Elsa Lorimer


The Gilded Dream
Leona Williard works in a millinery shop in a small town while dreaming of going to New York and marrying a wealthy man. An inheritance of five thousand dollars turns her dream into a reality, and Leona goes to the city where she meets Mrs. Geraldine De Forest, an old friend of her mother's who introduces Leona to a wealthy widower named Frazer Boynton. Boynton proposes to the girl, but Leona refuses because she is in love with Jasper Halroyd. Mrs. De Forest, who is secretly in love with Jasper, lies to Leona that he is her lover. Horrified, Leona accepts Boynton's proposal, but later, after Jasper saves Leona from drowning, she realizes that she still loves him.
A Lady in Love
The Six Best Cellars
Mrs. Hammond
Henry Carpenter and his wife Millicent are the envy of their exclusive suburban set because of their abundant wine cellar, a blessing in the face of the recent prohibition against alcohol initiated by the Volstead Act. In reality, Henry is down to his last few bottles, and, faced with an impending dinner party, he decides to save face by denouncing the evils of drink. His impassioned speech earns him the support of the Prohibition party for a Congressional seat. Henry is relishing his popularity when his aunt discovers twenty-one cases of rare wine in the cellar, forcing the candidate to choose between political and social success.
Too Much Johnson
Mrs. Dathis
Augustus Billings has a domineering mother-in-law, and to get away from both her and his wife, he takes a trip, claiming that he is going off to check on Mexican oil investments. But he's really going on a cruise with Mrs. Dathis, who has purchased his yacht. To throw everyone off track, he uses the name Mr. Johnson. When he decides to repeat the trip, however, all hell breaks loose -- the jealous Mr. Dathis is out to get his hands on this Johnson character, while a real Mr. Johnson shows up in Mexico, and Mrs. Billings shows up with her mother, and the confusion continues from there.
The Jungle Child
After her family dies in the jungle, Ollante is raised by Brazilian Indians, and, from her rugged lifestyle, she grows into a woman of uncommon strength and courage. Then, she rescues Ridgeway Webb, an explorer.....
The Good-for-Nothing
Gertrude Chapin
The firm of John Sterling and Sons bad been organized by his father, and when son Gilbert was old enough, he took active part in the management. Gilbert's love for the high life led him away from his duties, and it was nothing unusual for him to spend six nights out of the week with questionable company. Early one morning, intoxicated, Gilbert finds his way to his home. His father reprimands him and finally puts him out of the house, telling him "never to return."
Broncho Billy's True Love
The Eastern Girl
Broncho Billy is in love with Marguerite Clayton, who is devotedly fond of him. Broncho asks her to go to a dance with him, but when he meets Elsa Larimer, who is on a visit from the East, he forgets his promise to Marguerite and takes Elsa to the dance. Marguerite's heart is broken, and Elsa finding her weeping, discovers that she is the cause of Marguerite's sorrow