Daniel O'Meara

Nacimiento : , Bradford, England, Uk


My Day
Life isn't easy for Ally - growing up on the streets and working as a drug mule, danger is never far away. What starts out as a normal day, quickly turns sour for Ally when a customer takes advantage of her, leaving her injured, humiliated, and out of pocket. She now owes boss, who is less than forgiving and insists that she go on one last drop to make up the money. But Ally's worries are far from over. For the troubled young girl, it's just another day in her life.
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Tom Doogan
Mary es una mujer muy problemática que consigue un trabajo en una tienda de conveniencia después de incendiar a su novio asesino. Cuando comienza su turno de cementerio en el Mercado de Gas de los Ciervos, ella está obsesionada por los flashbacks.
Dark Was the Night
A teenaged girl and her father are living their lives in a crashed spaceship, separated by a pane of glass. She begins to receive static-crackled radio messages from her mother, whom she long believed to be dead.
Giles Pinkerton
Crushed tells the story of a respectable middle class family who seem to have everything, good looks, nice family life, money and status. However behind the facade are dark secrets that remain hidden from the outside world.
Jeffery Preston
After losing contact with a clandestine energy-research facility, a powerful venture capitalist contracts an elite team of operatives to retrieve the physicist who holds the key to an unprecedented alternate energy source.
Here Lies
Ernst Hellmann
HERE LIES is a film about filmmaking and the struggles involved in the creative process: artistic, technical, financial and personal.
2 Jacks
Jack Hussar es un legendario director de Hollywood, cuyo personaje inspira respeto y adoración de sus fans. ¿Podrá su hijo, Jack Jr. mantener su legado?
The Thompsons
Father Stuart
Secuela de "The Hamiltons". En la secuela, un baño de sangre en una gasolinera en el desierto provocará que la familia tenga que huir. Finalmente resurgirán en el Reino Unido bajo una nueva identidad, Los Thompsons. Desesperados por buscar protección en un país con el que no están familiarizados, los Thompsons buscarán ayuda en el metro donde se rumorea hay vampiros comprensivos.
Inglaterra, principios del siglo XIII. El 15 de junio de 1215 y, tras una dura negociación, el Rey Juan de Inglaterra, se ve obligado a firmar ciertas peticiones de los señores feudales que pretenden poner límites al uso despótico del poder por parte del Rey. El documento resultante es la Carta Magna. Un hecho insólito para un rey medieval, que veía cómo aquellos a quienes gobernaba y que debían serle fieles, le arrancaban sus prerrogativas reales. Sin embargoi, cuando hubo reunido un fuerte ejército, el rey Juan se negó a cumplir el acuerdo y se dispuso a eliminar a todos los que habían firmado la Carta Magna, poniendo a Inglaterra al borde de una guerra civil: la Primera Guerra de los Barones (1215-1217). Juan quiso castigar a aquellos que lo humillaron, entre ellos un grupo de caballeros templarios atrincherados en el castillo de Rochester, que lucharán para resistir el asedio de las tropas del rey Juan.
The Kreutzer Sonata
A man becomes obsessively jealous of his pianist wife and her violinist companion.
Blood Ranch
Four college students and an Iraq War vet, lost on a desert highway, encounter a terrified young woman with a black van on her trail. They survive the ensuing chase but their car doesn't, forcing them to seek help at a nearby ranch. Only when it's too late does the group learn that it's crossed the threshold into Hell! Welcome to the Web, home to a bizarre cult of murderers, perverts and mental defectives, whose sacraments include mutilation, dismemberment, unspeakable sex acts, and slow, agonizing death for all who enter. None of their "guests" have ever made it out alive. Tonight may be different...but don't count on it.
Far from China
A young female writer whose father was a militant activist struggles to come to terms with this cumbersome legacy.
Henchman (uncredited)
Inglaterra 1554. Tras la muerte de la reina María Tudor, que ha dejado al país sumido en un estado de inestabilidad financiera y crisis religiosa, sube al trono Isabel I (Cate Blanchett). Popularmente se la conoce como "La Reina Virgen", aunque por su participación en el reparto del botín obtenido tras los ataques de Drake a las costas españolas, tanto peninsulares como coloniales, es también conocida como "La Reina Pirata".
Sentimental Education
The story revolves around the lives of a group of international fashion models, focusing on the main character, Fabrice. The film examines the hollowness of his glamorous lifestyle, leading to self discovery and ultimately a personal catharsis (and his own death). The film is based on (really, inspired by) the French Book, L'Education Sentimentale, by Gustave Flaubert.
A flor de piel
Iris y Rose son dos hermanas muy distintas. Rose está embarazada y depende excesivamente de su madre, mientras que Iris cree que su hermana mayor acapara todas las atenciones. Cuando reciben la noticia de que su madre tiene un tumor, ambas luchan para que reciba sesiones de quimioterapia, pero se niega, lo que le conduce a la muerte. A partir de ese momento se agrava la combativa relación que mantienen las dos hermanas.
Turn Back
Lost in a haze of memory from which a truth is nowhere to be found, Lucy searches for a place to belong while constantly running from everything she cannot remember. Caught in the game Lucy is drawn back into the hills where she unknowingly confronts the past. Piecing together the clues do not let her see it yet she is quickly driven to run even though she can feel that is not what she needs to do. Those around Lucy are aware of the trap she is in and have been using her for years, each with their own plan for her design they are waiting like vultures for her to wake up or carry on the journey where they can manipulate her as they choose. Can Lucy find the strength to break the the cycle? Or will survival blind her from the way out she is looking for? To Break the cycle all she has to do is to let go; to do this though she must first look it in the eye and see it for what it is but how can she know it is true when all she has ever known are lies.