Lucius Henderson

Lucius Henderson

Nacimiento : 1861-06-05, Aldo, Illinois, USA

Muerte : 1947-02-18


Lucius Henderson


White Mice
General Rojas
Roddy Forrester has formed the White Mice club with a pal. The purpose of the club is to help those in trouble. When Roddy's father sends him to the South American republic of Montebello, he gets his chance to be of service. General Rojas, the former president, is locked away in a prison and slowly dying. Roddy decides to rescue him, especially since he has been inspired by the general's pretty daughter, Inez.
The New Commandment
Henri Darcourt
Billy Morrow (Ben Lyon), who comes from a wealthy family, is sailing to Europe with his father (Holbrook Blinn) on their yacht. Along for the ride is Mrs. Parr (Claire Eames) and her stepdaughter. Near the French coast, Billy discovers that Mrs. Parr wants to arrange a marriage between him and the girl, so he escapes and takes a lifeboat ashore.
A Man Must Live
Jeff Farnell, forced by circumstances to take a job on a New York scandal sheet while he awaits the settlement of his claim against a steel company. Job Hardcastle, the hardened city editor of the paper, sends Jeff to get a story on "Mops" Collins, a society divorcée who has been reduced to dancing in a cabaret. Jeff takes pity on Mops, who is dying of consumption, and takes her into his apartment, telling Hardcastle that he could not find her. Afraid of losing his job, Jeff hunts for a big story, finding it when he discovers that Clive Ross-Fayne, a friend he thought lost in the war, has been arraigned on charges of narcotics peddling. (Pamela Short)
The Huntress of Men
Upon hearing about a woman dubbed The Huntress because of her wild attention craving ways, Fleming Harcourt decides he can domesticate her and they marry. He takes her to settle down in a mining town, however she soon becomes bored and returns to the city and her lavish parties with plenty of adoring male admirers. Fleming decides to make her jealous by flirting with other women. When the Huntress hears the rumors of his affairs, she soon realizes her one true love is Fleming, and they are happily reunited.
Thrown to the Lions
Linnie Carter, a cabaret entertainer, struggles to remain innocent in the midst of the fast life. Harry Sullivan, a gangster, becomes attentive to Linnie and asks her to marry him and, believing that his intentions are sincere, she accepts. When Linnie's friend Irma Wood and her husband Billy, who plays a clown in a cabaret act, discover that Harry has no intention of marrying Linnie and that Linnie is in danger, they rescue her from a phony marriage ceremony and force her to face the truth about Harry.
The Strength of the Weak
Soon after Pauline D'Arcy, an untutored country girl from the Northwest, is left destitute by the death of her father, she falls in love with a middle-aged married man, John Adams, whose alias is Abbott. Although never intending to marry her, Abbott promises to send Pauline to college. During her studies, she falls in love with her lover's son Richard, while at the same time establishing a literary career. She anonymously publishes a novel based on her experiences and it becomes a best seller.
A Sea Mystery
A drama in which the young Mona is chased by her wicked husband, but is then helped by the fishermen Bob and Paul.
The Woman Who Lied
After a stirring performance, Cleo Martell, a renowned stage actress, is visited in her dressing room by Gordon Trent, a too ardent admirer. When Cleo's husband enters, a fight ensues, and Trent kills his rival in the struggle. Jack Stanley arrives on the scene to help but is accused of the murder by Cleo and is sent off to prison. The opportunistic Trent marries Jack's rich fiancée Helen Forde, who believes that her former lover is guilty of unfaithfulness. Jealous of the arrangement, Cleo eventually tells Helen the truth about the killing, causing Betty, Helen's daughter, to cry over her mother's unhappiness. Moved by the girl's tears, Cleo joins forces with Helen against Trent, and the two women go West where Jack, escaped from prison, works as a cowboy.
Under Southern Skies
Lelia Crofton, a Louisiana belle of the 1860s, loves Burleigh Mavor. By chance, she sees one of her father's black stablemen making love to a neighbor's maid, whom she supposed was white. The incident shocks Lelia and leaves a great impression upon her. When she rejects suitor Steve Daubeney, he threatens to expose a damaging secret about her mother, whom she has never met. Remembering the incident with the neighbor's maid, Lelia worries that her mother might be black, and when Daubeney learns of her fears, he leads her to believe that they are well-founded.
Salomy Jane
When beautiful Salomy Jane resists the romantic advances of a young ruffian, she is rescued by Jack Dart, who has his own additional reasons for tangling with the man. Jack fights the ruffian and kills him. He escapes with the law on his trail, for it is (wrongly) presumed that he is also the man who held up the stagecoach. Salomy Jane comes to his rescue when he is captured and about to be lynched.
Ruy Blas
A woman with a notorious past enchants a student preparing for the foreign service.
Dramatic three-reel film based on Wagner's opera of chivalry and spiritual struggle. Wandering minstrel Tannhauser wins the heart of Elizabeth, niece of the powerful Landgrave. Later, under the spell of Venus and her nymphs, Tannhauser passes into Venusberg, a netherworld of earthly pleasures. Returning to the Landgrave's court, he praises Venus in song and sparks the righteous anger of all present. His own prayers and those of Elizabeth free him from enchantment and he takes up the habit of a monk, devoting himself to God. He sets off to seek absolution in Rome while Elizabeth waits at court, ever weakening in his absence.
