Emile Poppe


My Life As an Actor
Eric De Kuyper’s first feature film in 25 years is made up of sequences that pay tribute to a range of Hollywood genres.
Pink Ulysses
An actor prepares, removing his shirt to iron it. All shirts stay off. In a mix of black and white, colour, and old film clips, a homoerotic odyssey begins. Troy is sacked, and Odysseus starts his languorous journey back to Penelope and Telemachos, who wait in Ithaca. Odysseus dreams: young well-muscled men roll on sheets, hands remove flowers to disclose a sculpted torso. The ship tosses Odysseus; gobs sleep in hammocks; a storm beats down and a life boat seeks a strand. Circe, disguised as Penelope, seduces Odysseus; he stays with her for seven years. In Ithaca, Penelope and her suitors are impatient. Will Odysseus arrive before the film crew breaks for lunch?
Naughty Boys
An ode to musicals past. Handsome men spend their time in a beautiful manor.
Casta Diva
A celebration of the male form. A series of observations of men, filmed in beautiful black and white, with an almost total absence of the spoken word.
Los encuentros de Ana
El trabajo de Anna como directora de cine la lleva por toda Europa Occidental. Vaya donde vaya, o ya tiene alguna relación íntima o la encuentra rápidamente. La gente se siente atraída por ella y tiende a revelarle sus secretos más íntimos, a pesar de que Anna no muestra interés alguno por conocerlos.