Feridun Koç

Feridun Koç


Feridun Koç
Feridun Koç


Anatolian Leopard
At Turkey’s oldest zoo, a lonely manager and a neglected female officer form an unlikely bond: as they hide the death of the zoo’s oldest inhabitant, an Anatolian leopard, in order to stop the privatization process and fake its escape, they set in motion an absurd charade that spins out of control. In Turkey’s grey and quiet capital, the ghost of the leopard persists.
Mevlüt works as a night watchman in a container park. While he is trying to train a dog left in a park, a tourist group comes to visit. After his watch that night, many balances in Mevlüt's life will change. The film draws attention with its black and white cinematography.
The Announcement
Hadi Bey
May 22nd, 1963. Unhappy with the existing social and political situation in Turkey, a group of military officers has planned a coup d’état to take down the government in Ankara. Meanwhile in Istanbul, their conspirators have undertaken the vital mission of taking over the National Radio station and making a formal announcement about the coup. But nothing goes to plan. Faced with a number of obstacles, including a sudden rainstorm, the absence of the radio station technician, a betrayal, the lack of feedback from Ankara and their very own inefficiency, the conspirators scramble to keep their plan on track and announce the success of the coup – that is, if the coup in the capital has taken place at all.
Tufan who works at a small print shop lives in Eskişehir with his wife Mukaddes and daughter Simge. Huriye, their lonely neighbour next door falls ill one night. A doctor recommends that she shouldn’t stay on her own. Tufan takes pity on Huriye, who has no family to turn to, and decides to host her at his house.
Kırık Midyeler
Restorant Sahibi
A man's life, thoughts, feelings and his very own darkness... Adapted from Dostoevsky's novel "Notes from Underground", Demirkubuz follows Muharrem as he gets himself invited to a party where he is not welcome, just to find himself disgusted.
Other Angels
Sanem is a working girl sharing a flat with three transvestites in Istanbul. Every day she dreams of a savior who will take her away. One day a young man named Gokhan moves into the neighborhood, and soon Sanem gets his attention. This will be the beginning of a journey during which both will question each other and their choices in life.
A middle class young man rebels against his father’s brutish authority and seeks a rough romance with a woman of ethnic minority. Yuce’s moral tale draws from the example of today’s Turkish youth and the timeless shadow of fathers over sons.
The Slope
Sober and effective début in beautiful black-and-white by a very young maker about a man who works as a cleaner and administrator in the city hospital. We follow him for a day in his routine.
Al otro lado
Sicherheitsbeamte (as Feridun Koc)
A través de una serie de encuentros, relaciones e incluso muertes, las frágiles vidas de seis personas se cruzan durante sus viajes emocionales hacia el perdón y la reconciliación en Alemania y Turquía. Nejat (Baki Davrak) no mira con buenos ojos la relación que su padre Ali (Tuncel Kurtiz), un pensionista, mantiene con la prostituta Yeter (Nursel Köse). Pero todo cambia cuando descubre que ella manda dinero a Turquía para pagar los estudios universitarios de su hija. La inesperada muerte de Yeter distancia al hijo y al padre. Nejat decide irse a Estambul a buscar a Ayten, la hija de Yeter. Pero Ayten, una activista política que huye de la policía turca, se ha ido a Alemania...
Takva: A Man's Fear of God
Co-Executive Producer
Humble and introvert Muharrem lives in a solitary and meager existence of a prayer and sexual abstinence adhering strictly to the most severe Islamic doctrines.His extraordinary devotion attracts the attention of the leader of a rich and powerful Istanbul religious group and he offers him an administrative post as a rent collector for their numerous properties. Muharrem's new job throws him into the modern outside world he has successfully avoided for so long. He soon witnesses conflict attitude toward alcohol consumption and goodwill.He notices that he himself has become proud, domineering and even dishonest.To make matters worse, Muharrem's inner peace is unnerved by the tormenting image of seductive woman who tempts him in his dreams,both night and day.With the balance of his devotion now upset,his fear of God begins to eat away at his senses.
Los climas
Al hombre le basta poco para alegrarse y todavía menos para entristecerse. Isa y Bahar son dos personas solitarias e introvertidas que persiguen una felicidad que al final no les pertenece. La historia se desarrolla durante tres estaciones (un caluroso verano, un otoño lluvioso y un invierno de nieves) que simbolizan los cambios en la relación de la pareja.
İstanbul Tales
Five interconnected stories set in modern-day Istanbul based on the fairytales Snow White, Cinderella, Pied Piper, Sleeping Beauty and Little Red Riding Hood.
Contra la pared
Osman 1
Después de haber intentado suicidarse, Cahit, un turco-alemán de cuarenta años, alcohólico y toxicómano, ha sido ingresado en la planta de psiquiatría, pero no consigue acostumbrarse a dormir sin drogas ni alcohol. A Sibel, una guapa chica turca de 20 años que ha nacido en Hamburgo, le gusta demasiado la vida para ser una buena musulmana. También ella intentó suicidarse para huir de la cárcel de rejas humanas que su familia, muy creyente y respetuosa de las tradiciones, había levantado a su alrededor. Una vez frustrado su suicidio, sólo ve una posibilidad para liberarse de su familia: casarse con Cahit.
Un fotógrafo que vive y trabaja en Estambul y que siente que el paso del tiempo y las preocupaciones de la vida cotidiana lo han alejado de sus ideales de juventud se ve obligado a acoger en su casa a su primo, un obrero que ha ido a la capital turca para encontrar un empleo que le permita vivir.
Un fotógrafo que vive y trabaja en Estambul y que siente que el paso del tiempo y las preocupaciones de la vida cotidiana lo han alejado de sus ideales de juventud se ve obligado a acoger en su casa a su primo, un obrero que ha ido a la capital turca para encontrar un empleo que le permita vivir.
Musa, a customs clerk, lives quietly with his mother. Tragedy and change come for him, as they do for everyone, and he must confront his own attitude towards life’s absurdity.
The Third Page
Isa is blamed for a robbery. He is badly beaten and given twenty four hours to return the money. Instead of finding the money, Isa finds a gun.
Çatısız Kadınlar
Yusuf is released from prison after serving a ten year sentence. He is scared of life outside as he goes to an address given to him by another prisoner.
Block C
Market Çırağı
Tulay, a restless woman whose marriage is slowly disintegrating sets out to come to terms with various traumas while continually being watched by Halit, a resident in her apartment complex.
Devlerin Ölümü
About a director who fights for making a different film about relationships between the sexes.