Tina Aumont
Nacimiento : 1946-02-14, Hollywood, California, USA
Muerte : 2006-10-28
Maria Christina Aumont best known as Tina Aumont, was an American actress of French and Dominican descent.
She was born in Hollywood, California, the daughter of actors Jean-Pierre Aumont and Maria Montez. She married actor and film director Christian Marquand in 1963, at the age of 17.
She made her debut as Tina Marquand in Joseph Losey's 1966 movie Modesty Blaise. She worked in Italian cinema with, among others, Alberto Sordi (Scusi, lei è favorevole o contrario?, 1966), Tinto Brass (L'urlo, 1968 and Salon Kitty, 1975), Mauro Bolognini (Fatti di gente perbene, 1974), Francesco Rosi (Cadaveri eccellenti, 1975), and Federico Fellini (Fellini's Casanova, 1976).
In 2000 she retired from film work. She suffered a pulmonary embolism and died in Port-Vendres, Pyrénées-Orientales, France at age 60.
Over the course of more than fifteen years, Clémenti films a series of intimate diaries, starting from daily encounters. In La deuxième femme, we see Bulle Ogier and Viva, Nico and Tina Aumont, Philippe Garrel and Udo Kier, a performance by Béjart, a piece by Marc’O, concerts by Bob Marley and Patti Smith (not always recognisable)... It’s like a maelstrom of psychedelic images that are passed through a particle accelerator.
Based on a notorious novel by Louis Calaferte, this erotic drama concerns a man exploring the boundaries of female sexuality through a variety of sexual encounters with beautiful women he barely knows. La Mecanique des Femmes features copious male and female nudity as the nameless leading character discusses sex and sensuality with his predominantly female supporting cast.
La joven Giulia es una rebelde. No puede soportar a su familia conservadora y trabaja en un show profesional de sexo en vivo con su pareja. Ella quiere ser actriz, por lo que invita al director de casting a su show. Ella también viaja alrededor de Roma.
La Fée
Blond Storm and Black Tempest, two female super-hero wrestlers, found a rock band to fight the Marquis de Slime, an ancient demon, in a gothic and magical Paris.
Una pareja de adolescentes son ciegas por el día, pero cuando el sol cae, se dirigen a las calles en busca de saciar su sed de sangre.
A look into the many lives of Christa Päffgen, otherwise known as Nico; from cutie German mädchen to the first of the supermodels, to glamorous diva of the Velvet Underground, to cult item, junkie and hag. Many faces for the same woman, whom, you realize, just couldn't bring herself to care enough to live.
Party goer in costume
After he is dismissed from his umpteenth job, Momo is kicked out of the family home by his fed-up father. He immediately joins his buddy Manu, who is also penniless having just lost his job at a cafeteria. The two decide to ask shady nightclub owner Sammy for a job, and he promptly hires them to transport back two statuettes from Amsterdam. Momo and Manu soon find out that these art objects are stuffed with drugs, but still manage to carry out their mission. They receive one kilo of grass in exchange, which they sell immediately. But while the business is lucrative, they discover that it's not so easy to become a full-fledged drug dealer...
The butcher
Rémi Chauveau, ten years old, lives in a broken home. He first experiences an austere boarding school and then an authoritarian and abusive nanny. Teenager, he works as butcher in Paris. On Saturday, he made “silly little things” that sometimes lead to prison.
Dorothea's Mother
A secret group of Jewish activists locate and murder the doctors and soldiers who tortured their relations in a notorious extermination camp.
The three ex-wives of a real estate developer join forces to get revenge on him.
Set in a rural area of France in the 19th century, this simple tale tells the story of a servant girl whose life seems marked by grand tragedy, but whose heart is simple and uncomplicated enough not only to endure, but even to attain serenity in the face of her manifold frustrations. Her only friend, to whom she pours out all her troubles, is an old parrot. When the parrot dies, she reverently has it stuffed and continues telling it her woes. This drama is based on a story by Gustave Flaubert.
