Gerbert Rappaport

Nacimiento : 1908-07-07, Vienna, Austria

Muerte : 1983-09-05


Меня это не касается
Меня это не касается
Сержант милиции
A Circle
Police captain Aleshin is investigating a case related to the theft of opium at a chemical factory warehouse. Everything suggests that the offender must be sought among the employees of the enterprise. One of the workers, Frolov, is familiar to Alyoshin in another matter. And although Aleshin is confident in Frolov’s honesty, he suspects something was wrong, seeing how he hides something from him and himself suffers from it. At the dacha, the factory director Vasiltsev killed his stepfather, who turned out to be an unnecessary witness. A trace brings Aleshin to a plant employee, a certain Olga ...
Schwarzer Zwieback
Two Tickets for a Daytime Picture Show
Young detective investigates a complex crime starting with a two movie tickets found in the pocket of one of the criminals.
Cherry Town
Lida Baburova, a tour guide of an architectural museum, unexpectedly receives a warrant for a two-room apartment in the new district of Zarechye, among the new settlers called "our Cheryomushki". Lida and her father go to inspect the apartment, but it turns out that it doesn't exist. The manager of the house, Barabashkin, conducted fictitious documentation, and the Baburovs' apartment merged with the neighboring one, owned by the head of the construction trust Drebednyov.
Как веревочка ни вьётся
The Sun and the Rain
Jaak is a young labourer always facing some kind of issues and it seems he always rides for a fall. At the construction work of a new thermal power station, Jaak meets young people from the Young Communist League who won't find faults with him and are ready to help him out.
Поддубенские частушки
Andrus's Happiness
Сон болельщика
A man tries to enter a football field and dreams about a football ballet.
Сон болельщика
A man tries to enter a football field and dreams about a football ballet.
Stars of the Russian Ballet
An anthology of three filmed ballets, two written for the film and the third an abridgment of Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake". It was entered into the 1954 Cannes Film Festival. Filmed in color.
Light over Koordi
When Paul Runge, a soldier of the Red Army, returns home to Koordi after the war, he sees that, despite the new regime, life in Koordi hasn't changed. It's still a abandoned, uncultured Estonian village, where rich landlords still oppress the population. Runge starts talking about founding a kolkhoze.
Alexander Popov
A biographical film about the life and work of the outstanding physicist-electrical engineer, inventor of radio communications Alexander Semenovich Popov.
Life in the Citadel
Professor August Miilas has succeeded in hiding in his private house from the war. He thinks this is mainly caused by his complete devotion to science. As August is not interested in anything that is going on outside his citadel, his family members avoid disturbing him. However, the political situation disrupt August's quietude. Right in the middle of his domestic citadel, the professor finds out about dangerous secrets so that he must give up this apolitical attitude and open up for the new reality.
Air Taxi
A musical romantic comedy set in Soviet Union during the first years of WWII.
Кино-концерт 1941
Musical Story
Talented cabbie with aspirations as a singer spends afterhours practicing with an amateur opera company, ignoring his sweetheart, the femme cab dispatcher.
Professor Mamlock
Made in Stalin’s Soviet Union, Professor Mamlock was one of the first films worldwide to tackle Nazi anti-Semitism openly. Based on a play by a German-Jewish exile in Moscow, Friedrich Wolf, and directed by an Austrian-Jewish exile in Moscow, Herbert Rappaport, the film tells with the story of an apolitical humanitarian Jewish doctor and his politically-aware, fascism-resisting son, an intern, as their lives become entangled with the Nazis’ rise to power in 1930s Germany, where they live and practice. Things come to a head when the Nazi organization takes control of their hospital, and place a rabid antisemitic physician in charge over Mamlock and his staff.
Professor Mamlock
Made in Stalin’s Soviet Union, Professor Mamlock was one of the first films worldwide to tackle Nazi anti-Semitism openly. Based on a play by a German-Jewish exile in Moscow, Friedrich Wolf, and directed by an Austrian-Jewish exile in Moscow, Herbert Rappaport, the film tells with the story of an apolitical humanitarian Jewish doctor and his politically-aware, fascism-resisting son, an intern, as their lives become entangled with the Nazis’ rise to power in 1930s Germany, where they live and practice. Things come to a head when the Nazi organization takes control of their hospital, and place a rabid antisemitic physician in charge over Mamlock and his staff.
High and Low
Assistant Director
The intersecting lives of neighbors in a courtyard apartment building in Vienna,including a football player related to the concierge,a new blonde maid hired by the wife of a baron,whom both the athlete and a baron flirt with,and a deadbeat tenant who fakes his suicide.
Assistant Director
Tras el final de la I Guerra Mundial, el clima en la frontera franco-alemana es de resentimiento y todo es propicio a la tensión y la hostilidad. Una mina, antiguamente alemana, es repartida a partir de 1918 entre Francia y Alemania. Hay un accidente en túneles del sector francés y se desata un incendio. Por supuesto, las partidas de ayuda no se movilizan con la misma celeridad sabiendo que las víctimas no son alemanas. Un grupo de tres viejos mineros alemanes, que la noche anterior habían sido tratados poco amigablemente en una posada francesa, inician su propia incursión de rescate, utilizando para ello un camino en plena línea limítrofe entre ambas naciones.
Tras el final de la I Guerra Mundial, el clima en la frontera franco-alemana es de resentimiento y todo es propicio a la tensión y la hostilidad. Una mina, antiguamente alemana, es repartida a partir de 1918 entre Francia y Alemania. Hay un accidente en túneles del sector francés y se desata un incendio. Por supuesto, las partidas de ayuda no se movilizan con la misma celeridad sabiendo que las víctimas no son alemanas. Un grupo de tres viejos mineros alemanes, que la noche anterior habían sido tratados poco amigablemente en una posada francesa, inician su propia incursión de rescate, utilizando para ello un camino en plena línea limítrofe entre ambas naciones.