Harold Cannon


Volverás en mis sueños
Speed Dater 2
Carol es una exprofesora viuda que ronda los 70 y que tras conocer a un joven en una piscina, inicia una relación amorosa.
Las vidas de Grace (Short Term 12)
Mason's Dad
Grace es una joven de veintitantos años que trabaja como supervisora en Short Term 12, un centro de acogida para adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad. Le encanta su empleo y está entregada al cuidado de los chavales, pero al mismo tiempo se debate con su propio pasado conflictivo. Cuando ingresa en el centro una chica inteligente e inquieta llamada Jayden, Grace se da cuenta de que no puede seguir dando la espalda a los problemas que arrastra desde su propia infancia.
The Other Way
El Patron
A down and out actor plays the role of his life as he trades places with his hit man brother.
The Duplicate
Kyle Mansfield
Journalist Karen Addams is fighting to keep her sanity -- it appears someone else has assumed her identity and is living her life better than she ever could. Losing a grip on her romance, her career and her friendships, Karen struggles to get her life back by exposing the impostor. But things take an unexpected turn when she discovers the true enemy is within herself!
Thrift Shop Clerk
A sensitive writer from a small town faces spiritual crisis as he tries to make it as a Hollywood screenwriter. Charlie Pontus (Joseph Culp) wanders around Los Angeles torn between his efforts to sell a screenplay and find his next meal. His natural optimism keeps him afloat as he walks the tight-rope between his love for the beautiful, exotic Ylayali (Kathleen Luong) and his desperate connection to The Chief (Robert Culp), the Hollywood producer who has the power to give life or take it away. Stubbornly refusing to relinquish his principles, he sinks deeper and deeper into spiritual crisis, finally confronting God in a Jobian showdown.
Dream Parlor
A man and a woman team up to challenge and destroy their oppressive government's mind-altering technology designed to control people.
Mr. Baroque
A dentist's wife conspires the murder of her husband. The murder is carried out by a twisted serial killer that stalks and kills exotic women. Unknown to all are the dentist's connections to the Mafia. Now the Police, a Private investigator, and the Mafia hit men are all in on the chase.
Tina and the Professor
Professor Meyers
A sheltered country girl, Tina goes to study in California. She learns about sex with her roommate and, after several love disappointments, falls in love with an eye patch-sporting zoology professor who's old enough to be her grandfather.
A priest looks back on his life to a time when he had to make a decision.
Champion Killer
A cop copes with several personal and professional challenges, including the discovery of his infidelity; his family's massacre; gunshot wounds to two of his partners, one of whom has become his girlfriend; his suspension on a "police brutality" charge; and multiple departmental matters, the most prioritous of which is apprehending a heinous kid-killer.
When a Spider Bites
Fletcher Smith
When Jordanna Smith accepts an invitation to accompany her father & three others on a hunting trip into the Idaho mountains, she doesn't know the trip will lead to both romance & murder - & that the motive for each will be revenge.
Prototype X29A
Rev. Delaney
Durante la guerra del año 2057 los Omegas (unos seres humanos cibernéticamente perfeccionados) se integran a la fuerza del orden del estado. Pero luego de un tiempo, ellos se reprograman a sí mismos para llevar a cabo sus propios planes.
From the Files of Joseph Wambaugh: A Jury of One
Martin Balsidar
In the first of a potential series of films inspired by the real-life experiences of Los Angeles police officer turned bestselling author Joseph Wambaugh, an on-the-skids detective, with memories of having accidentally shot and killed his partner while they were pursuing a pair of bank robbers, tries to put his life back in order.
Chief Wexford
Lisa Ryder is a young policewoman recently promoted to detective when she has her first case in tracking down and identifying a serial killer in her small California town.
Cowboys and Angels
Mr. Beckton
This is James Gray's student film from the University of Southern California. A private investigator who is hired to bring a man's 16-year-old runaway daughter back home has second thoughts about his job when he sees the man beat his daughter.
Gen. Humberto
Narra la historia del arzobispo salvadoreño Oscar Romero, que desde su importante cargo eclesiástico se dedicó sin temor a criticar la desigualdad social y la represión del gobierno de El Salvador, y que murió asesinado en el año 1980, en los comienzos de lo que sería la Guerra Civil Salvadoreña.
Warlords from Hell
Disguised as clerks, two young Americans slip into a sleepy Mexican village where they are caught by a ruthless band of bikers and turned into slaves to help with their harvesting of drug crops.
Outlaw Force
Camera Operator
Some punks go into a small town and start hassling the gas station owner; Billy Ray Dalton a friend of the owner pulls a shot gun on them and tells them to go away. Later they go back and force the owner to tell them where Dalton lives. Now, Dalton a part time musician's out on a gig, when they go to his house and kill his pregnant wife, and take his daughter. Dalton follows them to try and get his daughter back.
Miami Vendetta
A cop from Los Angeles travels to Miami to seek revenge against Cuban drug runners who killed his friend.
Lifetime Contract
Cal discovers a spiritual conflict between good and evil. He finds there's a battleground in a dimension beyond time, where a fight for his thoughts and life is taking place. Which side will Cal choose?