Thirteen examples of The Pogues unique brand of hellraising folk, ranging from punky takes on traditional Irish songs like 'Dirty Old Town' to the Shane MacGowan penned originals which offered romanticised visions of life viewed through the bottom of a bottle.
When a courier at the D-Day Courier Service mistakenly finds a pile of money in his regular delivery, he does some digging only to discover that the messenger company is a front for a drug ring. A reformed drug user himself, he sets out to crack the lethal ring.
Protagonizado por el líder de The Clash, Joe Strummer, la historia sigue a un grupo de ladrones de bancos que entierran su botín y se esconden en un pueblo desierto. Para su desgracia, pronto descubren que el pueblo, lejos de estar deshabitado, será el escenario para un desenlace -género obliga- repleto de disparos y cuerpos que caen.