Brady Hallongren


My Daughter's Deadly Roommates
Online Editor
New beginnings have disastrous consequences as a young woman starts college and quickly finds herself trapped inside a secret society that has sinister motives. As the society isolates her from her family with increasing intensity, she must decide whether to resign herself to their deadly manipulation, or if she will fight back to stop them once and for all. ~Courtesy of
A Miracle Before Christmas
With a little help from an angel, Mercedes Wright, a fast-talking popular relationship therapist with all the answers when it comes to fixing everyone else's marriage, must now use the magic of Christmas to find the secret to save her own.
El detective Breslin se cruza con Calloway, un hacker despiadado desesperado por encontrar a su esposa que ha sido secuestrada por un cartel de la droga. Cuando Calloway escapa de la custodia policial, Breslin une fuerzas con una policía para recuperar a su prisionero. En el camino aparece el padre de Calloway, quien está involucrado de alguna manera en esta situación explosiva.
Blue Moon Ball
Online Editor
Grace Montague, a writer on the verge of losing her book contract, returns to her hometown to finish her final novel and rediscover her muse. However, upon arriving home she finds her first love, Sean, desperate to save the town's historic ballroom, and needs her help writing the proposal before the night of the rare Blue Moon Ball.
Somewhere in the Middle
A documentary about the lives of five working artists (two musicians, an actor, and two fine artists) who may not be household names, but have been successful making a living with their art.
The Basement
Un hombre aparentemente inocente es secuestrado por un asesino en serie de Los Ángeles que obliga a sus víctimas a cambiar roles con él con el fin de reproducir su propia captura, tortura y asesinato.
Cameron is a nighttime courier with a heart of gold and a secret. Dusk to dawn, he makes deliveries all over the Los Angeles area. A skilled chef, he's saving for his own food truck, but he's too busy taking care of other people to put his own dreams first. When his next pickup turns out to be Jasmine, the attractive, headstrong daughter of a client, the ensuing sparks light up the night sky. Will this chance encounter be just another delivery, or will it change his life forever?
The Strange Thing About the Johns
Los Johnson son una adinerada y saludable familia de clase media-alta. Sidney, esposo y padre, es un famoso poeta, conocido y adorado por su amabilidad y sensibilidad. Joan, esposa y madre, es una ama de casa obediente, obsesiva con ser una buena anfitriona. Su hijo, Isaiah, es un joven carismático que acaba de casarse con una mujer joven igualmente atractiva. De hecho, sólo hay algo que separa a los Johnson de sus encantadores amigos y vecinos: Sidney, el padre, ha estado abusando de su hijo Isaiah desde que éste tenía doce años. Y, lo que es más, Sidney ha escrito unas memorias en las que narra, con gran detalle, los pormenores de esta indecorosa relación padre-hijo. ¿Alguna vez verá el manuscrito la luz del día, o tendrá el joven Isaiah algo que decir al respecto?
The Long Green Line
Director of Photography
Coach Joe Newton has used the sport of Cross Country Running to teach simple but important lessons to high school boys for the last 50 years. "Always do your best", "be on time" and "it's nice to be great but far greater to be nice" are mantras, which have turned the Boys Cross Country team at the public York High School in Elmhurst Illinois into the most winning high school team in any sport in America. Along with mastery of their sport, Newton turns boys into men, who carry his teaching and his love for each of them throughout their lives. The Long Green Line documents the York Duke's 2005 Cross Country season as the runners seek their record 25th state title in 50 years.
The Long Green Line
Coach Joe Newton has used the sport of Cross Country Running to teach simple but important lessons to high school boys for the last 50 years. "Always do your best", "be on time" and "it's nice to be great but far greater to be nice" are mantras, which have turned the Boys Cross Country team at the public York High School in Elmhurst Illinois into the most winning high school team in any sport in America. Along with mastery of their sport, Newton turns boys into men, who carry his teaching and his love for each of them throughout their lives. The Long Green Line documents the York Duke's 2005 Cross Country season as the runners seek their record 25th state title in 50 years.
Alien Hunter
Camera Supervisor
Un equipo de investigación, financiado por la NASA, que se encuentra trabajando en la Antártida, descubre que uno de sus satélites ha captado una misteriosa señal que proviene de un extraño objeto situadio varios metros por debajo de la capa de hielo. Al sospechar que la señal podría no proceder de la Tierra, el jefe del equipo llama inmediatamente a Julian Rome (James Spader), un viejo amigo que trabaja como criptógrafo en un programa de búsqueda de inteligencia extraterrestre del gobierno de EE.UU. Julian coge el primer avión al Polo Sur y es conducido ante el objeto no identificado, que sigue atascado en un gran bloque de hielo. Tras improvisar un rudimentario descodificador, Rome logra descifrar el código matemático para descubrir algo sorprendente.
Camera Supervisor
A psychology student invites a group of his friends and teacher to a drug and alcohol-fueled party where he plans to murder them all.