Géza Bereményi
Nacimiento : 1946-01-25, Budapest, Hungary
This film is a tribute to a humiliated and destroyed nation. "As Long as the Grass Grows" is an alternative, ancient and humble creation story, where man is not the crown of the creation, but the weakest of all creatures. The film takes us back to the beginning of time, where Old Man begins to create the world out of a handful of mud. Everything he creates is new and nameless, and affects the rest of the world. Even feelings and desires are unknown and when they emerge, the world becomes more and more complicated.
Small-town politics (corruption etc.) in Hungary.
Short Story
In the second half of the 1800s, the daughter of a Debrecen family marries a landowner, Kálmán Jablonczay. The couple move to the husband's castle. The marriage starts off happily but the new wife, Mária Rickl, soon finds herself at odds with the gentry lifestyle, her husband and her father-in-law...
Budapest, 1956. Una joven estrella de waterpolo, Karcsi, se ve involucrado en la revolución anti-soviética que se cuece en las calles de Hungría. En un principio, le motiva la aventura, pero la joven y apasionada Viki capta su atención, consiguiendo que Karcsi se adentre con ella en el corazón de la revuelta.
Poco después, tras la retirada de los rusos, la revolución parece haber logrado sus objetivos. Karcsi vuelve a su equipo de waterpolo para jugar en las olimpiadas de Melbourne, sin saber que las fuerzas rusas retornan en su empeño de apoderarse de las calles húngaras... Serán Karcsi y sus compañeros quienes demostrarán al mundo que su pequeña nación no será vencida fácilmente.
Un inconformista noble del siglo XIX lucha para liberar su país de un imperio extranjero. Pero los Habsburgo de Austria, no son el único oponente que el Conde Szechenyi tendrá que combatir. Luchando contra el destino, la historia y el amor, su vida privada se verá inseparablemente mezclada con el desorden público de una era cambiante. Entonces empezará a aprender que su mayor oponente es su propio corazón.
Un inconformista noble del siglo XIX lucha para liberar su país de un imperio extranjero. Pero los Habsburgo de Austria, no son el único oponente que el Conde Szechenyi tendrá que combatir. Luchando contra el destino, la historia y el amor, su vida privada se verá inseparablemente mezclada con el desorden público de una era cambiante. Entonces empezará a aprender que su mayor oponente es su propio corazón.
Az orvos
György Fehèr’s aim was to “make a film which is similar to the last salvaged print of a long lost film”. The passions he investigates are centred on primeval fears and cravings and a sense of inescapable doom. Shot in powerful black and white with excellent central performances.
Consulting Producer
"Free Fall" reflects to the times before the Shoah, the darkest chapter of the 20th century Hungary, based on the home movies of the talented musician, photographer and businessman, György Pető who made 8mm films from 1938.
This Hungarian comedy depicts the exploits of 8 members of a travelling troupe of actors and musicians as they move about the country performing a series of one night stands.
This Hungarian comedy depicts the exploits of 8 members of a travelling troupe of actors and musicians as they move about the country performing a series of one night stands.
The heroes of this crime-comedy attempt to get hold of money by a funny trick. They start operating the new post-office of the housing estate a week before the official opening, pocketing the revenue themselves. The inhabitants of the estate do not understand the trick, and loads of money pour to the swindlers.
Eckermann (Laszlo Kistamas) is a listless computer whiz who spends most of his time lounging in a bathtub holding imaginary conversations with cartoon characters usually more popular with children than grownups. He has some friends who want to use his skills to steal some money from a local gambling joint. He works out a scheme for his friends and returns to his tub. At some point along the way, he is joined in the water by a lovely Czech refugee, who (perhaps inadvertently) makes it possible for him to die there.
Eckermann (Laszlo Kistamas) is a listless computer whiz who spends most of his time lounging in a bathtub holding imaginary conversations with cartoon characters usually more popular with children than grownups. He has some friends who want to use his skills to steal some money from a local gambling joint. He works out a scheme for his friends and returns to his tub. At some point along the way, he is joined in the water by a lovely Czech refugee, who (perhaps inadvertently) makes it possible for him to die there.
A deep drama about life in Hungary after the WW2 until the revolt against Russians in '56. The main character is the head of the black market in Budapest. He thinks he can buy everyone and everything but at the end he must face that he can't buy life. A must-see for everyone. Casting involves some of the greatest Hungarian actors. The story takes place in the eighth district of Budapest focusing on the market place on Teleki square which is still working. The movie contains some archive footage of real fight during the revolution.
A deep drama about life in Hungary after the WW2 until the revolt against Russians in '56. The main character is the head of the black market in Budapest. He thinks he can buy everyone and everything but at the end he must face that he can't buy life. A must-see for everyone. Casting involves some of the greatest Hungarian actors. The story takes place in the eighth district of Budapest focusing on the market place on Teleki square which is still working. The movie contains some archive footage of real fight during the revolution.
An agent arrives in Budapest. His mission is to report what people feel here. He meets Péter and Mari, later Ilona as well, who is the lover of Péter and just returned from Wunderland. Ilona longs for death, Péter for Wunderland, Mari for a constant sexual intercourse with the agent.
Réb went to the United States about 20 years ago and in the eighties he returns to Budapest with his teenager daughter...
The heroes of this story, based on real events at the end of the 1930s and during World War II, face and dismiss the illusions of intellectuals about their ability to transform society. Professor Magyary and his disciples hoped to promote the modernisation of Hungarian society through a radical reform of public administration.
The heroes of this story, based on real events at the end of the 1930s and during World War II, face and dismiss the illusions of intellectuals about their ability to transform society. Professor Magyary and his disciples hoped to promote the modernisation of Hungarian society through a radical reform of public administration.
A Budapest high school in the beginning of the 1960s. Dini suffers the torments of adolescence. His father had to leave Hungary after the uprise in 1956, and since then Dini's mother has had to take care of her two sons on her own. A friend of Dini’s father, Bodor, is released from prison and moves in with them. Dini and his brother are far from happy about this intrusion on their family life.
The man is promoted and given a new assignment at his work-place. At home, he stares at a video-cassette: it portrays his wife's face in countless versions, she is sometimes simply beautiful, then unfathomable, but it is mostly a sad, closed, lonely face.
Buscando un lugar seguro donde vivir tras ser acosada por su marido, un hombre depresivo y violento, Juli se aloja en un refugio para mujeres dirigido por Mária.
The film condenses the awkwardness of country and functionary existence, consumer thinking based on paternalistic relationships into the sequence of events of 20 August, the feast of the Hungarian new loaf with sentimental irony and documentary credibility. A railwayman's family on the Balaton highlands expects the Budapest relative with his functionary boss and family.