A three-reel version of the famous stage production. Don Jose, the hero of the famous book by Prosper Merimee, and Bizet's celebrated opera, was born in the Basque Provinces of Spain. He was a young, good-looking peasant, devoted to his old mother, and greatly in love with his pretty sweetheart, Mercedes. The plans of Jose and Mercedes for an early marriage were rudely dissipated by the news that the young man had been drafted for service in the Spanish army. Jose comforted his mother and Mercedes, telling them that he would soon return and they would never be separated again.
The Idol of the Hour
The young artist had searched Paris for a suitable model to pose as a shepherdess in a new picture which he hoped would win him fame. But none of the models pleased him, and at last, feeling that he could not do justice to the picture, he decided to postpone his work and take a walking trip through France.
Southern California locations vividly suggest both elemental pre-Roman Britain and classical Rome. An energetic cinematic pacing and intimacy show rapidly improving narrative technique and realism well beyond the limitations of the stage. Especially cinematic are the bedchamber scene in the first reel, with its intimate cinematography and acting and special lighting effect, and the battle scene of the second reel, considered very effective in its day.
Her Neighbor
The young artist had determined to devote her life "for art." She wasn't a great painter; she never would be one, yet she believed that she saw her mission clear and "mere man" had no part in her dreams. A number of her girlfriends encouraged her in the notion, and all had determined to live in single blessedness for the rest of their days.
His Heroine
He was a hard-headed old business man and very mercenary, so when he received a letter from a debtor in a little country town asking for more time in which to pay the amount he owed, he decided to show no mercy. But on the way to the home of his debtors he had an accident. He slipped and fell from a cliff upon a projecting ledge below. He was thinking less of the money than of the chances of prolonging his life when he heard someone call him, and looking up he saw a girl standing on the cliff.
When Dreams Come True
The young owners of a California orange grove loved each other, but they were unhappy because their lives were so narrow and circumscribed. Each dreamed of wealth and prayed continually that it might come. Sometimes dreams come true and in this particular case they did. Wealth came to the couple and they were in a position to gratify their every fancy.
Lucile is a 1912 drama film short.
The Little Girl Next Door
Helen Randall and Ruth Foster were little tots. The two children lived side by side on one of the fashionable streets in New York City. One day Helen and her parents were starting for the park when the little one suggested that they invite Ruth to go with them. The idea pleased them all, and as to Ruth, she was in an ecstasy of delight. She skipped down the steps into the Randalls' automobile, and her father (a widower), watching her as the machine whizzed off, realized more than ever the little treasure he possessed.
In the days long ago when knights were brave and venturesome, enchanted forests grew and mythical creatures lived among us.
One little girl lived in the country. She was a model child, everybody admitted it, but it cannot be denied that she was more or less of a cry-baby and a coward.
Under Two Flags
Drama of life in the foreign legion of Africa
Her Secret
The husband was stern, solemn and never could understand why anyone should laugh. The wife didn't have much sense, perhaps, but she was full of life and laughter. Why they should have married was a mystery; that there should have come a matrimonial shipwreck was hardly a surprise.
Dottie's New Doll
Dottie was very proud of her great big beautiful doll but sometimes they are in danger of getting broke. And that was what happened to "Beautiful Bess" and it nearly broke her mother's tiny heart.
The Little Shut-in
His home was a dreary room in a basement; he was hopelessly crippled; his widowed mother was just able to keep their home together by steady work as a washerwoman; and he had no toys or other boys to play with. Despite his sickness and poverty the little shut-in was a cheery chap, and invented games of his own.
The Star of the Side Show
Her parents were humble peasants, and were fond of her when she was a baby, for they believed she would grow up to be a beautiful woman and make a good match. The trouble was that she didn't grow up. When she was nineteen she was no bigger than a child of six. Naturally they were overjoyed when an offer for their daughter's hand was made by another midget who lived in the same village. To their astonishment and anger, the girl refused to entertain it, declaring the husband she chose would have to be a man of whom she could be proud. Her home life was most unhappy after that, and the entire family rejoiced when a showman from the United States arrived and offered what seemed big money if she would join his "Congress of Freaks," which was quite an institution in America. And the girl went gladly.
My Baby's Voice
A neglected mother is tempted to stray, but she is saved by her baby's voice, whom she hears talking on the telephone.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.
The Lady from the Sea
Ellida was the daughter of a lighthouse keeper, and spent many hours near the water's edge. While she was still scarcely more than a child, one of these ships put in for repairs at a fishing village near the lighthouse, and its second officer, while on a day's outing to kill time, visited the lighthouse. He there met Ellida, whose youth and beauty he admired. While his ship was still undergoing repairs, the second officer quarreled with his captain, and a fight ensued in which the captain was killed. The guilty man escaped from the ship, and making his way to the lighthouse, forced Ellida to assist in his flight.