Giacomo Casanova, viejo bibliotecario del castillo del Dux, en Bohemia, recuerda su vida, repleta de historias de amor y de aventuras. Anciano, solo y desesperado, rememora los apasionantes viajes de su juventud por todas las capitales de Europa.
During a press conference, international star Nina remembers simpler times, flashing back to her days as a maid in a run-down Italian hotel. As a young woman, Nina befriends Contessa Sanziani, an elderly woman who entertains Nina with memories of her vibrant, wealthy life with Count Sanziani. Inspired by her tales of success, young Nina fantasizes about her own adventures and seeks to find the same excitement in her life.
Shot in 1967 but not released until 1975, actor Pierre Clémenti’s acid-infused experimental whirlwind of colour and music featuring a who’s who of the French 60s underground.
Herta Wallenberg
En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, los nazis deciden sustituir a las prostitutas polacas de un famoso burdel, Salón Kitty, por bellas e inteligentes alemanas que, además, deberán simpatizar con el partido nazi. Pero Kitty, la dueña del burdel, no está dispuesta a aceptar las nuevas reglas y decide plantarle cara a los alemanes. La Gestapo, ignorando las quejas de Kitty, seguirá adelante con su proyecto de entrenar a las alemanas para hacerlas prostitutas profesionales.
The Prostitute
En una región del Sur de Italia, un misterioso asesino mata sucesivamente a varios magistrados. Del caso se encarga el inspector Rogas, cuyas investigaciones lo llevan a seguir las huellas de Cres, un farmacéutico que ya había sido condenado por un caso de envenenamiento.
La concubina de un poderoso primer ministro africano llega a Milán para negociar asuntos relativos a su país. Si bien es una hábil negociadora, la princesa negra ha tenido una inhibida sexualidad desde el día que el primer ministro asesinó a su joven amante delante de sus ojos. En Milán encuentra a una periodista que solicita entrevistarla para un artículo. Se enamorarán y la periodista finalmente se encontrará con la princesa en los servicios del aeropuerto. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dirigida por Roberto Rossellini. Rossellini se toma numerosas libertades con el material original, reorganizando y omitiendo eventos a voluntad, presentando todo de manera discreta y poco dramática. La película comienza en los tiempos del Antiguo Testamento, permitiendo a Rossellini presentar la historia de Jesús en su contexto histórico antiguo
Invitata alla festa (uncredited)
El duque Daniele (Terence Stamp), ha quedado prendado de Manoela Roderighi (Laura Antonelli) cuando la conoce en un restaurante a donde ésta ha ido a cenar junto a su novio Martino (Michele Placido). Tras haberla convertido en su amante, el duque va a enterarse de que su chica frecuenta un burdel donde es solicitada por un hombre al que él va a querer conocer.
Cult icon Klaus Kinski features in this dark and intriguing existential thriller. He plays the mysterious "Swiss Man" - ruthless industrialist Nicolas Ulrich - who is obsessed with a search for the elixir of life. He tricks a young American scientist into joining him on his demonic quest. A quest that ends in suicide, death and madness. The story takes place in the atmospheric European city of Amsterdam. Its winding alleys and ancient canals trap the characters in a labyrinthine maze as they find themselves manipulated like figures on a giant chess board.
A personal portrait of the American actress Jean Seberg.
La imprevista solución de dos aventuras con mujeres casadas, las cuales han recuperado la felicidad, y la lectura de un libro de sexología, impulsan a Vincenzo a convertirse en médico improvisado y consejero sexual... (FILMAFFINITY)
Rosa Bonetti
Basada en un caso real. Narra la historia de un problemático joven que es encarcelado por matar al marido de su hermana, un hombre violento y reaccionario que era miembro de la nobleza italiana. Cuando se celebra el juicio, las ideas socialistas del acusado y la actividad política de su padre, un conocido reformista liberal, influyen en el ánimo de los jueces. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rome, early 1900s. Gigi, a young populace, falls in love with the rich Mara and, to satisfy the woman's desires, begins to steal.
