An honest cop is made to battle back when the corruption in his department threatens his family
The evil nobleman "Luang Talok" tricked "Yae," a herbal medicine doctor, into cutting the head of Burmese commander "Namyo" . Will Yae survive the fight and return home to see his wife "Sai Soi" onec again?
The king cobra possesses an orb that has a magic. If it's in the hands of the devil, Orb will have the power of evil. But if it's in the hands of a good person, it will have virtue. In the village of 'Phaya Ngu', there is a sacred orb worshiping ceremony, But the ceremony was destroyed by the devil, They had taken the orb and did evil things. A child and a young woman are captured and killed, so an investigation is underway to find out what happened and get the orb back.
An innocent Cambodian boy is sold to a Thai broker and enslaved on a fishing trawler. As fellow slaves are tortured and murdered around him, he starts to wonder if his only hope of freedom is to become as violent as his captors.
Sroy, es una joven que nació y vivió en la villa Don Pai Pah, en la provincia de Ubon Ratchathani en la región noreste de Tailandia, donde creció con la creencia y fe en la diosa Jao Mae Nakee, la Reina de Naga. Desde que era pequeña ha ayudado a su abuela a vender flores a las personas que llegan a adorar a "Jao Mae Nakee", así como a cuidar de su santuario de piedra, por lo que siente un gran vínculo con ella. Cuando una serie de terribles crímenes comienzan a suceder en la villa, el Capitán Inspector de la policía Pongprap, es transferido a la estación de policía de Don Mai Pah y cuando comienza a investigar, se da cuenta que muchos de los casos son increíbles y están llenos de misterios sin resolver. Los aldeanos creen firmemente que Jao Mae Nakee es la responsable de todo lo sucedido y que como en el pasado había enloquecido nuevamente matando a una gran cantidad de personas.
Ghosts wreak havoc at the old school, and a student communicates with the spirit while the team reckons with a power struggle.
Museum Guard
Secuela de "Fack ju Göhte", que fue la película alemana más taquillera del año 2013 en su país. Esta secuela también arrasó en el Box Office alemán.
Three love stories that, being based on love and friendship, are all connected. “Love with Cigarette”: Tortan tries to satisfy his family by having kids but it’s not easy when JaJa asks him to quit smoking first. “The Thesis”: Film students are assigned to make a film as their graduation project, but due to different opinion, they are divided into 2 sides. The proof of friendship thus begins. “1428”: Private Piak and Ranger Too, two soldiers from different bases, get lost and run into each another on a battle field. They meet an unexpected turn that changes them from temporary partners to friends for life. brother. It’s the love story where everyone wants to be happy and believes there is more than one entrance for true love.
Boxer in temple
Cuenta la historia de dos empresarios chinos rivales que compiten para encontrar el principal accionista de la compañía en Tailandia. Comedia china de bajo presupuesto que se convirtió en la producción doméstica más taquillera en la historia del cine chino, con una recaudación de más de 900 millones de yuanes (144 millones de dólares con solo 20 días en las grandes pantallas). El largometraje tuvo un coste de 30 millones de yuanes (4,8 millones de dólares, 3,6 millones de euros).
Convertido en jefe de una importante empresa después de la muerte de su padre adoptivo, Largo Winch decide, para sorpresa de todo el mundo, venderla, y usar los beneficios para crear una ambiciosa fundación humanitaria. Pero ese mismo día, él se verá acusado (por un misterioso testigo) de crímenes contra la humanidad. Para demostrar su inocencia, Largo tendrá que volver sobre los pasos de su vida pasada, en el corazón de la selva birmana...
Buppha is reincarnated as a young girl who is deserted by her mother to the stepfather barber. With anger, he often beats her. She turns to be a problem child who also does not get along with classmates.
A group of friends have trained themselves in martial arts. One of the gang is in hospital so when the hospital is taken over by a group of terrorists, the kids take on the rebels.
Paul y Janet Behmer, se encuentran en Bangkok, intentando afrontar la pérdida de su hijo por culpa de un Tsunami. Alentada por el hecho de que el cadáver de su hijo no ha sido recuperado, Janet se aferra a la tenue esperanza de que los piratas hayan secuestrado a su hijo en la confusión posterior a la catástrofe. Buscando a alguien que pueda ejercer de guía dentro del submundo marginal de Tailandia, la pareja conocerá al misterioso Sr. Gao, que los llevará hasta Rangog, donde unos mercenarios les suministrarán una barca para explorar las infestadas costas donde moran los piratas. Lentamente, se perderán en una extraña selva repleta de niños, acompañados por sus demonios interiores.
The story of a dashing girl who falls in love with her best friend, handsome guy.
Mechanic Student 1
Klauy is a bumbling likay performer in the countryside. One day while watching TV he sees a beautiful model Fah having an interview with a tv host and he instantly falls in love with her. Klauy is obsessed with Fah's beauty and will dream of her non-stop no matter where he goes. Knowing that it is impossible not only to chase or even meet her since he is only an ordinary person he approaches Angel Koe for help. They eventually meet through Angel Koe's plan but will Fah likes Klauy in the end?
Teacher Prawit
Tonkla agreed to join the club, causing a large number of people to join the club. Sapling and Daw Dao have to explore the area to camp together, making them feel better about each other. Wiyada saw the recruitment announcement for The Only One project, so she secretly submitted the seedling's application and was a finalist. Saplings need any path options.
Aud and Yai are gay couple who leave Bangkok and move to a remote town where the backdrop is a mountain just like a movie they love to watch. There, they buy an abandoned gas station as their place for settling down. Sadly, Udd later finds out that Yai secretly, and passionately has a relationship with a local girl. When his pure love turns into a grudge, Udd plans to use the gas station for murdering Yai. But, no one really knows that the gas station is haunted.