Hotel Room Maid
Un mal secular ha vuelto del infierno. El vampiro diabólico Radu regresa y esta vez tiene hambre de amor.Ayudado por su momia morbosa y su Subespecie demoníaca, Radu secuestra a Michelle. Sólo si su hermana Becky es capaz de encontrarla y matar a Radu, Michelle tendrá una oportunidad de salvar su alma. Pero puede que llege demasiado tarde...
Angela (Liliana Pană) and Dorina (Magda Catone), working at the Match Factory, live in the home and dream of marriage and spouses to give them a decent living. But the illusions are shattered when the men encountered prove their lack of character: Titi (the boy whom Angela is in love with, appears at a time with a kid and is raped), a vendor, is pimp, Emil, an engineer, is a And Radu, an emigrant in Australia, is undistinguished by his Collie dog.