A group of young desperados is hunted for several years by a determined bank guard
En un piso de Catania, en los años cincuenta se reúnen muchas personas de luto por la muerte de la esposa de Ignazio La Brocca, dueño de una próspera sastrería y padre de tres hijos.Entre los presentes hay una joven, Angela La Barbera, que precisamente ese día iba a empezar a trabajar como interina para la familia. El viudo y los tres hijos pronto se acostumbran a los cuidados dulces y atentos de la nueva presencia femenina.El viudo no consigue resistir a la tentación y decide casarse con ella a pesar del poco tiempo transcurrido desde la muerte de su mujer. Además de la presencia dominante de un gran retrato de la primera esposa, otro obstáculo para la unión es el hijo Nino, totalmente obsesionado por la mujer. Entre los dos se va instaurando una relación maliciosa y cruel, en la que Angela se presta a los juegos eróticos del adolescente con tal de conseguir el consenso para casarse con su padre.
Daniela Anselmi
Un grupo de chicas estudiantes son acechadas por un psicópata sexual, del que sólo se sabe que estrangula a sus víctimas con un pañuelo rojo y negro. Mientras, Jane, una estudiante de intercambio americana, decide pasar unos días en una casa de campo junto con sus amigas. El asesino las seguirá.
Una viuda siciliana se gana la vida como médium y clarividente en Milán, pero realmente no tiene ningún tipo de poder. En cambio su hijo tiene poderes sobrenaturales y con la ayuda de su madre se convierte en un gran mago. Pero es incapaz de comprender la poderosa fuerza que tiene en su interior y desata fuerzas incontrolables que llevarán a la gente que les rodea a volverse totalmente locos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Señora Ricci
Tras perder a su novio en un accidente, una joven decide renunciar a los hombres y hacerse monja. Pero trabajando en un hospital conoce a un hombre que hará que renacer sus sentimientos.
Aventuras de dos pícaros en la Toscana del siglo XV, sobre todo eróticas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un joven oficial alemán es confundido por un espía y condenado a muerte. A punto de ser fusilado, consigue escapar y se alista en la Legión Extranjera, en África. A los pocos años deserta, pero es capturado al norte de Marruecos por los árabes al mando de Abal-El-Krim, que harán de él un héroe militar.
A surreal and disturbing distillation of Western Civilization, Necropolis is the unhinged vision of Italian director Franco Brocani. Pierre Clémenti is Attila the Hun, naked and on horseback, while Warhol superstar Viva is a drunken and abusive Countess Bathory. A pop pastiche for the psychedelic generation, Necropolis features a soundtrack by Gavin Bryars.
The real story of the partisan Silvio Corbari. He starts his career killing publicly one of his friends that was a fascist. Than, he set up a band of partisans in north Italy, completely independent from the Italian organized resistance (CLN). Ines, leave his husband to join the band and became Silvio's lover. Silvio Corbari succeeded also to set up a free-zone, his personal republic, independent from the Nazi occupied Italy, in a little village called Tregnano. But the opponent Nazi-Fascist army is too much for any kind of resistance, especially if not included in the organized CNL. All his partisan friends are captured and sentenced to death, Ines, close to be captured, suicides. Corbari, even if survives to a first hanging, can't escape to a second one. After WWII he deserved a gold medal to the memory from the Italian Republic.
Anita Annigoni
A young bride escapes her wedding ceremony with a stranger and together they set off on an epic journey though increasingly bizarre lands. They encounter talking animals and mournful exhibitionists, converse with a discoursing rock, journey through a surrealist's psychedelic hotel, instigate a prison riot, escape from naked cannibals living in a tree and battle a wind-up midget dictator!
Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life.
Filme en torno a las primeras andanzas del legendario seductor Giacomo Casanova.
