aunque suene increíble, al pequeño Ulises de tan sólo nueve años, de un día para otro le creció el bigote. Esta situación, en apariencia ordinaria, desata una serie de acontecimientos extraordinarios, para él, su mamá y sus mejores amigos
A story of love of money and power. A story of courage and bravery. It is the life of José Fierro, a man who faces the consequences of his acts when he decides to go all out; of his wife Ana Luisa, who wants to experience love and eroticism beyond what is permitted. A brave movie that reflects the best and the worst of humans, but is also a tragicomedy (as is life), full of humor, hope and self-sacrifice: the reflection of a country undergoing a permanent financial crisis, produced by the Tequila effect, but which has the virtue of not letting itself be defeated.