Miembros de la tribu Osage de los Estados Unidos, son asesinados bajo misteriosas circunstancias en la década de 1920 provocando una importante investigación por el FBI involucrando a J. Edgar Hoover.
Una aventura de la era espacial ambientada en el contexto de la misión lunar Apolo de 1969 e inspirada en la infancia del director Richard Linklater.
Doctor Bentley
Una familia estadounidense celebra el embarazo de su hija de 28 años. La celebración se interrumpe cuando un líder de un culto satánico, Henrik Brandr, visita inesperadamente su rancho. Henrik ofrece pagar a la familia una gran suma por la propiedad de su tierra. Jacob Richardson, el padre, rechaza la oferta debido al invaluable valor sentimental del rancho. Henrik, disgustado, comienza a lanzar devastadoras maldiciones sobre los Richardson, tratando de expulsarlos de su tierra, incluso si eso significa asesinarlos. Después de sufrir tragedias inexplicables, los Richardson buscan la ayuda de Marybeth, una sacerdotisa bruja blanca. Pronto descubren un terrible secreto sobre su casa, revelando por qué su tierra es tan valiosa para el culto. Se dan cuenta de que deben proteger su casa del culto a toda costa, y se produce una violenta batalla entre el bien y el mal.
Manager #1
Basada en la historia real de Forrest Tucker, un apuesto ladrón de bancos que en sus 80 años de vida logró escaparse 18 veces de prisión. Retirado del oficio, Tucker vive en un hogar de jubilados y ha encontrado en Jewel al amor de su vida. Cuando un día ve al detective John Hunt por televisión, el ex atracador siente la necesidad de dar un último golpe y demostrar que aún puede traer en jaque a los policías más competentes.
A bumbling young film crew, shooting a low-budget horror movie in an abandoned orphanage, discovers that a family of sadistic killers has rewritten their script.
Motel Keeper #2
Un joven predicador carismático y su novia viajan a través de la Ruta 66 estafando a las pequeñas iglesias que se encuentran por el camino, hasta que descubren que los poderes curativos que él se inventa se vuelven reales.
Sheriff Rose
Goodnight, Charlene is a crime fiction/ thriller set in a Far West Texas border town. A local mechanic is in the fight of his life when his two-timing wife and her boyfriend hatch a plot with the town's corrupt mayor and local law to murder him for profit.
Sinaloa hitchhikes into Texas to meet Merle, her half-sister by way of their dead country musician father. As the two get to know each other, Sinaloa's chaotic influence starts to unravel Merle's quiet, comfortable life. While the family music legacy brought Sinaloa to Austin, she won't leave without taking revenge against the people who stole her daddy away years ago.
Mr. Harris
Ellie is a 27-year old whose life is far from where she imagined it to be. Filled with annoying friends, a self-involved boyfriend, and a career that she can’t bring herself to pursue, Ellie feels detached from her life. When she learns that her estranged alcoholic father has died, her world is disrupted and she begins a journey that takes her to a small town in Texas. While dealing with the logistical arrangements of her father’s death Ellie has to confront what happens when the structures and safety nets we build for ourselves come undone.
Sheriff Hershel Cotton
Father Walker
Un adolescente huérfano establece una amistad con un criminal, y comienza a ayudarle a perpetrar sus robos.
Judge Kendall
La historia real de cuatro estudiantes atletas de la Escuela Preparatoria Carter en Dallas, Texas en la década de 1980, cuyos brillantes futuros cambiaron irrevocablemente debido a sus actividades fuera del campo.
Daniel Stannum
"A Man Called Jon" is a light-hearted dramedy about Pastor Jon Terrell Carson's unusual style of worship. Jon's church is very traditional and is not accustomed to outbursts during service. One day after embarrassing the church along with his family, Senior Pastor Stannum decides to reach out to the Bishop requesting that Jon be assigned to a church more suited to his style of praise. Jon and his family find themselves at an African American Church, where he is confronted by Associate Pastor Dickens, who later informs him that he was sent to the wrong church due to mix-up in paperwork. Jon is moved to his third church where he struggles to fit in. Will Jon be able to control his celebration or will he be moved for a fourth time?