La Virgen María da a luz a un Jesús ya adulto que desde el primer momento se encuentra a disgusto en la Tierra y clama al cielo tratando de que su Padre atienda sus quejas. A lomos de un burro, Jesús emprende sin ninguna convicción su camino para, con la ayuda de un megáfono, tratar de difundir su mensaje en un mundo permanentemente hostil que no quiere escucharle.
En la Roma del siglo primero después de Cristo, dos estudiantes, Encolpio y Ascilto, discuten sobre su propiedad sobre el adolescente Gitone. El niño escoge a Ascilto. Sólo un terremoto salva a Encolpio del suicidio. A partir de entonces, Ascilto vivirá una serie de aventuras y desventuras para conocer nuevos amores.
Three friends meet for the first time in years.
Positano is an island of the Amalfi Coast that Neptune would have, according to legend, created for the love of a nymph. Perched on the rocks of the island, the house of Frédéric Pardo and Tina Aumont became in 1968 a meeting place for the underground community. Pierre Clémenti stays there for a while and makes images of dazzling sensuality. Beyond Pierre Clémenti's intimate love of these faces and bodies often naked in this Mediterranean landscape, the film reveals the moving beauty of a utopia where living together could still be achieved in a territory of sharing and permanent creation. Flow of perceptions of consciousness, visual impressions, physical impregnations, the work of Pierre Clémenti is an ode to sensuality and "life-cinema".
An experimental and poetic portrait of a woman.
The story of a young man who meets his own likeness and uses him to fulfill his dreams.
Half family photo album, half ciné-tract, the film was shot in Paris during the events of May ‘68 and in Rome where the actor was featuring in the film Partner by Bertolucci. Rediscovered in a basement in 1999, this silent film appears to be one of Clémenti’s most purely beautiful and concentrated works, at times recalling Brakhage and Eisenstein. - MUBI
The film begins with shots in Venice, passers-by seized from a hotel room, with Tina Aumont. It continues in Morocco during the filming of Bed of the Virgin, in a hotel room, people chat, play the guitar, smoke.
Jackie Raynal and Tina Aumont in Central Park. Seen from an apartment, from a car, Nico at the window above Tina Aumont. Jackie Raynal, pregnant, gets dressed in an apartment, Tina reads lying down. Walking in the streets of NYC at dusk.
Montage of found footage of fiction in Italian and shots of Tina Aumont and Frederic Pardo in the Luxembourg garden, and in the countryside in a cemetery. Then a shot of a lunch in the garden of a country house, where we see Tina and Pardo's father.
Basada en la novela "Carmen" (1845) de Prosper Mérimée (posteriormente llevada a la ópera por Georges Bizet en 1875). Un soldado español que se enamora de una gitana termina desertando del ejército, y en una persecución en tierras fronterizas se une a un grupo de contrabandistas gitanos.
Dolly (as Tina Marquand)
Durante un desfile de moda se lleva a cabo un robo de joyas, dos de las modelos son sospechosas.
Una periodista está investigando sobre un rumor de la posible introducción del divorcio en Italia. Aunque esté separado de su esposa y se conceda amantes en cantidad, el empresario Tullio Conforti se muestra firmemente en contra del divorcio alegando que choca con sus principios religiosos.
La boda en Luisiana entre la debutante Phoeb Am Maylor y Don Andrea de Baldasar, es interrumpida por la caballería debido a un asunto de honor. Don Andrea huye a través del río hacia Texas, donde se encuentra con Sam Hollis y su compañero indio Kronk, que están transportando rifles a la ciudad de Moccasin Flats.
Anne Sernet
Renee Saccard es una joven esposa mimada y egoísta de un hombre de negocios parisino de mediana edad que se enamora de su hijastro, pero se ve enloquecida cuando su esposo engaña al hijastro para que la traicione.
Modesty Blaise es el nombre de una seductora espía (Monica Vitti) a quien recurre el gobierno británico para impedir que un experto criminal (Dirk Bogarde) lleve a cabo un robo millonario de diamantes.