Egor Beroev

Egor Beroev


Egor Beroev


Forgotten Experiment
Henry Blake
A group of heroes assembled by the eccentric billionaire goes into closed Perimeter full of abnormal activity which is inexplicable in terms of science. This journey will change all members of the group and reverse their notion of reality.
Сквозь время
Генри Блейк
Emergency Landing
Damir Yusupov
Damir Yusupov could never have imagined that one day he would be hailed as a hero. As a child he dreamed of flying and was certain that he would follow in the footsteps of his aviator father, but fate seemed to have other plans for him. As years went by, even those closest to him lost hope, but Damir finally managed to make his dream a reality and became an airline pilot. In August 2019 his courage and skill saved 233 lives when he brought his plane down safely in a cornfield after a complete engine failure.
The Road to Home
The End
Director Mitya escapes from the set of the next television series. In this he is helped by the ghost of Marcello Mastroianni. The decision to escape launches a chain of events with the participation of Mitya's family and friends, which can only be unraveled by the answer to the question of what kind of director he wants to be: great, talented, or just normal.
Спасибо деду за победу
Resistencia desesperada
Octubre, 1941. 20.000 soldados alemanes altamente armados avanzan por Kalinin en ruta hacia Moscú. Una pequeña guarnición de 2.000 soldados soviéticos sin tanques o artillería pero ayudados por unos milicianos se preparan para defender la ciudad provincial. Unos saboteadores planean arruinar estos esfuerzos sembrando miedo y confusión o persuadiendo a los habitantes de la ciudad de apoyar al enemigo. Una voz entona que cada habitante tiene que tomar una decisión: huir de la ciudad o quedarse y defenderla.
Santa Claus. Battle of Mages
отец Маши
Young girl Masha accidentally discovers the organization of snow and ice mages fighting the global devil under the leadership of Santa Claus.
Vladimir Mongolov
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
Happiness Is...
Seven good-ending stories for a whole family.
Если любишь – прости
Unreal Love
A romantic comedy about the adventures of the two old friends, former classmates, Mira and Olga in today Moscow.
Polar Flight
Sometimes New Year eve can bring a lot of surprises...
Waiting for the Sea
Sailor Marat carries a great burden. His whole village condemns him since his wife and many fishermen were washed off his boat in a mysterious sea storm. Ever since then the sea has vanished. One day, Marat returns to his village, obsessed by the idea of making the sea return and so the dead. He begins rebuilding his shipwreck in the middle of the desert, dragging it towards the endless horizon. Only his last close friend Balthasar, and Tamara, the sister of Marat's deceased wife, believe in him. Tamara, deeply in love with Marat, who repulses her, knows from a fortune teller that maybe not her dream but his might come true. One morning Marat wakes up by the sound of water - the sea has returned, ready to take what belongs to her...
Eight different greetings and situations on March 8th... Eight different Moms.
8 de Agosto
Zaur / Kind Robot
Historia de una joven llamada Ksenia. Aunque vive infeliz con su nuevo novio, el único consuelo es su querido hijo, Artem, quien lleno de fantasías de superhéroes, las vive como si fuesen realidad, así se evade de sus traumas a causa del divorcio de sus padres. La joven madre envía a su hijo Artem con el padre al Cáucaso. Sin embargo, Georgia inició la guerra y ella tiene que vencer el miedo, superar las circunstancias y salvar a su hijo de la muerte.
Raiders are the hunters for a big business and Spirsky is probably the best of them...
Андрей Саморуков
The Man Who Knew Everything
Александр Безукладников
A man attempts to commit suicide and, as a result, unexpectedly acquires the phenomenal ability to immediately answer any question. A modest and harmless individual, he becomes a target for all - from women to criminal bosses and even foreign special services. Some try to use him, others try to murder him, but the ordinary man keeps living according to the dictates of his own conscience.
El Almirante
Mikhail Smirnov
Guerra civil rusa (1918-1920). Drama histórico basado en la figura de Aleksandr Vasilievich Kolschak, comandante y explorador del Ejército Blanco, que se enfrentó, en Siberia, al Ejército Rojo (organizado por Trotski) durante la guerra civil rusa. Kolschak era un antibolchevique convencido y partidario a ultranza del zarismo. Hombre casado, tendrá también que combatir un amor prohibido: Anna, la joven mujer de otro oficial, a la que conoció cuando conducía sus tropas hacia Siberia.
The Runaways
Fun story about two girls, accidentally encountered on the highway. Each one of them has its own providence problem: a well-known metropolitan Pushkina Anya is in the center of the scandal, for theft in the pharmacy, and granddaughter famous village witches Njura minimizing damage to the defender.
The Turkish Gambit
Erast Petrovich Fandorin
The film is based on the second book from the Adventures of Erast Petrovich Fandorin series of novels written by the Russian author Boris Akunin. The film takes place in 1877 during the Russian-Turkish war. Erast Fandorin has just escaped from Turkish prison and is trying to get on the Russian side as soon as possible to give important information about the upcoming attack of the enemy. On his way he meets Varvara Suvorova, a young lady who is going to see her fiancée - a soldier of the Russian army. Erast also knows that there is a spy somewhere in the Russian army, everyone is under suspicion.
David Schwartz
Based on A. Galych's play "Matrosskaya Tishina", "Papa" tells a story of a Jewish father who dreamed of seeing his son perform on a stage in front of huge audiences, he dreamed of seeing him as the greatest violinist of his time. To achieve the goal he taught his son Dodik how to play the violin from the yearly age. When Dodik grew up he left the small town he and his father lived in to study in the Moscow Conservatory leaving his past behind. But one day he has to choose either to loose his father or everything he has achieved.
Railway Romance
During the New Year eve Alexey is trying to get back his first love.
Игра в модерн
Wild Herd
Under the hoofs of a wild herd, a correspondent of a metropolitan newspaper dies. His girlfriend Kupava, (also a journalist), trying to find out the circumstances of the death of her colleague, becomes a witness to the conspiracy of the "first minister of the country" and the young deputy who are about to apply a new "scheme" of robbing their people.