One year after a tragic incident tore their family apart, a grieving son and his estranged father embark on a journey into the wild to reconcile their past. When a horrifying accident leaves Russell badly injured, and strands them in the wild, it is up to October to save them both. However, this wilderness is not what it seems, and as they deteriorate, so to does their concept of reality.
One year after a tragic incident tore their family apart, a grieving son and his estranged father embark on a journey into the wild to reconcile their past. When a horrifying accident leaves Russell badly injured, and strands them in the wild, it is up to October to save them both. However, this wilderness is not what it seems, and as they deteriorate, so to does their concept of reality.
One year after a tragic incident tore their family apart, a grieving son and his estranged father embark on a journey into the wild to reconcile their past. When a horrifying accident leaves Russell badly injured, and strands them in the wild, it is up to October to save them both. However, this wilderness is not what it seems, and as they deteriorate, so to does their concept of reality.
Frat Guy
Flynn Carsen, el experto bibliotecario, viaja a los misteriosos pantanos de Nueva Orleans en busca del cáliz de Judas, una copa de plata que, según la leyenda, tenía el poder de devolver a la vida al mismísimo príncipe Drácula... Tercera entrega de la serie de películas de aventuras protagonizada por Noah Wyle, "The Librarian". En esta ocasión, el héroe de la saga se enfrentará a una horda de vampiros.