Anita Wall

Anita Wall

Nacimiento : 1940-06-11, Stockholm, Sweden


Kerstin Anita Wall is a Swedish stage and screen actress.


Anita Wall


Stall-Erik and the Snapphans
Stall-Erik och snapphanarna is a Swedish film project that began filming in 1996 with a preliminary premiere in 2025. Director, producer and lead actor is Anders Olofsson. Olofsson is entirely responsible for the financing of the project and the casting.
I Love You, A Divorce Comedy
Cuando la esposa quiere el divorcio, el neurótico esposo se esfuerza por llegar a un acuerdo con lo que sucedió y cómo recuperar su vida anterior.
For Better and Worse
A couple on the brink of divorce attempts to hide their crisis at a grand wedding, but it turns out they are not the only ones with false appearances.
Crimes of passion: Rosas, besos y muerte
La finca de Rödbergshyttan está rodeado de rosas en todos los colores. Allí vive la bella Gabriella, que ama a Christer, y una invitación a su fiesta de compromiso es la razón de que Puck y Einar viajen hasta allí. Pero el idilio rosa de pronto se convierten en asfixiante cuando Puck encuentra el abuelo de Gabriella envenenado en su cama. Poco a poco aprendemos que las relaciones entre las personas que viven en la finca son complicadas, y que hay una frustración sexual detrás de cada matrimonio bien pulido. La cuestión es , hasta qué punto la bella Gabriella está involucrada en las intrigas y cuánto de coincidencia hay en que su abuelo sea asesinado justo cuando Christer está en la casa...
Mujer brillante pero socialmente torpe para el hábito de decir lo que piensa abiertamente, Lou siempre ha creído que los abuelos maternos murieron hace mucho, cuando se sorprendió al descubrir que, mientras que su abuelo acaba de morir, la abuela sigue viva . ¿Qué le motiva para iniciar su viaje a un pequeño pueblo en el que, además de conocer la abuela traviesa Frida y un joven fuera de lugar, tendrá la oportunidad de conocer a Henrik, que se enamora perdidamente de ella.
Lennart lives a very lonely life. He collects things and when he tests the limits of how far he can go for his collections, he meets a woman.
A One-Way Trip to Antibes
When George (Sven-Bertil Taube), a half-blind widower, learns that his children (Malin Morgan, Dan Ekborg) have conceived an elaborate plan to get their hands on his assets before he dies, he must confront his life choices. After catching his young home help Maria (Rebecca Ferguson's screen debut) red-handed in the act of stealing, George blackmails her into assisting him in a counterattack, triggering off a chain reaction in the family. George's children discover that he has a secret mistress in France.
Beck 26 - Buried Alive
In a playground in the centre of the urban idyll, the police find a buried wooden box containing a famous and well-respected prosecutor. Martin Beck and his police team initially suspect a highly criminal MC-leader of the attack, but one pretty soon has to re-evaluate the case once the MC-leader is found murdered in a similar wooden box. Soon, more wooden boxes are found and the police realize that they are part of a cat and mouse game with a crazy serial killer. The investigation soon shows that there is a vague connection between the victims in the shape of a 9 year old event, but what Martin Beck does not suspect is that his own life too is at stake, as the murderer has chosen him as the next victim.
A heartwarming tale about a beloved father who is trying to cope with cultural clashes, loss and the search for love in average Swedish society.
Irene Huss 2: Den krossade tanghästen
Sylvia von Knecht
A man jumps from a balcony and dies. His terrified wife witnesses the event in a nearby taxi cab. Once Irene Huss arrives on the scene, it soon turns out that what appeared to be a tragic suicide is actually a brutal murder, and the victim is one of Gothenburg's wealthiest men. When it becomes clear that a biker gang is involved, the investigation gets even more complicated and Irene finds herself tracking down a shrewd and dangerous murderer among ex-millionaires, motorcycle gangs, drug dealers, and blackmailers. At the same time, she has to deal with everyday life and a teenage daughter who has decided to join a gang of skinheads with Neo-Nazi tendencies.
The mother and the younger son in a happy family dies in a car-accident. The father and the teenage-son Jonas survives the accident. Now they have to move on with their lives together.
