Zalán Makranczi

Zalán Makranczi


Zalán Makranczi


A Karantén Zóna
Figaro házassága
Almaviva gróf
Valahogy így
If we are not careful, years have passed, and our life have become completely monotonous.
Attorney Varga
Eva lives cut off from the outside world in het sterile blue apartment. She's allergic to just about everything. Are her allergies caused by a polluting multinational corporation, or is she so sensitive and vulnerable she's making herself ill?
A Buszsofőr
Life is not always full of joy. A young boy dreams of being a bus driver. His father is hiding - for what he does not know - and his mother does not want him to speak to strangers. Everyday the boy is allowed to go out and play on a pile of wood in a nearby yard. One day a stranger shows up and wants to befriend the boy.
Ruben Brandt, coleccionista
Mike Kowalsky (voice)
El psicoterapeuta Ruben Brandt sufre pesadillas violentas inspiradas en 13 obras de arte famosas, incluidas "Retrato del cartero Joseph Roulin" de Van Gogh, la "Venus of Urbino" de Tiziano y "Mujer con libro" de Picasso. Cuatro de sus pacientes, que son ladrones expertos, se ofrecen para robar las obras, ya que creen que una vez que las posea desaparecerán las pesadillas. Él acepta el plan y ellos se cuelan en museos y galerías de arte de todo el mundo. Brandt se convierte en "El colector”, uno de los criminales más buscados. Gangsters y cazarrecompensas le buscan para ganar los 100 millones de dólares que se pagan por su captura. Un grupo de compañías de seguros contrata a Mike Kowalski, un detective privado y experto en robos de arte, para resolver el caso.
Franz von Vogel
Erno Blaskovich lo ha perdido todo tras la Revolución Húngara de 1848, pero Kincsem, un magnífico caballo, dará un giro a su vida hasta ese momento vacía, sin sentido y autodestructiva, dándole una oportunidad de cobrarse venganza y recuperar su amor y su honor.
For Some Inexplicable Reason
Szentesi Balázs
Áron stands in his life as an average 29-year-old weirdo. He has many contemporary complexes, a fresh university degree, and a recent break up. His parents have to support him financially as he is still a job seeker and while Áron is agonizing on his lost love, he is always interrupted by something; it seems like he’s not the main character in his life.
István, a király - 30. éves jubileumi előadás
Szentesi Bálint
Where Were You, My Son?
Weér Andor
Set in a large apartment in Hungary during the death throes of communism, obedient Andor lives with his eccentric mother, Rebeka, a once-celebrated stage actress-turned-recluse. After years of coexisting in a love-hate relationship marked by routine and possible incest, Andor brings home Eszter, a beautiful girl his own age. Her advances awaken Andor's repressed desires, the depths of which prove shocking. Opera director Robert Alfoldi renders this bizarre story in a melodramatic style, and veteran Hungarian stage star Dorottya Udvaros rises to the occasion. If you can imagine the intersecting area on a Venn diagram that includes Taxidermia and Sunset Blvd., that's where Where Were You, My Son? was born. The original title, Nyugalom, which translates to Tranquility, is ironic to say the least. ...over and violins (Variety).