Mieczysław Voit
Nacimiento : 1928-08-02, Kalisz, Polska
Muerte : 1991-01-31
Mieczyslaw Voit was born on August 2, 1928 in Kalisz, Wielkopolskie, Poland. He is known for his work on Mother Joan of the Angels (1961), Czarne slonca (1992) and Maskarada (1973). He died on January 31, 1991 in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland.
The Deluge Redivivus is a new remastered cut of the original Polish “The Deluge” from 1974 that was released for the film's 40th anniversary in 2014.
Multiple recidivist Tadeusz Wilk out of jail thanks to an amnesty. He has no idea where to go and what to do with themselves. Post lays down back behind bars.Wolf meets Celine and tells the woman that she is his mother. Mysterious, strangely behaving stranger arouses more and more anxious new parents
dubbing roli granej przez Marka Kondrata
The film is a continuation of the 1984 film I died to live. Leopold Wójcik, faking his own death, returns to the underground. Unlike the previous part, the fate of the heroes is a fiction - a variant of events that could have taken place. The film had a sequel: Born for the Third Time (1989).
An alchemist, Sendivius, comes to court, and transmutes base metal into gold.
Kostyń, dyrektor teatru
Realistic depiction of the Polish martial law in 1981. John Malecki is a young actor with good career prospects in a Warsaw theater, preparing to play Hamlet, his dream role. John plans to go to Sweden. Any involvement with the new Solidarnośc movement might put his visa to Sweden at risk. But staying neutral in these times is not an easy task.
The 8th Plenum of the PZPR is underway. Passengers waiting for a train learn that their traffic has stopped.
Thais, an Egyptian courtesan, is converted to a life of a penitant by Paphnutius, a holy man. She is taken to a convent in the desert and lives her life in the care of the abbess there. But Paphnutius is changed by the vision of Thais and becomes obsessed with gaining her love and retrieving her from the spiritual world for himself.
ojciec Henryka
Siergiej Sazonow, minister spraw zagranicznych Rosji
A two-part historical film covering the years of the First World War and the post-war period up to 1919 - until the signing of the peace treaty in Versailles near Paris. An attempt to show the great and complicated process of regaining an independent existence by a nation within its own state. The screen shows characters from history textbooks: Józef Piłsudski, Ignacy Paderewski, Roman Dmowski, Wojciech Korfanty as well as representatives of the world political scene, incl. David Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, Vladimir Lenin and others.
dyrektor cyrku
An officer stationed in a remote Ukranian outpost at the end of the First World War is dying of consumption. Suffering from feverish dreams and hallucinations, he begins to collect religious art and attends seances.
1846. Edward Dembowski takes part in the Krakow Uprising.
Ludwik Ceglarski
Relata la vida de una familia de la burguesía rural polaca desde 1863 a 1914.
Count Cyprian Bodzanta
A principios del siglo XX, en la católica Varsovia, una joven se enamora de uno de los huéspedes que sus padres tienen en casa. El hombre está casado aunque en trámites de separación, pero el idilio en una sociedad tan estricta es casi imposible...
Siglo XVII. Mientras la guerra hace estragos por toda Europa, un valeroso guerrero lucha por el amor de una doncella llamada Olenka...
Blind Conductor
Joseph se dirige a visitar a su padre moribundo en un tren donde tanto el paisaje a través de las ventanas como los pasajeros, en aparente trance, y el propio estado del vehículo conforman un escenario que escapa a la razón. Sensación que se mantiene tras la llegada al sanatorio en el que está ingresado su padre, pues la curiosa estructura del edificio unida a su decadencia extrema no se ajusta a las expectativas concebidas sobre instalaciones dedicadas al cuidado de la salud. Tampoco le tranquiliza la conversación con el médico que atiende a su padre. Los métodos que dice emplear se asemejan a las fantasías de un lunático.
Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided to marry a peasant girl. The wedding is attended by a heterogenous group of people from all strata of Polish society, who dance, get drunk and lament Poland's 100-year-long division under Russia, Prussia, and Austria. The bridegroom, a painter friend, and a journalist each in turn is confronted with spectres of Polish past. In the end a call to arms is called but turns out to be a hoax.
Henryk Starzeński
The story is set in 1830s, shortly after the November Uprising in Poland. Julian, a young man with artistic interests, comes back home from abroad, where he studied history of art and anatomy. He wants to visit his father and meet his new wife, Katarzyna. Julian's mother died 6 years ago and although her husband promised her that he will never get married again, he broke this oath. The woman's ghost has not abandoned the house and is waiting for the punishment for her unfaithful spouse. It also influences Julian, who falls for his attractive stepmother. The doomed events constantly lead to a tragedy, which is about to happen…
As a painter in the court of King Carlos IV, Goya has attained wealth and reputation. He believes in King and Church, yet he is also a Spaniard who dearly loves his people. This contradiction presents him with a dilemma.
Pastor Hubina
A psychological drama film based on a story by Karol Ludwik Koniński.
Smoller, właściciel saloonu
A stranger shows up in an American town, promising a reward for the person who once helped him out of trouble.
Priest of Seth
Imperio Nuevo. Egipto se encuentra en una difícil coyuntura. Por una parte, los asirios amenazan con invadir el país y, por otra, el empobrecimiento del pueblo es cada vez mayor. Una vez proclamado faraón, el joven Ramsés XIII (faraón inexistente) decide poner remedio a esta situación sirviéndose de las riquezas de la casta sacerdotal, que concentra en sus manos el poder económico, religioso y, de hecho, también el político. Prueba de ello es que el faraón fue derrotado y sus reformas nunca se llevaron a cabo.
Urszula's husband
The reminiscences of a Russian pilot, shot down over Poland during the war, of his first great love there.
Lieutenant Mosura fights the groups of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Suddenly, he manages to capture and eliminate its commander. Several years passed. The lieutenant is accused of collaborating with the insurgents, because he took part in several terrorist operations in order to gain their trust.
A pair of lovers go off to a small hotel in a little town. The memories of war, however, intrude on their idyll. The girl and boy relive certain wartime experiences in flashback. She was a communist who drove a boy loving her to give himself up.
Niemiec napadający na pociąg
In the last days of the war an old train driver and his young assistant carry weapons to Polish soldiers on the western front.
Father Jozef Suryn / Rabbi
En el siglo XVII, un alto dignatario de Roma acude al convento de una pequeña ciudad polaca para exorcizar a la directora del mismo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Kuno von Liechtenstein
En la Polonia medieval, los Caballeros Teutónicos cometen todo tipo de tropelías e infamias amparándose en la Santa Cruz, hasta que el Rey apoyado por su pueblo, les declara la guerra.
Wendorf (uncredited)