Den sista yankeen
"All people with a tiny bit of sense get depressed in this country", says Patricia in "The Last Yankee". Two men - a carpenter and a successful self-employed business owner - visit their wives, who both are patients in a mental hospital. Why has life become so unbearable for them?
Phillip, an 18 year old boy knows only one thing. How to climb...
Cecilia Hall
Cuando estalla la guerra, Annika vive con sus padres en Värmland, cerca de la frontera con Noruega. Su primo Harald es un traficante en el mercado negro pero tiene que escapar de la policía a Noruega. Annika se traslada a Estocolmo y consigue un trabajo de camarera. Conoce al despreocupado Berit y juntos lo pasan de maravilla. También conoce a un joven, Bengt, con quien se casa. Pero casi de inmediato descubre que su marido es diferente al hombre que la cortejaba. Trama de Mattias Thuresson.
Den inbillade sjuke
Toinette, Argans kammarjungfru
John is a legal assistant who is looking forward to marriage to his fiancee Sally, but his daydream is interrupted when a model plane crashes through his window. Following the plane is a family of six who invade his life and apartment.
Pirates of the Lake
Greta Vinqvist
It is the first day of the summer vacation. Jojje, Jerker and Fabian wants to borrow a sailing boat to take a boat trip so they steal it. They plan to examine all of Lake Maelaren, but a storm breaks out and the boat sinks. They go ashore, steal food and a new boat. While everybody else believes them to be dead, they have a wonderful time. They meet a crazy Count and find a dead body.
In the Name of the Law
A group of four policemen is known for cruising the streets of Stockholm in their van, looking for drunks or criminals they can beat up with their batons. Lately witnesses saw them pick up a drunk who later was found dead. The four policemen deny any knowledge. Police inspector Jarnebring gets the case and finds out that these four policemen have been reported for 22 cases of police brutality. Shortly after, another criminal dies in their van...
Jelena Popova
Widow Jelena has let it be known she does not want to meet any men and is upset when Grigorij shows up and wants to speak to her about something.
Pappa är död
Jan-Olof has an unresolved relationship with his father, and during the days leading up to the funeral, he tries to find out who the father really was. The practical arrangements for a funeral are often of a tragicomic nature.
Secretos de un matrimonio
Mrs. Palm
El matrimonio formado por Johan, profesor de psicología, y Marianne, abogada, recibe una noche en su casa la visita de sus amigos Peter y Katerina. Al poco tiempo, los invitados empiezan una fuerte discusión en la que los anfitriones intentan mediar sin éxito alguno. Cuando se quedan solos, Johan y Marianne empiezan a hablar de su matrimonio y de sus problemas.
Adam och Eva
Eva discovers a contest of an altarpiece. Her husband Adam makes a simple sketch. Adam wins the competition. The success makes Adam famous.
El maravilloso viaje de Nils Holgersson
Girl in Window
Nils Holgersson es un niño travieso que vive con sus padres en una granja y se divierte gastando crueles bromas a los animales. Un día atrapa a un duende y éste le ofrece una buena moneda si le libera, pero Nils no mantiene su promesa y el duende, como castigo, le reduce a un tamaño minúsculo, aunque también le da la facultad de entender el lenguaje de los animales. Temiendo la venganza de los animales de la granja, Nils escapa agarrándose al ganso doméstico Martin, que ha decidido unirse a una bandada de gansos salvajes en su emigración anual hacia Laponia.
16 -year-old Mari has just been released from a juvenile detention school after one year of treatment. To prevent her from making contact with her old gang, she is sent to Skåne in southern Sweden, where she will work in a dairy shop. She doesn't like being there so she decides to run away and hitchhike her way up to Stockholm. She makes contact with her old gang but realizes that she's not welcome anymore and her boyfriend has even hooked up with a new girl.
Young Greasers, known as Raggare in Sweden, gather at a café outside Stockholm. Roffe is the toughest greaser and kidnaps his girlfriend Bibban, when he discovers that she is out riding with other guys. Bibban falls in love with the sensitive Lasse.
Swedish TV movie based on the Hjalmar Bergman play.
Kristina, Elis Troförlovade
A family in crisis during the holiday of Easter