Stathis Stamoulakatos

Stathis Stamoulakatos


Stathis Stamoulakatos


It is the early 20th century on a dystopian Greek island. Hadoula, a widow who lost her husband, loannis Fragkos, at a young age, is a woman who has learned how to survive in a male-dominated and extremely patriarchal society. Hadoula carries a difficult burden within her. Like a baton passed on to her from her mother, and the generations before her, she is meant to accept the belittling and degradation of women. Hadoula reacts. Her personal, internal revolution soon comes forth. The victims of her outburst are the little girls of the island, whom she sets free from the social and economic burden that their existence entails by taking their lives. Her actions will bring her face to face with the law. She leaves her home and escapes to her refuge, nature. But as much as her faith and morals dictate that she did the right thing, her trans-generational trauma follows her everywhere. And the end comes as redemption.
Behind the Haystacks
A tragic event on Greece's northern border confronts a Greek family of three to face personal impasses, with everyone having to reflect for the first time in their lives on the cost of their actions.
Otoño 2015. Dos socorristas, Oscar y Gerard, viajan hasta Lesbos (Grecia) impactados por la fotografía de un niño ahogado en las aguas del Mediterráneo. Al llegar descubren una realidad sobrecogedora: miles de personas arriesgan su vida cada día cruzando el mar en precarias embarcaciones y huyendo de conflictos armados. Sin embargo, nadie ejerce labores de rescate. Junto a Esther, Nico y otros miembros del equipo, lucharán por cumplir un cometido, dando apoyo a personas que lo necesitan. Para todos ellos, este viaje inicial supondrá una odisea que cambiará sus vidas.
Vangelis, a remnant of the rave party generation of the late 90s, sells weed for a living. Wants a steady job, no risks involved. Petros, a smalltime gangster. Wants a family. Demands respect. Katerina unwillingly brings them together under the same roof.
Tailor (El sastre)
Un sastre soñador, al borde de la ruina, intenta reinventar su vida y alegrar la vida a las novias de Atenas. Nikos vive en el ático de la sastrería familiar. Cuando el banco amenaza con embargar la sastrería y su padre cae enfermo, Nikos entra en acción: con una maravillosa aunque extraña sastrería sobre ruedas, consigue reinventarse a sí mismo aportando estilo y confianza a las mujeres de Atenas con preciosos vestidos.
Ballad for a Pierced Heart
In a small town in Greece, when amorous passion meets with greed money, dead bodies start pilling up and "Sleeping Beauty" Olga will never know the horrors she has been spared of.
This is the story of Copa-Loca, an abandoned Greek summer resort. Paulina is the girl at the heart of Copa-Loca. Everyone cares for her and she cares about everyone – in every possible way.
Όλα Για Όλα
The Sentimentalists
An aged , above any suspicion, bourgeois by the nickname 'The Master', lives isolated in a luxurious beachfront villa with his teenage daughter. In reality, however, he is an illicit trade in antiquities, a loan shark and a black market trader of antiquities. The 'Master' has two henchmen to do his 'dirty work', Mercury and John, both of committing a fatal mistake: while Mercury falls for the daughter of 'Master', John is obsessed with a prostitute. Both of them , as 'sentimentalists', must be whacked.
Bakey Boss
At age 19, Stratos committed a crime of passion. He spent half his life in prison, where underground boss Leonidas took him under his wing. One day during a rival gang attack, Leonidas saved his life. Stratos never forgot this. A free man now, Stratos works the night shift at a bakery workshop, a far cry from the killing contracts he executes by day. He gives away all his money to spring Leonidas out of prison, funding an escape plan managed by Leo’s brother, Yorgos. The fulfillment of his debt is the only thing that matters to Stratos, everything else is indifferent and he lives detached, surrounded by ghosts and fallacies. The day of the escape, the most important day of his life, is near…
Lost Girl
Man #1
A short story about a great intrusion and an irreversible loss. Do you even know who you are? How often do you change your mind? How much can you trust what you think you know? Caught between memory and nightmare, Margarita is trying to shut the door.
After his father death, Nikos moves from Ptolemaida to Athens. His uncle offers him food and shelter while he starts taking care of his dogs. Alone in an isolated suburb, he's wearing down into his misery routine, till the moment his relationship with his aunt changes everything.