Chat Gunter


The Childhood Friend
Sound Mixer
40-year-old Arnold Gardner is put in charge of the talk show "The Twenty-fifth Hour" after the death of the former host Duncan Mackay. His role on screen creates immediate interest and the program becomes a great success with TV audiences. This proves to be a period of great satisfaction for Arnold, but his childhood friend, Eddie Greenberg, suddenly comes on the scene. Eddie is ill and frustrated by lack of success, and is so resentful and envious of Arnold's fame that he wants him to make a full public confession of a "sin" he committed in his young days.
Blind Witness
Sound mixer
Woman is trapped in her home with her husband's killers.
Una mamá sin freno II
Sound Mixer
It's 1934, and the evil local land baron forecloses on Angie's place, and she and her two daughters must leave and continue their life of crime. A reporter witnesses their heist of a bank, and helps them become folk legends by writing a story about them. After a time the evil land baron wants to run for governor, and Angie and her daughters kidnap his son and turn him into a gangster in order to discredit his father and his run for governor.
Jo, ¡qué noche!
Sound Mixer
Al finalizar su jornada laboral, un solitario empleado de una compañía de informática (Griffin Dunne) se ve envuelto en una serie de extrañas circunstancias que le llevan a uno de los peores barrios de Nueva York. Allí, vivirá una interminable y alocada noche...
Night of the Zombies
Investigators search for soldiers' missing bodies, and hear unbelievable rumors about zombies. Dismissing those rumors they set out to investigate. After two men are found dead, CIA special-agent Nick Monroe is sent to flush out what are suspected to be deserters from the old U.S. Army Chemical Corps unit. Not to be confused with the 1980 Italian film of the same name (in USA).
Navidades infernales
Sound Mixer
Un aspirante a Papá Noel quiere que todo el mundo crea en las Navidades, aunque tenga que matar para conseguirlo. En opinión del realizador de Pink Flamingos, John Waters, "la mejor película navideña de todos los tiempos". popeye
Milt & Honi
Location Sound Recordist
The story of legendary jazz bassist Milt Hinton and tap dancer Charles "Honi" Coles offers a front row seat to the creation of Jazz History. The film includes rehearsals, practice sessions, photographs, historical film footage, as well as a lunch break interview at New York's China Song restaurant in which the artists discuss everything from the mathematical principles of music to the dance acts who played the Apollo. The film also features a special appearance by choreographer/tap dancer Brenda Bufalino.