Patrick Sandrin


Marie's Children
Line Producer
During the German occupation of France, a young woman - Marie - finds a Jewish boy in her room. His parents and other Jewish neighbors have been just been deported, but Maurice (the boy) escaped. Marie decides to hide him, secretly.
June 1946: Stalin invites Russian emigres to return to the motherland. It's a trap: when a ship-load from France arrives in Odessa, only a physician and his family are spared execution or prison. He and his French wife (her passport ripped up) are sent to Kiev. She wants to return to France immediately; he knows that they are captives and must watch every step.
The story of a neurotic bachelor who, after marrying a beautiful woman, submits her to increasingly deranged accusations of infidelity and pleas for forgiveness.
Los náufragos
Associate Producer
Aron es un chileno exiliado cuyo padre ha muerto durante sus años de ausencia, y cuyo hermano es uno de los miles de "desaparecidos". Aron, de vuelta a su país, se siente como un náufrago perdido en un lugar que no reconoce, tratando de comprender lo sucedido a su familia y al que fue su país... Tras casi 20 años de exilio, con el regreso de la democracia a Chile, Miguel Littin volvió oficialmente a su país. Previamente había entrado clandestinamente en 1985 para filmar una crónica de la dictadura, osadía que inspiró el libro de Gabriel García Márquez "Aventura de Miguel Littin clandestino en Chile". En "Los Náufragos" reflejó el efecto que había tenido la dictadura de Pinochet en la sociedad chilena a través del personaje de Aron. Según la crítica inglesa, "Los náufragos" es una extraordinariamente oscura y poética película.
Dollar Mambo
Music and dance nurture the story of a group of people who live in a popular neighborhood. The invasion of North American soldiers to Panama will break the tranquility of the place bringing a wave of violence with them.
Terre sacrée
A Chilean returning to Santiago to find out what has happened to his native country while he has been away, discovers much about himself.
Terre sacrée
A Chilean returning to Santiago to find out what has happened to his native country while he has been away, discovers much about himself.
Summer of 1964. The professor Carlos and the couple Dário and Alda spend time together in the beach during vacations. Away from the colonial war, everything seems lost in time.
The Mountains of the Moon
This visually striking drama is taken from the classic Japanese novel Tales Of Genji by Marasaki Shikibu. Set in modern Portugal, Joao (Luis Miguel Cintra) is a left-wing political leader and ladies man with a bright future. His ex-wife Isabel (Manuela de Freitas) both loves and hates him as Joao plays on her wavering emotional state. He is sent to Italy to retrieve wayward family member Antonia (Caroline Chaniolleau), the beautiful young woman with a terrorist boyfriend. Joao is forced to recognize his feelings as the political and amorous climate changes around him.