Executive Producer
Loosely based on a '50's movie of the same name, it tells the story of two young orphan boys who travel by themselves from the Old country to join their father's family in Canada. There they encounter their stern disciplinarian grandfather who has alienated himself from some of his neighbors. There is particularly no love lost between the grandfather and his Dutch neighbors, who he generalizes as being responsible for his son's death in the Boor War. A side product of this animosity is that it is keeping apart the boy's aunt and her Dutch doctor suitor. The two boys change everything though when they find a young baby on the beach...
¡Ha nacido el hijo perfecto! Y si no, que se lo cuenten al doctor Jonas Carson, un excéntrico científico que, deseoso de darle un hermano a su hija Becky, crea un androide adolescente al que llama Chip. Dispuesto a poner a prueba su última invención, Carson se traslada a una nueva ciudad, donde envía a Chip al instituto. La presencia del androide en el centro provocará un montón de problemas, ya que Mr. Vogel, el ex-jefe de Carson, llevado por su ambición, intentará secuestrar al sorprendente robot.