Chyna Layne
Chyna Layne is a New York-born Jamaican actress who has appeared in a number of films and television productions, including the movie Precious, the television movie Life Support, and the television drama Push. She has appeared in over 30 independent films and has been touted as the modern day Diahann Carroll. She has also been featured on the cover of Fearless magazine.
Jordan Boudreaux
Jordan is kidnapped and held hostage by her estranged boyfriend Steve. Her family and community rally together to find her before it's too late. He cousin Malik makes it his personal mission to find and bring her home safely.
Para mantener durante el resto del año la tasa de criminalidad por debajo del 1% los Nuevos Padres Fundadores de América ponen a prueba una teoría sociológica que da rienda suelta a todo tipo de agresiones durante una noche en una comunidad aislada. Pero cuando la violencia de los opresores se encuentra con la ira de los marginados, el vandalismo explota más allá de esas fronteras “experimentales” para extenderse por todo el país. Detrás de cada tradición hay una revolución. Descubre cómo toda una nación entera abrazó una brutal celebración anual: 12 horas de impunidad criminal. Bienvenidos a un movimiento que comenzó como un simple experimento: LA PRIMERA PURGA: LA NOCHE DE LAS BESTIAS.
Six strangers (of different backgrounds, cultures, and economic statuses) are invited to a mysterious home, each for different reasons. With nothing in common, they soon find out that they are actually brothers and sisters. The father they never knew about has died. As a part of his last will and testament, he will spread his millions equally amongst them, if they are willing to spend the next 24 hours together. All hell is about to break loose.
Kayla (uncredited)
Han pasado más de diez años desde la última cita en la Barbería de Calvin. Calvin (Ice Cube) y su equipo de toda la vida incluyendo a Eddie (Cedric the Entertainer), siguen ahí, pero la barbería ha sufrido algunos cambios importantes. El más destacado, es que el sitio una vez dominado por hombres ahora es mixto. Las damas traen su propio sabor, drama y chisme a la barbería, desafiando a sus compañeros a cada paso. A pesar de los buenos tiempos y camaradería dentro de la barbería, la comunidad circundante ha dado un giro para peor, obligando a Calvin y a su equipo a reunirse no sólo para salvar la tienda, sino también a su barrio.
The story revolves around Chef Cleavon 'Von' Burkett, a former ladies' man who was living the good life with a beautiful wife until one day he wasn't. A heart attack brings Von face to face with God, and God offers Von a second chance at life, if he atones to all of his exes. With the help of his best friend and the determination to live, Von embarks on a journey to seek redemption. But very soon he realizes that hell hath no fury like the women he's scorned.
With a young daughter, two baby mamas, and his own mama breathing down his neck, Ronald "R.C." Carr has got more ladies in his life than he can handle! He's one hit song away from fame and fortune as a music producer, but he can't seem to find the rhythm that makes him a good, reliable father. Between his love interests scheming to get him to settle down and his unresolved issues with his own father, R.C. has got some growing up to do. It'll take finding the right harmony of love and forgiveness to be a real man and a true father.
Los hechos ocurren quince años antes de lo narrado en "Jackie Brown". Ordell Robbie y Louis Gara se conocen en la cárcel, a donde han ido a parar por culpa de su afición a robar coches. Una vez en libertad, organizan un gran golpe: el secuestro de la esposa de un rico empresario de Detroit. Con lo que no contaban era con que el marido no tuviese el más mínimo interés en liberarla. Recurren entonces a un plan B, en el que la mujer participará gustosamente para vengarse de su marido.
FREAKY FRIDAY with a twist. Teenisha (Chyna Lane of PRECIOUS, CADILLAC RECORDS) is your modern geeky teen - smart, suffering from ADD, an outcast at school, and an oddity in her own home. Pete is every girl's dream - star of the sports team, confident, homecoming King, and dating the hottest girl in school. Their lives change when this jock and this science nerd switch bodies during a freak accident!
After winning a radio contest that grants them a small fortune, the Jordan family find themselves knee-deep in problems. Suddenly everyone wants a piece of the pie and the Jordans have to navigate through it all.
Georiga Miller
Gavin Miller left the trauma of his high school years behind long ago, and has since become "Man of the Year". But when "blast from the past" Rochelle Davis, walks back into his life, the awkwardness of his teens comes rushing back with her.
Young Rochelle
Gavin Miller left the trauma of his high school years behind long ago, and has since become "Man of the Year". But when "blast from the past" Rochelle Davis, walks back into his life, the awkwardness of his teens comes rushing back with her.
Rhonda Patrice Johnson
Claireece 'Precious' Jones tiene 16 años, es obesa y analfabeta y espera su segundo hijo de su propio padre ausente. Vive en Harlem, el reino de los invisibles, de los sin voz, con su madre, una reclusa cruel que mira la televisión sin cesar y la somete a los más denigrantes abusos. Forzada a abandonar la escuela a causa de su embarazo, Precious acaba en un instituto para casos desesperados. Y allí, en el último escalón de aquellos que ya han bajado todas las escaleras, está la señorita Rain, una maestra joven, combativa y radical a través de la cual Precious tendrá la posibilidad de recuperar su voz y su dignidad descubriendo un nuevo mundo en el que puede al fin expresarse de una manera que nunca antes había imaginado.
Pot's Girlfriend Juanita
"Cadillac Records" es una historia sobre sexo, violencia, raza y rock and roll en el Chicago de los 50, y cuenta la vida excitante y turbulenta de algunas de las leyendas de la música de Estados Unidos, incluyendo a Muddy Waters, Leonard Chess, Little Walter, Howlin 'Wolf, Etta James y Chuck Berry.
After a prominent judge's daughter dies from taking contaminated Ecstasy, the ensuing political scandal brings a world of grief to the city's street dealers in this gritty actioner. Under threat of being shut down, the city's top two rival dealers must work together to unearth the source of the tainted drug -- or take the fall themselves. Raekwon and Michael Wright star.