Danny Wells

Danny Wells

Nacimiento : 1941-04-07, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Muerte : 2013-11-28


Danny Wells


Old Stock
After two years hiding out in his Grandfather's retirement residence, Stock Burton is forced back into his small town where he must come to terms with the troubled past that led to his early retirement.
El baile de Navidad
Jack ha empezado a salir con la hija del presidente de su empresa, pero se va a celebrar el baile de Navidad y tiene que aprender urgentemente a bailar. ..
Mitch Bingham
Two people attempt to get into a relationship, while exiting the multiple relationships they were each managing through their Blackberries before they met.
Vacation with Derek
Mr. Sampson
Derek y Casey están de regreso y continúan su hilarante rivalidad entre hermanos durante unas vacaciones familiares para visitar a su abuela en su hermoso albergue frente al lago. Las cosas se calientan con Casey cuando conoce a Jesse, un apuesto joven bailarín que es camarero en el albergue. Mientras tanto, Derek se está "enfriando" en sus vacaciones, se enamora de Roxy, la chica rica que vive al otro lado del lago. Pero cuando el padre de Roxy, un codicioso desarrollador de tierras, amenaza con destruir la belleza natural que los rodea, los niños de McDonald-Venturi se unen para salvar el lago y el albergue.
El último beso
Izzy's Uncle
Cuando un joven con una vida aparentemente perfecta y con una novia encantadora conoce a una chica irresistible, se ve obligado a tomar importantes decisiones. Remake de la película italiana "El último beso" (L'ultimo bacio, 2001). Escrita por Paul Haggis, guionista de "Million Dollar Baby" y director y guionista de "Crash". (FILMAFFINITY)
Jack L. Warner
The story begins at the height of Gleason's career. He has it all: women, wealth, and extraordinary power. But he is haunted by memories of his childhood. Gleason spends his formative years entering amateur contests, performing in sleazy night spots. Along the way, he steals gags from the best comics in town and finds love with Genevieve, a dancer whom he marries. But Gleason isn't the ideal husband or even a responsible father as he abandons his family to answer the call of Hollywood. Brash, arrogant, and egotistical, he alienates his directors and the man who discovers him. When he ends up back in New York, Gleason gets one of those rare second chances in the new medium of television, creating some of its most unforgettable characters. But even as Gleason becomes the talk of the tube, his life - ruled by demons of rage, booze, and insecurity - unravels.
The gang (Golpe perfecto)
Lt. Jackson Craig
Seth (Tom Sizemore) es un policía encubierto que va tras la pista de unos delincuentes y consigue infiltrarse en la banda liderada por Sophie (Sherilyn Fenn), que planea el robo a un banco, del que Michael (Dave Foley) es director.
Sin salida
Commander Patrick Bratton (as Jack Daniel Wells)
Para pagar sus deudas, Harry, un renombrado detective de homicidios, es extorsionado para cometer un asesinato. Su decisión le pondrá contra las cuerdas de la ley, pero será su única salida para salvar su vida.
Dick Jennings
La película consta de nueve tramas paralelas que tienen lugar en el Valle de San Fernando, en Los Angeles: un niño prodigio, el presentador de un concurso de televisión, un ex-niño prodigio, un moribundo, su hijo perdido, la mujer y el enfermero del moribundo. Son historias aparentemente independientes, pero que guardan entre sí una extraña relación. Magnolia es el retrato de la vida americana visto a través de una serie de viñetas cómicas y conmovedoras.
La mujer de rojo
Teddy Pierce lo tiene aparentemente todo: una buena esposa, hijos, amigos y un buen puesto de trabajo en una agencia de publicidad. Un día se cruza con una mujer que viste un provocativo vestido de seda rojo. Teddy descubre que la chica es la modelo seleccionada por su agencia para una nueva campaña publicitaria. A partir de este momento, el sueño de Teddy será tener una aventura con ella.
Hey Good Lookin'
Stomper (voice)
An outrageous, affectionate look at coming of age in the Eisenhower era in Brooklyn.
La recluta Benjamin
Slick Guy
Tras morir su marido en la noche de bodas, Judy decide alistarse en el ejército americano. Para una chica fina como ella no será fácil acostumbrarse a los duros entrenamientos y a la férrea disciplina castrense, pero Judy intentará no venirse abajo y conseguir pasar el periodo de instrucción. Una comedia protagonizada por Goldie Hawn -en aquellos años una de las mayores estrellas femeninas de Hollywood-, que obtuvo un gran éxito de taquilla.
Eddie Kopeck
Danny Dandoy is a good-humored, streetwise cop working the dusk-to-dawn shift in Los Angeles with his somewhat naive new partner, Macey, in this proposed pilot for a new TV series.
The Man in the Santa Claus Suit
The mysterious owner of a costume shop rents a Santa Claus suit to three very different men: a math teacher trying to get the nerve to propose, a homeless restaurateur trying to hide from the mob, and a harried political speech writer visiting with his estranged wife and son. Their lives are inexorably changed by their experience of playing Santa Claus.
A Guide for the Married Woman
Cracked Crab Waiter
A seriocomic look at the life of Julie Walker. Bored with her marriage, and encouraged by her friends, she contemplates an affair. Fantasy and reality mix often, leading to complications and headaches.
Goin' Coconuts
The toothsome singing duo, Donny and Marie Osmond, head for Hawaii in this comedy. The trouble begins when Marie acquires a lovely necklace without realizing that it is coveted by a group of thieves. An enigmatic woman is also after the necklace. Mayhem, music, and sibling rivalry ensue.
The Hunted Lady
An undercover policewoman finds herself framed for murder. Forced to flee for her life, she determines to clear her name and bring the real killers to justice.
Civilian Doctor
Elliott Gould steals Army nerve gas to help him rob banks when he’s kicked out of the military after 15 years of service as a human guinea pig in its chemical warfare experiments.
Roll, Freddy, Roll!
Skating Rink Attendant
A man determined to impress his son--and show up his son's stepfather--decides to try to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by setting a record for staying the longest time on roller skates. (IMDb)