Nina Crintzs

Nina Crintzs


Nina Crintzs


Vou Nadar Até Você
Ophelia is a 20-year-old girl who lives with her mother and grew up without a father. She suspects that he is Tedesco, a German artist who has just returned to Brazil. Determined to find him, she sends a letter notifying him of her arrival and that she will swim to him from the Santos bridge. Upon learning of the imminent arrival, Tedesco asks Smutter, his great friend, to start following her closely.
Los Rompefiestas
A dos días del Año Nuevo, el enamorado Beto va a Rio de Janeiro tratar de reconquistar Laura y, despreciado, intenta el suicidio. El embustero Marco Polo es quien lo salva de la muerte y, delante de la posibilidad de ganar algún dinero, promete ayudar a su nuevo y excéntrico amigo en la reconciliación con su amada. ¡El farsante, sin embargo, se encanta por Laura y, hum..., irrumpe la relación ajena!