Sheriff Grimes
21 de enero de 1968, un bombardero B-52 estadounidense que transportaba cargas nucleares se ha estrellado en el hielo polar cerca de la base militar aérea norteamericana en Thule, Groenlandia. Unos días más tarde, responsables del gobierno calificarán el accidente como un «Broken Arrow» —es decir, un incidente donde intervienen armas nucleares pero no reviste peligro—, no habiendo motivo para preocuparse en torno a contaminación radiactiva o violación de la política nuclear por parte de una potencia extranjera. Centenares de trabajadores de Thule están trabajando en una inmensa operación de limpieza. Después de 8 meses, todos los restos de la aeronave y la nieve contaminada con plutonio han desaparecido. El caso está cerrado. No obstante, y 18 años más tarde, mientras cubría una historia sobre trabajadores locales, el reportero Paul Brink se verá inmerso en sospechosas circunstancias que le llevarán al oculto accidente nuclear del 68.
Paula, a world champion gunslinger and star of a wild west show, is on top of the world until she gets into a horrible accident and must be saved by Pepper.
Mr. Welborn
Bright and independent 12-year-old Summer Larsen rescues a sweet, stray dog and will stop at nothing to save him. And it's her determination that ultimately impacts those around her.
A young newlywed couple find themselves trapped in a network of underground caves. With her husband injured, the new bride is forced to find her way back to the surface in order to save his life. In the process, they discover a terrifying truth about the "underneath", they are not alone. Something evil is hunting them.
Cuenta la historia de Scott (Sam Eidson), un gamemaster de treinta y tantos que cuida de su abuela enferma y que ha hecho del rol su manera de vivir, si bien su mundo se pondrá del revés cuando conozca a Miles (Garrett Graham), con quien se enfrentará en la vida y sobre el tablero. (FILMAFFINITY)
Acme Brick Supervisor
Película que relata la crónica real de lo que sucedió en el Parkland Hospital de Dallas el día en el que dispararon al presidente de los Estados Unidos John F. Kennedy, el 22 de noviembre de 1963.
Man in Truck
The Blackmon family subsist in their car following the recession, desperate to keep up appearances and reclaim their silent dignity as a stable unit.
An unforgiving sun, a parched earth, and a failed economy have left a small Texas town desolate. For ten years Promise, Texas has known nothing but one curse after another. It's barren, broken, and dying, leaving a town full of despair. When a couple finds a boy walking along a dusty road, alone in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but a mat tucked under his arm, they pick him up in hopes of helping him. What they don't realize is that he has come to help them and the residents of Promise. No one knows who he is or where he came from. Some think he's an answer to prayer. Others think he's a runaway or a false prophet. And the only thing this boy will say about himself is that he's here to help. The town's sheriff, Brody, is determined to uncover the truth. But Brody has his own problems trying to hold a dying town together. Miracle after miracle takes place and the residents of Promise embrace the boy... Written by Mike Norris
Father Campbell
Thriller satírico basado en un videojuego en el que un grupo de estudiantes de vacaciones son expuestos a un virus mortal que se extiende rápidamente a través del contacto directo.
Marvin Johnson
Two young scientists are swept up in a government plot to suppress the truth about a biological disaster at a genetic research facility.
Una pequeña ciudad en Texas enfrente a un ejército de muertos vivientes que son controlados por alienígenas del espacio exterior.
Mr. Henry
While shooting their reality TV show, a team of ghost hunters get into the fight of their lives as they investigate the haunted tunnels deep below an old Texas college.
In 1862 a Dutch widow travels to the Old West to discover the fate of her husband and learn the horrible secret of the town in which he died.